
Need help with Extjs function returning undefined results

Hi! I want to do the following with my javascript codeblock. Handle all current and new device requests ie. detect,encrypt,decrypt,etc Return the result to the calling method Questions How can I improve the existing code and get rid of the javascript strict warning:anonymous function does not always return a value. What is the r...

Ext JS disabled Panel mask Opacity

How can I control to opacity of a disabled panel with a mask. I would like to disable to the panel (meaning It will be touchable) and leave its opacity as is. Thx ...

How sets z-index to Ext.Panel (ExtJS)?

Hello! I have problem with z-index (i think) in ExtJS. While drag and drop element from GridPanel to DataView I drop element over GridPanel and it dropped to DataView. But DataView have place under the GridPanel, and this imposible! Thx! (problem in all browsers) ...

How can i copy a Extjs grid row

Hi i want to implement a copy feature so that i can right click and press copy and paste in any wordpad , or something like this can any body give me a guidance how to implement this. imagine it as simple grid. with many rows ...

set_time_limit does not respect exec() calls

I have an application where I can make calls, that will take anywhere from 60-90 seconds to return. I did set_time_limit(0), but because I am doing an exec() command, it doesn't take that into account. So I modify these two values in my php.ini and restarted Apache (CentOS) max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each ...

afterLayout vs layout, afterRender vs render, etc. in ExtJS?

Hi, What is the difference between events like afterLayout and layout, afterRender and render? I understand the difference between beforeLayout and afterLayout -- but how does layout event differ? ...

XTemplate weird behavior

Why would this example fail when the XTemplate is built using string in double quotes, the same example works when string are defined whithin single quotes. The code just dies silently var tplData = [{ // 1 color : "#FFE9E9", name : 'Naomi White', age : 25, dob : '03/17/84', cars : ['Jetta', 'Camry', 'S2000'] ...

ExtJS: Unable to call findById on a toolbar added by apply()

I have a page with a toolbar on it, that is added through apply like so (abridged code, lots of irrelevant stuff in the original): var obj = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel,{ initComponent:function(){ Ext.apply(this,{ layout:'card', itemId:'contactDetails', border:false, activeItem:0, ...

Advanced filters ExtJS dataGrid ?

hi is there a way to do an advanced filter for a Ext js datagrid something like this : smartclient library advanced filter and many thanx ...

Need advice on how to better code this function for frequent re-use and adding new functionalities

Hi, I need help to better simplify this process. In order to fully comprehend how everything fits together please refer to my previous post - My Web based system Basically, I want to send more commands to this procedure that I have written. Write now there is only one function I have implemented, detect, but I want to add more in the fu...


Hi, I am trying to integrate ExtJS 2.0 with Java rich faces. I am trying to obtain a basic layout using Ext.Panel. So I have written a code like: Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); var myBorderPanel = new Ext.Panel( { renderTo: document.body, width: 700, height: 500, title: 'Border Layout', layout: 'border', items: [ { ...

Extjs sideways graphs

Im trying to change the orientation of a graph in Extjs so that it is horizontal instead of vertical. Is there any good way to do this? Ive looked at the documentation and I see an orientation parameter for the Ext.chart.NumericAxis, but I cant seem to get anything to work. I tried the orientation parameter, tried switching the x and y a...

How to play flv file inside Ext.Window?

I want to play .flv file insede Ext.Window. Do you have any solution? ...

Extjs Bind TreePanel static data to FormPanel

Hi, This may be obvious but I can't figure out how to bind a static json object to to a FormPanel in extjs. I am new to ExtJs so I'm still learning. I have a TreePanel with various additional attributes contained on the node.attributes object. When a node is clicked id like to display the data in a form. Below is what I have. The data d...

subtable, extended table ExtJS

subtable or extended table, I do not know how to be more correct to call it. I need to implement the table with the following structure: Car | Number | Price | Date | Mazda | 0122335 | $20000 | 01.08.10 | ______________| $19999 | 02.08.10 | ______________| $19500 | 03.08.10 | ______________| $19000 | 04.08.10 | Toyota| 0254785 | $...

AJAX form submission using ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC

Hi all, I am working with ASP.NET MVC and have a view page with a simple text box and button to accompany it. I want AJAX to submit the form when the user clicks the search button. The response (search results) will be returned and displayed in a content div on the same page. I have done this successfully with JQuery, but I need the sa...

access ExtJS from iframe

Hi, I have an intranet web application which uses iframes. The outer web-page has a menu and an iframe. The inner webpage is loaded inside this iframe based on the selected menu item in the outer page. All the pages are using lots of ExtJS, so in order to minimize the number of times extjs library is loaded I have decided to load it onl...

EXTJS: two window having objects with same id

When I create two window objects containing single textfield object in each window. But Id of that text field is same. When I re-size, maximize or minimize window object, controls move from one window to another. Please have a look on the following code and re-size first window titled : 'window 1' Ext.onReady(function(){ var win = new ...

combo with search and button-reusable in extjs

i am using a factory function (which has grids within windows called using button handler)within one form. so when i click the button and open a grid and than close it,it works correctly, but say for example in a situation: if i open both grids and close , and than try to open other grid the previous grids contents are loaded,but as...

EXTJS, problem when applying a layout

When I work with a column Layout, I can't see my labelFields My fields are in cols, but there is no label var familyNameTextField = new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel : 'Ville', allowBlank:false, id : 'familyName' }); var myData = [['EDF','EDF'],['GDF','GDF']]; //The text field for the First Name ...