
Regarding extstrings.

Hi Iam looking for extstrings for portugese and spanish. Can you plase let me know where can i find those files. I have treid to search in the ext 3.0.3 downloaded files but i did not find it. Thanks ...

Ext JS EditorGridPanel not editable

I'm trying to modify this example: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/writer/writer.html to make the all fields in the grid editable (currently only the one field is). I've tried commenting out these lines in UserGrid.js (lines 118-120) as such: //this.stopEditing(); this.store.insert(0, u); //this.startEditing(0, 1); But that ...

Is there any way to get an ExtJS GridPanel to automatically resize its width, but still be contained inside some non-ExtJS-generated HTML?

I want to include an ExtJS GridPanel inside a larger layout, which in turn must be rendered inside a particular div in some pre-existing HTML that I don't control. From my experiments, it appears that the GridPanel only resizes itself correctly if it's within a Viewport. For instance, with this code the GridPanel automatically resizes: ...

Extjs & explorer & file upload

We have got an extjs 3.1.1 form with file upload field (http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/form/file-upload.html from here, the latest). After successful submission the reply is {"success":true} with application/json content type. We use Zend Framework as backend, json is generated with json helper. This works like a charm in fire...

JSP request object has no parameters

I have a JSP file, create.jsp, which receives a POST request from an Ext grid containing a data parameter. Firebug displays a POST like this: {"data":{"a":"","b":"","c":""}} When I try to retrieve the data from the request object in create.jsp using this method, request.getParameter("data"); it returns null. In fact the request obj...

extjs tree using cntl x and v

hello all, I have a client that is requesting to be able to cut and paste inside a extjs tree. I know i can replicate the actions using appendchild and removechild, but how can i associate the functions i make with ctrl x and v? Thanks ...

extjs: how can I add event handlers to a component in its raw object form (xtype)

I have an extjs component in its raw object type, for example: var x = { xtype: 'button', text: 'Delete', handler: whatever, more:config, more2: config2}; Now I want to add some listener to x. In my scenario I don't have access to the x object before or right after it is created. I just want to add an event handler ...

In ExtJS, how do I place two fieldsets side-by-side in a panel with a hbox layout?

In ExtJS, I'm having a little trouble placing two fieldsets side-by-side in a panel with a hbox layout. The hbox layout seems to be unaware of the fieldset's height, and cuts it off, even if I explicitly set the panel's height to something large. Here's what it looks like: The blue border is the hbox panel, and there's 2 fieldsets in...

Programmatically change an EditorGrid's cell value

Hi, I have an Editor Grid where if a specific cell is in focus (is being edited), a window containing a tree panel pops up allowing the user to choose a node from the treepanel as the new value of the cell. This way, the user isn't actually editing the cell in question, but is using the window to choose the new value. However, I am ha...

How do I add a listener that will work on individual Fieldset in Extjs? Clicking the "Add" button shows the error

Testing Window /*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * [email protected] * http://www.extjs.com/license */ Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.override( Ext.data.Store, { findExact: function( fld, val ) { var hit = null; this.each( function(rec) { if( rec.get(fl...

Delphi indy10 http server and ExtJS form submit

I have a problem I don't know how to solve. I have an Indy10 HTTP server. I have used both Indy9 and Indy10 HTTP servers in many applications and never had any problems. But now I am using Indy10 HTTP server with ExtJS javascript RAI framework. The problem is when I submit data that contains non-ansi characters. For instance when I su...

How to get Extjs.data.store data with json format with POST method

Hi experts, How can i send the Ext.data.store's array to server side in json type??? thanks ...

Extjs throws exception "realize was called with invalid remote-data" on successful creation of record

I am using extjs in a monorail application. I am using a JsonStore to persist data back to my controller. I have read, update and delete working properly. But I cannot seem to figure out how to format my response back on creates. Currently, Firebug gives me the following error: uncaught exception: Ext.data.DataReader: #realize was ...

ExtJS: Disable accordion animation

I've created accordion like this: layout:'accordion', layoutConfig:{ animate:true } then i add elements by add() method, then re-render it with doLayout() and set the activeItem: navigation_panel.getComponent(1).expand(false); i call expand() method with false parameter, but it still animates the transition, so it takes...

Jquery and Extjs Simplest Tutorial

I want link to tutorial for JQuery and ExtJs which will cover following contents or Topics Note: PLease do not provide me link of their sites i know them. How to setup both of the packages. It is required as its essential. How to access a DIV element How to get all the elements in a div like checkboxes, radio buttons, div etc H...

displaying labels in marathi language.

i am tring to display lable of form in marathi language for that am creating marathi.js this my mararhi.js if(Ext.app.formPanel) { Ext.apply(Ext.app.formPanel.prototype, { selectUser:'नाव' } ); } and my other js file contain this var Ext.app.formPanel = ...

Ext JS Tab Panel - Dynamic Tabs - Tab Exists Not Working

Hi Would appreciate if somebody could help me on this. I have a Tree Panel whose nodes when clicked load a tab into a tab panel. The tabs are loading alright, but my problem is duplication. I need to check if a tab exists before adding it to the tab panel. I cant seem to have this resolved and it is eating my brains. This is pretty sim...

ExtJS submit two forms with one submit button

Hello. I have a window and a window drawer popping out from that window (Window drawers). The problem is that a form is being shown as an window item and another optional form is shown if the windows drawer is shown. I am currently submitting my window form and I would like to submit the other form too (or to assign some new fields to th...

ExtJS: remove a grid from a tabpanel when its underlying store is empty

Hi, I have TabPanel which contains, among other things, a Grid connected to a Store. Several events may remove elements from the store. I would like the Grid to be removed from the TabPanel when the store is empty and, possibly, to have a single place in my code to check for this event. I thought about using store listeners, but unfo...

ExtJs add panel as tab item

I have a setup where the tab is expected to be loaded based on user selection of an item from a left panel tree. My objective is to load only the relevant items as per the user selection to a particular tab. The first time, I am able to add item as below: var tab = tabs1.getItem('Orders'); tab.remove(0); tab.add(pane33...