
Gridpanel auto resize on window resize

I'm using the array-grid extjs example to try and fit a gridpanel into a container window. The problem is on resizing the container window, the gridpanel doesn't automatically fit the new size. As I understand it that's how it's supposed to work. Here's the link to the example: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/array-grid.ht...

file upload using EXT JS

Steps to create File Upload field using Ext Js ...

How do I remove the margin around a collapsed header in ExtJS

Is it possible to style a collapsed header in ExtJS so that it doesn't have a margin around it? It seems it's all being positioned using javascript which means all my attempts to tweak it so far have been futile. Any help will hopefully prevent me from ramming a full bag of heroin into my veins in order to forget that ExtJS exists for ...

Remove the white text shadow from disabled links in IE8

We are using Ext JS for an application in work, building a custom theme for it. We currently have a dark colour scheme including menus with dark backgrounds. In some of the menus some of the links are disabled at certain points, which all perfectly. However IE8 seems to add a sort of white text shadow, which I am sure is normally fine bu...

How to retrieve JSON Data Array from ExtJS Store

Is there a method allowing me to return my stored data in an ExtJS Grid Panel exactly the way I loaded it using: var data = ["value1", "value2"] Store.loadData(data); I would like to have a user option to reload the Grid, but changes to the store need to be taken into account. The user can make changes and the grid is dynamically upda...

ext error with zend framework mvc

Hi, I am trying to setup ext javascript grid within zend framework mvc. I included ext css and js using the following code. $this->headScript() ->appendFile('/Resource/scripts/ext/jquery-1.4.2.js') ->appendFile('/Resource/scripts/ext/jquery/ext-jquery-adapter.js') ->appendFile('/Resource/scripts/ext/jquery/ext-all.js'); ...

remove plugins in ext javascript form via code?

Hi, i have the following form item { fieldLabel:'Username' ,id:"username" ,name:'username' ,allowBlank:false ,plugins:[Ext.ux.plugins.RemoteValidator] ,rvOptions: { url:'/registration/member/valid-username' } is it possible to remove plugins later via code? ...

How to get access to a window that is loaded into a panel

I'm loading an external script (that creates a new window component) into a panel, which works fine. Now, I want to access the created window from a callback function to register a closed event handler. I've tried the following: panel.load({ scripts: true, url: '/createWindow', callback: function(el, success, response, opt...

extjs add plugins to dynamic form fields

I am creating a form dynamically from the fields returned from server using json e.g. data is "items": [ {"xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "Name", "name": "name"}, {"xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "Description", "name": "description"}, {"xtype": "textarea", "fieldLabel": "Text", "name": "text"} ], Now I want to a...

ExtJS accordion init component while collapsed

Hi everyone! I have following problem in EXTJS: I have an accordion layout with 2 panels. the first panel is for choosing an element and if you doubleclick the detail will be displayed in the second panel. However there is one problem: The elements of panel2 seems not to be initialised, so i get an "is undefined" error. When i open pa...

is there any column click event in ext js ?

I am using Ext.grid.gridpanel.As in rowclick event, we can handle row click of grid..Is there any event to handle column click of grid? i want to select a particular column of grid. ...

ExtJS ToolBar radio group change menu item manually

How to manually change selected radio item in "Radio Options" menu? http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/menu/menus.js Don't pay attention on id absent (for menu), I just want to know which method should be use. I tried setActiveItem but it didn't work. Thanks ...

how to attach headerclick event for Ext.grid.GridPanel in extjs?

Can you tell me how to attach headerclick or headerdblclick event to Ext.grid.GridPanel? ...

ExtJS RowEditor on Grid

Hi When my users edits the Grid via RowEditor combo entries and checkboxes are annoying 1 Apple 2 Orange 3 Pear For instance with the combo above the user will select Orange then update - the Grid now instead of saying orange will display the number 2 - I would like it to show orange when a successful edit has been made. code for my ...

ExtAsp or Coolite - ASP.NET wrappers around ExtJs

Hi, We are a small Microsoft shop looking into ExtJs and like the rapid building of complex and structured UIs that can be achieved with the toolkit. However we have been experimenting with ExtAsp.NET (CodePlex) which is an opensource layer of ASP.NET code which wraps around the ExtJs framework. We have also noticed the Coolite framew...

Ext RowEditor.js does not fire 'afteredit' event

Hi, I have a Ext grid with RowEditor plugin. I have the following code to add 'afteredit' event to the roweditor object. store.on('update',function(){ }); editor.on("afteredit",function(roweditor,changes,record,index){ $.ajax({ url: $("#web").val() + "/registration/client/address-save" ,type: '...

Avoid Page REfresh Problem using Extjs 3.2

Hi, I am working on extjs based application , i need control the page refresh when user press f5 multiple times, i am getting script error when user done this. I need to solve this issue by sending 2nd refresh request after 1st refresh one is completed. Is there any way to achieve the above solution using extjs.. Thanks in advance ...

Drill Down with Ext Cahrts???

ExtJS Charts, I am using an Ext column chart and I want to implement some drill down and drill up functionality. How can I do that? Is this even possible? ...

ExtJS: Ext.data.DataReader: #realize was called with invalid remote-data

I'm receiving a "Ext.data.DataReader: #realize was called with invalid remote-data" error when I create a new record via a POST request. Although similar to the discussion at this SO conversation, my situation is slightly different: My server returns the pk of the new record and additional information that is to be associated with the ...

Dynamically creating GWT screens using Metadata?

I have an AWT applet application that needs to be ported over to GWT. The applet screens are described in meta data and the applet renders each screen dynamically using reflection. We'd like the same thing in GWT/ExtGWT. I've built a working version of this ExtJS whereby the metadata is turned into ExtJS Screen configs in the form of...