
Best technology option for implementing RIA with Rails as the backend?

I'm working on a application that requires a feature-rich media view, including images, videos, and smooth sequencing based on capture time. The backend is currently written in Rails. What's currently the best, most mature option for implementing RIAs with Rails on the backend? I've looked at Flex, Laszlo, and ExtJS. ExtJS is interestin...

How do I get an extjs combo box to act like a normal, html select box?

ExtJS provides a fancy combo-box that has lots of features - type ahead, allowing for random text entry, hiding all the entries in the drop-down list that don't star with the text that has already been entered. I don't want these features. I want a select box that behaves pretty much exactly like one would expect a normal select box wou...

How to apply seriesStyles to piechart in ExtJs dynamically

Hello everybody, Am trying to set 'seriesstyles' to piechart dynamically from the JSON data. When the 'oneWeekStore' loads the JSON data, I wish to iterate through the 'color' of each record and setSeriesStyles dynamically to PieChart. Below is the snippet. var oneWeekStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ id:'jsonStore', fi...

Word-wrap grid cells in Ext JS

(This is not a question per se, I'm documenting a solution I found using Ext JS 3.1.0. But, feel free to answer if you know of a better solution!) The Column config for an Ext JS Grid object does not have a native way to allow word-wrapped text, but there is a css property to override the inline CSS of the TD elements created by the gri...

Disable html rendering in combobox dropdown list

With ExtJs 3.1 My Ext.form.ComboBox is built with a store in which some values are like this : "value1", "<value2>", "value3". The problem is that "<value2>" is interpreted as a HTML tag when the combobox dropdown list is displayed. And i don't want that. Any idea? ...

Toolbar items added/inserted into Ext.ToolBar aren't showing on the page.

I have a custom component that extends a panel. The panel has a top tool bar with a basic config. I want to be able to add items to the panel dynamically after it has been created. Those items should always come at the end of the main set of menu items and before the filler that pushes the logout button to the far right, so I wrote the ...

Question using Ext's update() instead of dom.innerHTML

I have a question concerning the performance, reliability, and best practice method of using Extjs's update() method, versus directly updating the innerHTML of the dom of an Ext element. Consider the two statements: Ext.fly('element-id').dom.innerHTML = 'Welcome, Dude!'; and Ext.fly('element.id').update('Welcome, Dude!', false); I...

JavaScript / ExtJs : TreePanel / TreeLoader : how to handle load errors?

Almost everything is in the title ;) When you create a TreePanel you can add a loader this way: loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl: '../myurl.php' }); But how to handle load errors? For example if the user is not connected I want to display a Login box. I can't find an example showing how to handle loading errors with Tree...

Blueprint CSS Extjs and JQuery in the same page, best way to make them coexist without conflict

Hi all: I have a web page that needs references to jQuery and Blueprint and extjs, I ve seen some docs for dealing with (1) jquery and other libraries and (2) extjs and other libraries The docs I ve found also seem to contradict each other a bit, and reference older versions of the libs, so was wondering if anyone did this and what i...

Is there a jQuery plugin to select user emails into a text field? Like Facebook..

I am looking for something similar to Facebook massage "To" field. ExtJS has very nice UI component called Ext.ux.BoxSelect. Is there anything similar for jQuery? ...

why c++wt is not integrated with ExtJs 3.x ? and how is it possible to integrate it with that?

hi , I just wondering why wt (the WebToolkit for c++) is not integrated with ExtJs 3.x whereas it is still using extJs 2.x. and how is it possible to integrated it with the updated version of extjs I want to use some updated widget out of extjs 3.0 with the help of wt but unfortunately there is no chance :( regards. ...

Is there an equivalent of Jquery's animate() and find() in ExtJS?

Hi, I'm thinking of using ExtJS in one of my latest project. However, I'm struggling on how to reproduce animate() and find() in extJS. I'm still an early user in ExtJS, hence I might missed out some stuffs. Here's a snippet that I would like to reproduce in ExtJS. $(element) .animate({ width: 50 }) .find("img") ...

Why My Ext.GridPanel can not get data to render in other Ext.Panel ?

Next code can not working, my gridpanel can not render ok: Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.namespace('App', 'App.ui', 'App.data'); // Add the additional VTypes Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, { password : function(val, field) { if (field.initialPassField) { var pwd = Ext.getCmp(field.initialPassField); ...

In extjs charts, how do you hide the axis and axis labels?

I'm using extjs charts to display some data. In this data, the axis and axis labels are irrelevant - only the data trend is important. So I want to turn off the axises. How do I do that? ...

what's basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in context to Ext.data ?

what's basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in context to Ext.data ? I mean when I should go for JsonStore and when I should use JsonReader as for me both are providing same solution. ...

Detect target treenode when dragging items to the TreePanel instance

I have GridPanel and TreePanel instances. Elements from GridPanel could be dragged into the treepanel. But I can't detect which tree node receives these dragged items. I initialize tree panel DD with the following code (method of class derived from Ext.tree.TreePanel): initDD: function() { var treePanelDropTargetEl = this.getEl(); ...

Custom Object Properties in ExtJs Component

Hi everyone, How can I add custom properties into control objects in ExtJs. For example : var button = new Ext.Button({ text:"something", id:"somethingId" }) This control comes from server dynamically and I want to write my custom property as well like below : var button = new Ext.Button({ text:"something", id:"some...

Which technology is preferable to build a web based GUI Client?

I've well developed Python Server having workflows, views, object - ORM/OSV, etc... Server/Client communication based on socket protocol, can be done by any of service 1. XMLRPC Service 2. Socket Service now I want to develop a Fully Ajax based GUI web Client.. I've web/socket services to communicate with server. what I need is to s...

Ext.Container does not include a public click event

Why doesn't Ext.Container provide a click event? I thought I could simply add a listener to the config passed to the constructor, but click is not a public event for Ext.Container. I understand I can add a click listener to the DIV created by the container, but why does Container not support this? ...

ExtJS equivalent of JQuery's children?

Hey everyone, I tried implementing the children function in ExtJS using select("~ *"), it just didnt work well. I just want ExtJS to return me a set of immediate child node and ignore all the nodes under child nodes. <div> <span> <img/> <img/> </span> <span> <img/> <img/> </span> <...