
How to implement the multiselect listbox using EXT JS

I just want to implement the multiselect listbox in my page through the EXT JS.. I want an example.. ...

How to implement the multiselect combo box in EXT JS

I want to implement the multiselect combo box in my program. Means If I will select multiple names through check box then all selected names will be fall in that combo with comma separated... I want a sample example... Could you please help me.. ...

Building a TriggerField with PopUp Window

Hi! I built a triggerField and when i press at it, i want to have a popup, that is appended to the button in the triggerfield(so when i click anywhere else it shall disappear and it shall pop out up to the button when i click at the button just like a datepicker-popup) I somehow managed to do something like that with an Ext.window but ...

Issues with Ext-JS 1.1 date fields and Firefox 3.x / IE 8

100%I'm modifying an older website for a client that uses Ext-JS 1.1 and I'm having issues with display of date fields in IE and particularly Firefox. The site was left in a semi-implemented state previously, so there's not been a perceived problem before. In Chrome and Safari everything looks fine and the datepicker drops down and d...

Extjs: Tree, Selecting node after creating the tree

I have a simple TreePanel. I would like to select a particular node upon loading it. The nodes are from a remote file (json). The tree is loading as expected. However, the node is not being selected. Firebug shows node as undefined. This perhaps because of the async property. But, I an unable to configure this other wise, or spe...

output of ext gwt label rootpanel,get.add?

i have <div id="abc"></div> I executed RootPanel.get("abc").add(new Label("aaaaaaaaaaaaa")); from GWT. then acutually GWT generates what kind of html tag?? is it like <font>aaaaaaaaaaaa</font>???? which i mean the output will be <div id="abc"><font aaaaaaaaaaaa></font></div> ?? ...

extjs - change url of xmlTreeLoader and reload?

Hi, I'm using extJs and I got a xmlTreeLoader: filterTreeLoader = new Ext.app.BookLoader({ dataUrl:'sampledata/xml-tree-data.xml' }) Now I want to change the dataUrl ar runtime and reload the tree. I can change the dataUrl, but how do I make a refresh? Can't see a proper method on the extJs api... Ext.getCmp('tfProcChain...

ExtJS Portal - Columns of different sizes

I need to be able to use different size columns in the ExtJS portal. For example, I want in the center region, one area which has room for one big widget, and then right below it, 2 areas for 2 smaller widgets. I keep trying to play with the columns to figure this out, but nothing seems to work. Help? ...

ExtJs How do I scroll to the bottom of a grid?

I am making a web-based logviewer using extjs. I would like new log-lines to be added to the bottom of my gridview as it saves cpu by not requiring a sort to move it to the top of the grid (plus its how my coworkers prefer it). My problem is that ideally the grid would scroll to the bottom after a new row is added. I have been looking...

Multiselect Combo box in EXT JS

I want multiselect combo box example through EXT JS. Could you please give some sample coding which I can implement in Grid also.... ...

Mistake in the Code

myTree.on('click',function(node){ if(node.isLeaf()) { Ext.Msg.alert("You are in value ",nodeValue,"whose name is",nodeName); alert("You are in value ",nodeValue,"whose name is",nodeName); } }); myTree is a TreePanel. I'm getting a ...

ExtJS TabPanel content does not shrink in IE6

I'm using ExtJS 3.2 and have content inside of a tab panel, and the tab panel inside of a container in a Viewport. The actual TabPanel resizes correctly on the viewport size changes, but the content inside a panel in the TabPanel seems to be a fixed width and will not shrink when the window is resized.The strange thing is it grows if I ...

ExtJS Tabpanel Height In IE6

I'm using ExtJS 3.2 and TabPanels do not grow to their content's height in IE6. This works correctly in FF and Chrome, but in IE the panel in the TabPanel shows as being about 10 pixels tall. Is there any workaround for this? What event should I bubble up or fire? Thanks in advance! ...

Using Ext.Panel how do I specify a .php page as the html source?

I have an existing panel where I set the html manually with a variable like so: s = '<H1>My Html Page'; s += '[more html]]'; var panel = new Ext.Panel({ id: 'service_Billing', title: 'Billing', tbar: [], html: s }); How can I specify a path on same server server of a .php file ...

How i can turn off autocompletion in Extjs combobox?

When I selected some item in combobox and then I'm trying to select another item in same combobox, I can see only one item - those which is selected right now. I believe that happens because of autocompletion. Does anybody know how I can disable it or something. I need to see all values on each click, regardless if something was selected...

Rendering ExtJs components without panels?

Hi, Take a look at this example: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/multiselect/multiselect-demo.html On it, there are components rendered against a panel. I've been searching for a way to render components without a panel, so that they are laid out against empty background directly, without any window-like panels. Is there a way...

ajax isUpload (Jquery)

Hi all, I was some time ago busy with ExtJS and ajax. I've have some data in csv format that i return. With ExtJS you can use the option isUpload to popup a file "filename.csv" where you can click save / open etc. Now i'm moving all ExtJS to Jquery and i don't seem to find something which handles this in Jquery, there is no option isUpl...

Is there a free (LGPL compatible) Grid plugin for jQuery that has similiar capabilities to the Ext-JS Grid?

One of the most appealing features of Ext-JS is the Grid control in my opinion. I was searching for something free that does something close and have set my hopes on jQuery. I haven't found a jQuery (or other LGPL compatible) Table / Grid plugin that allows to: Reorder columns by dragging Resize columns by dragging Add or Remove colum...

How to dynamically change pagination urls in ExtJS?

I have two data grids. The first auto-loads a list of items (json data store). OnCellClick the first grid fires a dynamically parametrized url and loads data into the second grid. It works fine, but the pagination of the second grid does not focus the new context. What shall I do to make the pagination work with the new url? ...

MVC + Extjs + IIS6 + Wildcard Mapping = Post Form resulting in 302 object moved

Everything seems to work fine until i want to submit the form and update the database. Wildcard mapping works on requests like "/navigation/edit/1", but when i submit the form as: var ajaxPost = function(Url, Params) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: Url, params: Params, method: 'POST', a...