
Extjs cache JSON request

Hi i'm using Extjs and i have built a grid with editable cells. One of this cells must be a combobox that takes its options from a script that generates the json data. The code for the grid and for the combobox-cell-editor works but i want that the json request to the script is cached after the first time, is it possible? I write some c...

groovy&grails and extjs with netbeans and autocomplete for extjs possible?

Hi everyone! I am using groovy and grails with netbeans. Is there a way to use autocomplete in ExtJS ?(with the .js files in webapp) I read, that netbeans supports autocomplete with ExtJS, however it's not working in my project ... I am using Netbeans 6.8 greets ...

(O)Auth with ExtJS

Hi, today i tried to get django-piston and ExtJS working. I used the ExtJS restful example and the piston example to create a little restful webapp. Everything works fine except the authentication. Whats the best way to get Basic/Digest/OAuth authentication working with ExtJS? Atm I'm not sure where to set the Username/Password. Than...

Extjs Element component load event not firing in Safari or Chrome

Hi, I am creating an Iframe and adding it to the current document and it is being used as a file download target. Here is the code... var dl = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { tag: 'iframe', id:'downloadIframe', frameBorder: 0, width: 0, height: 0, css: 'display:none;visibility:hidden;height:0px;', src:...

column data in tooltip overflows.

I want to show the data in the tooltip when a columns has long sentences because of width constrints. for this i am using a renderer function as follows { header: xppo.st('SDE_INCIDENT_DESCRIPTION1'), width: 175, sortable: true, groupable: false, dataIndex: 'IncidentDescription', renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex,...

ExtJS: Combobox in EditorGridPanel not selecting the desired item (with test case)

I'm using ExtJS to create an EditorGridPanel with a combobox for an editor in a cell. The combobox in my EditorGridPanel that is not working as I'd expect it to. When the user types the first letter of an item in the drop down list, the combobox seems to ignore it and select the first item in the list. I can reproduce the error consist...

Extjs & grouping grid remote sort

Hi I've got a grouping grid that I would like to use with remote sort & json data store. Is the there any working example showing this function? I haven't managed to solve sorting. Thanks ...

How to get a cell value from a PhpExt_Grid_GridPanel

I am new to PHP-Ext library. What I want to do is using a PhpExt_Grid_GridPanel to list all the data available and do something further when users click on a certain cell of the grid. I can create the grid easily but have trouble to get a cell value in the calling page. How can I make the grid component communicate with the calling page?...

Set GridPanel auto Height dynamically?

how to set gridpanel height auto dynamically ...

Resize Ext.form.ComboBox to fit its content

There are quite few solutions on Ext forums, but I wasn’t able to get any of them work. It seems I am missing something minor. I need to resize combobox to fit its content when it’s first created. I do not need to worry about resizing it when content is changing. Is there any working examples using Extjs 3.2? Current Code: var stor...

Private members when extending a class using ExtJS

I have done some research on the ExtJS forum regarding private methods and fields inside a extended class, and I couldn't find any real answer to this. And when I say an extended class I mean something like this: Ext.ux.MyExtendedClass = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { publicVar1: 'Variable visible from outside this class', c...

ExtJS JsonStore partially loads data in IE6 and fails

I have a JsonStore used by a ComboBox, and in IE6 it only partially loads the JSON. It cuts off after a point, which causes the JsonStore to fail. In FF and Chrome this works fine, and it even works if I run Fiddler.. I'm using ExtJS 3.2.0 and the webserver is a .Net Development server (vs2008) and runs locally. I've also found that ...

ext-js update params dynamically

I'm building a search using ext-js. I have an event that fires on keyup. I want to be able to change either the URL I'm searching, or the params. I've had luck with neither. Here's my snippit of code: Ext.get("search").on('keyup', function() { proxy.url = '/customer/list?key=' + $('search').value; store.load(); }); But, no love fo...

JS Anonymous Scope...

this Application.EventManager.on('Click', function(args) { // event listener, args is JSON TestAction.getContents(args.node.id, function(result, e) { console.log(result); this.add({ title: args.node.id, html: result }).show(); }); }); I'm really struggling with scope and anonymou...

how to delete or add column in grid panel

grid.getcolumnModel().setHidden(0,true) will be effected for column menu and not grid panel. In column menu u can enable or disable the column. How do we add or remove the column in grid panel dynamically? ...

Extjs Form Action Submit - Custom override?

Looking at the source code of Action.Submit, I'm trying to figure out where ext is appending the form's fields to the parameters. Instead of sending each field as a separate parameter, I want to send something like: formObj:{field1:value, field2:value} Currently, each of those values are simply added to the parameter list along with a...

extjs grid panel

How can we determine if a column is checked or unchecked in column menu header? ...

adding a for into a tab using extjs

Kindly let me know how to add a form to a dynamically created tab in ExtJS?????????? ...

ExtJs and Symfony - Your Experiences

Hi all, Not so much of a question as such but I am about to start a project using Extjs (www.extjs.com) and Symfony (www.symfony-project.org). I would like to know about your experiences. I.e. any hurdles you had to overcome, any technical triumphs. Practices you implemented to make development with both of the frameworks easier, usef...

how do we check if a column has hideable option or not?

how do we check if a column has hideable option or not in column menu header in grid panel? ...