
ext gwt remove(Widget) issue

hi all, i have an vertical panel (boxContent) with three horizontal panels (row1, row2 and row3). I want to remove the second row, so I'm using following: boxContent.remove(row2) The content of the row is removed, but the row still exist with following content <tr> <td class="x-table-layout-cell" align="left" valign="top"/> </tr> ...

persisting filters in grid panel

Hi I would like to persist filters applied on gridpanel on page refresh. Can you please guide me in doing this. Thanks. ...

regarding grouping

im currently implementing remote grouping in grid panel. it works gine when i click on group by this feild. But whn i click on show in groups how do i clear grouping. It is currently noe clearing the groups HERE is my code when i click on show in groups the group filed is being sent to server side. var store = new FMP.AspNetJsonStore({...

How to display data in ExtJS tree received using jsonArray from struts2 action

Hello everyone, I am new to ExtJs and I am just having a hard time reading the json array received from struts2 application. Following is the json array that I received from struts application [{"children":[{"children":[],"cls":"file","id":11,"leaf":true,"text":"A Child 1"},{"children":[],"cls":"file","id":12,"leaf":true,"text":"A Ch...

ExtJS: try to be "pure" or mix with HTML?

When creating a new application using ExtJS, is it preferable to use as little HTML as possible, i.e. just the minimal boilerplate HTML file that loads CSS and Javascript files, and do most of the stuff in JavaScript, using ExtJS' layouts, controls etc.; or is it preferable to create normal HTML files with a little bit of ExtJS here and ...

Disable Extjs Form Validation Callout

I have a grid, with contains form items. Example below. Link here. The form elements trigger a validator (ex: allowBlank: false), and pop up a callout. The callout continuously flip flops, and annoys the users. How to disable this callout. { header: 'Item', width: 85, sortab...

how to add delay to the cell click event in grid panel

this is throwing an error saying h is null or not an object in ext-all.debug.js at function createDelayed(h, o, scope){ return function(){ var args = TOARRAY(arguments); (function(){ h.apply(scope, args); }).defer(o.delay || 10); }; }; here is the code i used grid.on('click', this.onClick, th...

Modal ExtJS Window not masking everything behind it in Safari and Chrome

Hi. I was wondering if somebody could help me with this problem. Everytime I show an Ext.Window with its modal config set to true, in FF and IE, it works fine, i mean everything behind the popup window is masked, whereas in Safari and Chrome, it doesn't. When i try to scroll down the page, I can see the mask is limited, which is not what...

How can I override the Ext JS JsonStore timeout?

I have a JsonStore that needs to return from an HTTP request that takes longer than 30 seconds. Setting the "timeout" property on either the JsonStore config doesn't override the 30-second timeout, neither does setting a proxy (rather than just setting the url property) and putting a timeout on the proxy. How can I extend this timeout?...

Ext.Data.Connection request result not rendering on grid?

Hi, Ive been stuck with this issue for some time My JSon store fields need to retrieve some more info: { name: "ExpirationDate", convert: convertDate }, { name: "AffectedObject", convert: GetValue }, The date method is working fine but the result from GetValue is not being rendered on the grid even though the code is working and...

ExtJS JSON and Grails

I have problems getting data from grails using extjs. My Grails controller code is: def getElements = { def json = [ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "address": [ "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY...

Get the clicked JSON element's value with ExtJS

I have a JSON store: var jsonstore = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ fields: ['bla', 'blubb'], data: [ ['bla', 'blubb'], ['blabla', 'blublu'], ['blass', 'hallo'], ['bam', 'guckt'] ] }); and an extjs listview: .... ,{ xtype: 'listview', name: 'abrufliste', store: jsonstore, ...

Optimizing Ext.tree.TreePanel performance

I have an Ext.tree.TreePanel used with AsyncTreeNodes. The problem is that initially the root node needs to have more than 1000 descendants. I succeeded at optimizing the DB performance, but the JavaScript performance is terrible - 25 seconds for adding and rendering 1200 nodes. I understand that manipulating the page's DOM is a slow ope...

making certain cells of an ExtJS GridPanel un-editable

I currently have a GridPanel with the Ext.ux.RowEditor plugin. Four fields exist in the row editor: port, ip address, subnet and DHCP. If the DHCP field (checkbox) of the selected row is checked, I need to make the other three fields un-editable. I've been trying to perform this code when the beforeedit event is triggered, but to no av...

DataView hides spawning ComboBox

Hi all, I posted this at the Ext forums a couple of days ago, but no response, so maybe better luck here. I currently have a combo box loading data from php through ajax. Everything works fine except that when my results are returned, the DataView covers the ComboBox (fig 2.) I have included the relevant code below, so any help would b...

check child nodes of a tree when a parent is clicked [ExtJS]

Hi, I would like to know how can i check the sibling nodes of a tree while clicking on a particular node in ExtJs. I had given id's for each node and i can access the id of a clicked node. then how can i proceed to checking the child nodes automatically ?? somebody please help me.. ...

IE6 Checkbox selection model issue

I have added checkbox selection model to grid panel. It works fine in IE8 and Firefox. In IE6 data in the grid is not rendred if the grid has 10 records only few records are displayed . The web page throws an error saying col 0 is null or NAN where column 0 is checkbox for the grid panel. In ext-all-debug.js at line 60814 throws an err...

problems with password field in EXT 3.0

I am having problems with a password field because it doesn't shows properly the emptytext that I pass through the config object, here is my code: {xtype: 'textfield', inputType: 'password', emptyText: '//Password', width: 200} the problem is that the EmptyText looks like a password too and ...

ExtJS/jQuery Script to check username and email availability

I am trying to write a script to check the availability of the passed username and email address, using ExtJs or JQuery; and Coldfusion 9 as server language. I have written one script but it's not working as intented. Thanks Vicente ...

Overflow:hidden for Ext.Window for ExtJs

Hi, I'm thinking of using Ext.Window for my project. I was wondering whether it is possible to have an Ext.Window to partially shown in the Browser window? Like half of the window got stuck out of the browser window from the left. Cheers, Mickey ...