
Creating a link button and an image button in ExtJS?

Hi, I want to create a link in ExtJS, but one that is made of button, so, that it contains event handlers (and I don't need to add my own event handlers.) Also, I would like to create a button that does display a big icon with text like: ICON TEXT so that the icon is not positioned on the left side, but on the top (and is larger than ...

Extjs Date Time Picker, HighLight particular Date instead of system date

Hi, How to highlight the particular date in extjs calendar(Date Time Picker) control, As default it will highlight the system date when it shows. I need to set highlight date as sql server date since it will be different. Is there any property or override method to change the highlight date? Note: Only highlight in the calendar not t...

Can we have ExtJs components inside a Flex driven page

Hi, I am working on a page which mainly consists of Charts and Grids. Thought that Flex would be the best fit with some cool effects. But however, I now feel that ExtJs grid looks better than Flex data grid. My question is whether there is any possibility / mechanism to embed Ext JS grid into a Flex page. Lets say my main page has a Fl...

Making ExtJS Window maximize animated?

Hi, My question is simple: is there a way to animate the maximize of ExtJS windows? Currently my windows just maximize without any animation and it looks "boring". ...

Structuring the UI code of a single-page EXTjs Web app using Rails?

I’m in the process of creating a large single-page web-app using ext-js for the UI components with Rails on the backend. I’ve come to good solutions for transferring data using Whorm gem and Rails support of RESTful Resources. What I haven’t come to a conclusion on is how to structure the UI and business logic aspects of the applicatio...

Ext.TabPanel html help...

add({ title: args.node.id, iconCls: 'tabs', items: [{html: '<code class="prettyprint"><?php\necho \'Hello World!\';</code>', width: '100%', hieght: '100%', plain: true}], closable: true }).show(); I am running the above method on Ext.TabPanel and it is returning '' as the html... If I do <code class="prettyprint">...

ExtJS : handling browser exit event (click on cross-exit)

Hi everybody, First of all, thank you for reading my question. I would like to know if there is any way to handle the browser exit event. For example, I would like to send a query when the user click on the cross-exit or simply close his browser. Thanks a lot. $t0rM ...

extjs - 'Store is undefined'

Hi all, I'm pretty sure this a trivial problem and i'm just being a bit stupid. Your help would be hugely appreciated. In controls/dashboard.js I have: Ext.ill.WCSS.controls.dashboard = { xtype:'portal', region:'center', margins:'35 5 5 0', items:[{ columnWidth: 1, style:'pad...

ExtJS Close button on each tab in a Tabpanel

The Extjs API site adds a new tab for each search you do. The tabs each have a red X on them to close the tab similar to what browsers have. Check it out here: I'd like to replicate this and it seems like something that would be built-in to the API, but cannot find it. Any ideas? ...

Fiddler investigation of RPC (extjs client-library)

I captured a log at a clients site using: Fiddler (v2.2.9.1) Session Archive. See http://www.fiddler2.com and have some requests that seem wierd to me: Request Count: 1 Bytes Sent: 1,525 Bytes Received: 804 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE -------------- ClientConnected: 15:40:54:6546 ClientDoneRequest: 15:41:00:1390 Gateway Determination:...

ExtJs:How to set title of fieldset center?

Use html can easily accomplish this: title How to do it with Ext.form.FieldSet? Thanks for any idea. ...

EXT-js PropertyGrid best practices to achieve an update ?

Hello, I am using EXT-js for a project, usually everything is pretty straight forward with EXT-js, but with the propertyGrid, I am not sure. I'd like some advice about this piece of code. First the store to populate the property grid, on the load event: var configStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ // store config autoLoad...

How do I retain the state of a data input screen on a ASP.NET Page using ExtJs Controls

Hi, My Client has an application that is built in ASP.NET (c#) that makes use of a lot of ExtJS controls. I need to enable the application to save every thing on the entry screen to a temporary storage mechanism and when necessary restore it. The scenorio is the user has captured some data to a specific screen but is unable to continu...

Displaying a component in EditorGridPanel without clicking

Hi, Is there a way to display a component in EditorGridPanel without the need to click on the cell? The problem I see on this demo is that the checkboxes are not Ext.form.Checkbox components, and not even inherited from it. The checkboxes are simply background images and since I am building a grid that needs ComboBoxes, it will not be ...

ExtJs getting the FormPanel that is created dynmaically from button click.

I have Extjs ViewPort panel, that contain center panel, that contain tablpanel, in which I have added gridpanel in one tab, on this I have put 'Add Person' button in tbar of , that will add a new tab of a FormPanel, in its Reset button, I am not able to access Form to reset it. Do any body have faced same issue... please help how to get...

DateField in a gridpanel

i have a gridpanel with a datefield column, when my application is in english the datefield is working fine, but when my application is using french my datefield language is changed to french but the time doesn't change in the gridpanel cell. so any idea? ...

How to load data into store using a MemoryProxy

Hi there I m trying to load a json store using a MemoryProxy ( i need to use a proxy because I use different sources depending on scenarios) it kinda looks like this var data = Ext.decode(gridArrayData); var proxy = new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(data); var store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({ proxy: proxy ...

GridPanel in Extjs is not loaded

I have this code in my application, but this not load any data. Data is accessible but wont display in my gridpanel, anyone have idea, why? Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side'; var btnAdd = new Ext.Button({ id: 'btnAdd', text: 'Adic...

ExtJS panel scrolling

Hello! ExtJS. I want to control scrolling process of the image in the panel(receive scroll events to switch to the next picture in sequence). Tell me, please, what is the best way to do this? I'm newbie: the more detailed, the better. ...

Openlayers - LayerRedraw() / Feature rotation / Linestring coords

TLDR: I have an Openlayers map with a layer called 'track' I want to remove track and add track back in. Or figure out how to plot a triangle based off one set of coords & a heading(see below). I have an image 'imageFeature' on a layer that rotates on load to the direction being set. I want it to update this rotation that is set in 's...