
Regarding groupTextTpl

How do i get the total number of items in a group? for example values.rs.length is not giving me the total number of items in a group instead it gives the numbers of items displayed in that group.i want to display somthing like this Customer: Initial Asser Billing Unit( 10 Items of 20). where 20 is the total number of items in that gr...

Are there alternatives to the Ext.js JavaScript GUI Library?

Before I choose the first / only JS GUI library I know, I'd like to see what else is there on the market. Reason: For my taste, Ext.js has a too strong "Windows XP" touch which looks really weird on a mac. Mac users are my target customers, so maybe there's something out there that suits this much better or is more neutral. Needed: A ...

Attaching jsondata to the call of loading a jsonstore in Extjs via POST request

Hi, is there a way to attach jsondata to a POST request for loading a store? I know it's possible through a GET request by simply adding params : {data1 : 1, data2 : 2} on the load call, but I've had no success attaching jsondata. I've tried the following and a few variations of it and no luck. I'm using Extjs 2.2 w/ Alfresco //creat...

How do you set typeAhead=true on a ColdFusion 9 EXTJS Grid column?

On CF9, a CFGridcolumn with type="combobox" will have "typeAhead" set to false in the underlying javascript. typeAhead is the auto-complete effect for a combobox, which you can see here, in the "Light" column: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/edit-grid.html I'd like to know how to add this typeAhead functionality into an EX...

How to do in-place change of display field in combobox

I have an ExtJS ComboBox which is linked to data which is id and name. I have the valueField set to the id and the displayField set to the name. The data is loaded from a JsonStore. What I want to do is to be able to change the name for a given id in place by editing the textfield part of the combobox. I've got this mostly working by l...

Is jQuery compatible with ExtJS?

I believe Ext.js was using jQuery, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know if there is full compatibility with jQuery and Ext.js? ...

Ext-Js Tutorial or videos

Hi, I am new to Ext js ...is there any website or forum which provides basic Introduction videos,samples and tutorials for Extjs .. ...

Error:Object Expected

Iam trying to store the state in thedb through webservice. Iam using Http State Provider to do so. Iam getting an error in the following line saying object expected. Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.HttpProvider({ url: 'GetGridState.asmx/readdata' })); Please help me in this issue. ...

Pros and cons of writing complete view logic of a web application in a javascript library (ExtJS) ?

I am a newbie in web development using javascript libraries. But I recently saw a J2EE web application that uses ExtJS extensively (say 90%) for rendering the web pages. The web pages in question are either simple forms or grids (tabular reports). The JSPs are fairly threadbare and simply delegate to the ExtJS framework (using onReady fu...

remote filtering

Hi, i have added filter to each of the columns in a grid panel. When i try to query an item it filters the items based on the page displayed rather than the total number of records becuase i enabled paging. Can you please help me by giving the basic idea as how to do remote filtering with paging grid.what are the parameters that are ne...

Serialize and Deserialize Date between ASP.Net MVC and ExtJS

I've been searching through the web to look for a solution for this but still stuck. I'm having difficulties serializing DateTime object. The standard serialize using DataContract will give this result \/Date(1262600239000)\/. After Ext.encode the result changed to /Date(1262600239000)/. The result from Ext.encode is not readable in Ext...

Hiding ExtJS Grid Column header thru javascript

I understand i can hide grid column header using the code. #gridid .x-grid3-hd-row { display:none; } But i dont want to use any CSS change. How to do the same useing javascript? ...

column header menu

how can i remove the option of showing / hiding few columns in column header menu of a grid panel. the user should not be able to check / uncheck the chekbox of that prticular column in a grid panel i.e it should always be shown and it should not allow them to hide it. ...

What's the principle inside ext?

I've never used ext myself, but I see there are many .java files in it. The strange thing is that it's taken as javascript? Why? ...

jQuery to Ext conversion

What's the equivalent of $('#id.class:input') in Ext? Or is there? ...

ExtJS AOP similar to that provided in dojo?

I have used this dojo plugin that provides a wonderful implementation of declarative AOP. Does anybody know of a similar plugin/library for ExtJS or for vanilla JS? ...

Problem with a custom EditorGridPanel editor

In a Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, I need to display my own Ext.menu.Menu when the user wants to edit a certain header. To do this, I defined my own editor which inherits from the Ext.form.TriggerField and on the onTriggerClick, I create a Ext.menu.Menu Problem: when I click on the menu, the editor is closed so the grid doesn't get the valu...

Ext.getBody().focus() not working in IE6

Ext.getBody().focus() does not appear to be working correctly in IE6. When a user navigates to a new ExtJS tab, I need to ensure he can no longer type into a CKEditor instance (hidden after navigating to a new tab) in which he might have been typing. The following code works in FF, but not IE6. for( var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instan...

How to select a specific record from the store in a ComboBox (ExtJS)

I have a ComboBox with a remote json store. It lets the user type in 3+ characters, then queries, displays list and lets user select one option. When the user selects an option, it uses the Ext.data.Record associated to the selected option to populate other fields elsewhere in the form. This works correctly. Now I want to be able to pr...

integrating springMVC and extjs

I am using springMVC and hibernate in my current j2ee project. The view as of now consists of plain jsp, with JSTL to make things a bit simple. Looking at the extjs project, I believe it can be used as a substitute for the view. I have been looking at the extjs docs but frankly, I am not sure how to integrate it in spring. Does anyone ...