
EXTJS 3.2.1 EditorGridPanel - ComboBox with jsonstore

Hi, I am using EXTJS with an editorgridpanel and I am trying to to insert a combobox, populated with JsonStore. Here is a snapshot of my code: THE STORE: kmxgz.ordercmpappro.prototype.getCmpapproStore = function(my_url) { var myStore = new Ext.data.Store({ proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: my_url , method: 'POST' ...

Ext JS UX - RowPanelExpander

I have this plugin. It works great with gridPanel. But there are some problems with editorGridPanel. After editing of some row plugin stops work. Maybe someone can fix this problem? I looked at code, but cant find answer.... ...

Ext.Viewport with Menu in North Region problem...

Hello... I have a Ext.Viewport in my page... In North region, I have a Dropdown Menu... But When I mouse over a menu item, the menu items drop down but the items appear below the Center region panel. I have been unable to get this to work. I tried setting the z-index but no luck at all. Help? Thanks ...

Do you know of a bleeding-edge HTML5 leveraging, legacy-ignoring JavaScript framework?

What's the best framework (sort of jquery, extjs, etc like) to use if I'd like to intensively use all the freshest technologies of the HTML5 stack provided by modern browsers (Firefox 3.6+ (Minefield especially), Safari 4+, Chrome 4+) and have absolutely no need to support any legacy browsers (incl. no need in IE support at all, no need ...

Looking for recommnedation on JavaScript libraries in the leage of ExtJS and Qooxdoo for serious web application.

Hello. I'm looking for a JavaScript library for my web application. The application is very data intensive and has rich form controls (almost windows like). AJAX will be used liberally. The development platform is ASP.Net (mostly ASP.Net MVC will be used). I cannot pursue with ExtJs due to the price/license factor. I checked Qooxdoo but...

Ext.data.JsonStore + Ext.DataView = not loading records

Hi guys, I'm trying to make a DataView work (on Ext JS 2.3). Here is the jsonStore, which seems to be working (it calls the server and gets a valid response). Ext.onReady(function(){ var prefStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoLoad: true, //autoload the data url: 'getHighestUserPreferences', ...

How to made my background image strech if I dynamicaly insert DIV in the middle of the page

Hi, I have a background image which I apply to the body. The image is only in the bottom and stretch to the entire width of the page. The image is 1 X 320 px. body { background-image: url("../images/bg-main.gif"); background-position: 0% 100%; background-repeat:repeat-x; } The rest of my web site is in 1024 X 768 resolut...

How to make Dajax callback into scoped object

I cant seem to find a way to make django-dajaxice have its callback inside same scoped object from which made the initial call. MyViewport = Ext.extend(MyViewportUi, { initComponent: function() { MyViewport.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, LoadRecordsCallback: function(data){ if(data!='DAJAXICE_EXCEPT...

Extjs - Dynamically generate fields in a FormPanel

Hi all, I've got a script that generates a form panel: var form = new Ext.FormPanel({ id: 'form-exploit-zombie-'+zombie_ip, formId: 'form-exploit-zombie-'+zombie_ip, border: false, labelWidth: 75, formBind: true, defaultType: 'textfield', url: '/ui/modules/exploit/new', autoHeight: true, buttons:[{ text: 'Execute exploit', hand...

extjs - center a formPanel on a normal panel

Hi there, I'm using extjs and just trying to solve a simple problem: I have a form with a fixed width. I want to Center this form within a normal Ext.Panel. I'm trying to achieve this the 'css-way' - setting the left and right margin to 'auto'. But this doesn' work, it seems the margins are just ignored. The Code: var curStateFor...

Scroll to selection in an ExtJS Grid

Hey, i need to be able to scroll my ExtJS grid to the current selection but have no idea how to do this. I came across a reference in a forum to an ensureVisible method but can find no information. Can anyone make any suggestions? Thanks ...

Need help to figure out which layout to use ?

Hello I need some help on understanding layouts better. I watched some of the screencasts and the examples, etc. But I can't get done what I need and I think I'm not understanding things correctly. I want to create a page with a Grid on top with a 100% width of the viewport. (Actually in my real page it's in a specific div but let's ju...

Panel does not expand vertically in a TabPanel.

Hi All, Using Extjs, I've got a TabPanel containing two Panels. Those panels do not automatically expand vertically. All layout are set with type 'fit' and forceFit is true. I've pastebin my code here: http://pastebin.com/s8ucY4TX Edit: I've updated my code according the Kunal's suggestion: http://pastebin.com/pu5PYuDN To describe t...

Implement two lists in ExtJS

Hi, I am new to ExtJS. I want to implement two tables. First one will have list of possible items to select. Second one can be empty. I will have 4 buttons in between the two tables as "move this item left", "move all to left", "move all to right" and "move this to right". Which component should i use to implement this? Regards, Anan...

Adding an item to an existent window

Hello! How can i add an item to an existent window? I tried win.add() but it does not seem to work. Why? This is my piece of code: function combo_service(winTitle,desc,input_param) { /* parametri */ param=input_param.split(","); /* della forma: param[0]="doc1:text", quindi da splittare di nuovo */ /* cosi' non la cr...

reuse proxy call data for extjs store

I have a xml that i need to bind to XTemplate. The XML structure is as follows <Name> <Student_Name> <First>John</First> <Last>Smith</Last> </Student_Name> <Student_Name> <First>John</First> <Last>Doe</Last> </Student_Name> <Faculty_Name> <First>Johny</First> <Last>Byrd</Last> </Student_Name> </Name> ...

rendering a grid from a table: "this.mainBody is undefined"

Hello! I have a static html table on a page and i would like to transform it to a grid; so i applied this function after loading the table: function createTable() { // create the grid var grid = new Ext.ux.grid.TableGrid("tabella-colocazioni", { stripeRows: true // stripe alternate rows }); g...

How to generate JSON object on client side and send it to server?

I have ExtJS based application. I have compound object on the server side, and have ExtJS window with few tabs for editing different parts of this one object. For example: I Have Compound object "Car" public class Car { public string Name; public string Color; public List<Wheel> Wheels; public List<Door> Doors; } And on ...

How to post json data with extJS

Greeings: I'm a bit of a newb with both extJS and json. What is the most painless route to POSTing json data using extJS? I'm not really interested any GUI features, just using the framework to send some sample data. ...

ExtJS - Save State of treePanel.

TLDR I want my treepanel from EXTJS to remember its previous settings. ExtJS-3.2.1 I have seen this done before for ExtJS-2.x.x :See here on the extjs forums. But as seen as they are pretty much lifeless, with threads on there asking this question or similar with no reply for up to 6months. I thought I would bring it here. I need to ...