
how to set font to grid in extjs

i want to set a DVB-TTYogesh Normal (true type) font to grid. for that i added the following to grid, style:'font-family:DVB-TTYogesh'. but the data in the grid still show "pcmcÁÖß´Ö.³ÖÖêÃÖ»Öê" like this and i want it in actualform ...

how to set style to grid in extjs

how to set style to grid so that it display font-family i am tring like this style: {'font-family': 'Brush Script MT', 'font-weight': 'bold' } but result does not show according to it. and i m also trying style:'font-family:Brush Script MT; font-size:300px', but it also not show the result according to i...

Ext JS ComboBox Dynamic Behaviour

Hi All, I am trying to load/show completely different set of values in a combobox(this one resides as a editor within an EditorGridPanel) based on the valueField of another combobox(this one resides outside the grid in top bar). I have already seen a tutorial(http://www.extjs.com/learn/Tutorial%3ALinked%5FCombos%5FTutorial%5Ffor%5FExt%5...

How does one refresh the contents of a node in an Ext.tree.treePanel?

I have an Ext TreePanel which I'm trying to add some server-side pagination to. We're using Ext 2.2.0. We have a customized tree which only has two tiers. We are listing 25 items under the tree itself (the root?), but each item node can have an unlimited amount of children. I'm guessing these are the "leaf"s. The item nodes are using a ...

Printing pdf from extjs - best solution

Hey extjs/java GURU, I'm trying to print PDF file using extjs and any help will be appreciated. My idea was to pass pdf file from server as stream as adviced on http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/servlets.html#minimal-servlet. But problem that firtly I submit form data via ajax, save them to DB, create PDF using FOP and .... want t...

ExtJs - Set a fixed width in a center layout in a Panel

Hi all, Using ExtJs. I'm trying to design a main which is divided into three sub panels (a tree list, a grid and a panel). The way it works is that you have a tree list (west) with elements, you click on an element which populates the grid (center), then you click on an element in the grid and that generates the panel (west). My main ...

Remove ExtJS Styling

I need to remove styling fron HTML I insert into a fieldset/panel. I recall reading somewhere (in one of the newer releases) that ExtJS provides this features, but I need it for an older release. Has anybody implemented this capability/feature - specifically for ExtJS - or have a suggestion that will work for ExtJS? Thanks. ...

date renderer issue in extjs

i, I have a date renderer issue for a column. when browser language is in english the date is displayed in this format 09/14/2009 09:23 AM But when i change the browser language to german(displays coreect in english and french) the date is not rendered it displays NAN/NAN/NAN 12:NAN PM Here is the code.. var dateRenderer = Ext.ut...

Extjs grid panel with checkboxes

How i can create ExtJs grid panel with checkboxes like here. ...

Extjs Dynamic Grid

Hi, I'm trying to create a dynamic grid using Extjs. The grid is built and displayed when a click event is fired then an ajax request is sent to the server to fetch the columns, records and records definition a.k.a Store Fields. Each node could have different grid structure and that depends on the level of the node in the tree. The on...

Different Editors for one column in EditorGridPanel ExtJS

Hi, I am trying to show/load different editor on different rows of a editorgridpanel. Like a textbox on one row combobox/superboxselect on another and it could be any order, random. The conditions which dictate which editor will be shown reside in the database. Please tell me if this is possible and if so, how do i go about it.. I have ...

Multiline values in dropdown (ComboBox)

Is there are any libraries to make ComboBox to select multiline options when expanded. I am looking something similar to Combobox in ExtJS except values have to appear when user clicks down arrow, like in normal dropdown. Does someone know if its possible to do something like that with ExtJS? Because their own community and support sur...

ext-js chart, multiple series on same chart

Ext-js Chart, I have a line graph, and I wish to add a single line(eg. average line) to the graph. The only way I can think of to emulate this line is to do the following: add an extra field with identical value to all my data points if, but this seems to be a waste and plus I don't want to show the dots that comes with the line. is th...

Set form field values in ExtJS

I'm using ExtJS to create a formPanel: new Ext.FormPanel({ labelAlign: 'top', title: 'Loading Contact...', bodyStyle:'padding:5px', width: 600, autoScroll: true, closable: true, items: [{ layout:'column', border:false, items:[{ columnWidth:.5, layout: 'form', ...

Sending ExtJS datastore parameter to CI controller

Hi all, I'm new to ExtJS and I'm stuck with ExtJS datastore. I'm using ExtJS with CodeIgniter and I want to send ExtJS datastore.load() parameter to my codeigniter's controller to process some query. How can I do that? Here is my ExtJS datastore proxy: var dataProxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: 'index.php/cStart/js_listPegawai/'...

How to read and set a value of a specific cell in an ExtJS Grid ?

Hello, I am beginning with ExtJS. I am trying to read a value from a cell that is selected I use an EditorGrid and the store looking like that : my_store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root: 'topics', totalProperty: 'totalCount', idProperty: 'details_id', fields: [ {name : 'index', type : 'int'}, {name ...

Ext JS - Can I 'chain' methods on a field ??

HI, I am just trying to set a field value and disable it at the same time. Can this be done in ext js? The docs are very weak on this subject. something like this generates errors: myForm.getForm().findField('start_date').setValue('').setDisabled(true); I'm used to JQuery which does this sort of thing nicely but haven't had luck wit...

How to parse date in different languages.

Hi, with browser language french i have a string which has date in the format v = 13/01/2010 10:54:00. when i say Date.parse(v) i get the result as Date.parse(v) 1293897240000 Number with browser language german i have a string which has date int he format v = 13.01.2010 10:54:00 when i say Date.parse(v) i get the result as Date....

Comparing YUI and Ext JS

I've been using Ext JS as my rich-widget toolkit for a while, but I'm thinking of moving to YUI, partly because of the less restrictive license. The component-oriented model used in YUI seems quite similar to the one that I've enjoyed so much in Ext JS, but I'm interested in how deep those similarities are. So I'm interested in feedbac...

Is it possible (and how) to remove unutilized widgets from Ext JS library?

Hello. Ext JS base and widgets together offer me the solution I've been looking for. The Ext JS library is somewhat heavy w.r.t. conventional standards. There are several widgets in the library that I am not using. So I want to know if it is possible to remove the corresponding code (of widgets not being used) from the ext-all.js ? To ...