
Extended ExtJS Class can't find custom listener function - "oe is undefined"

I'm adding a custom context menu to a TreePanel. This was all working when I had a separate function for the context menu, but I was having problems where the context menu items would end up doubled/tripling up if I clicked on one of the options and then viewed the context menu again. I had a look around for other contextmenu examples a...

Ext js - Dynamically changing content of Tab in a TabPanel

Hey, I have an (Ext JS) tab panel where the hidden tabs aren't loaded at all upon initial instantiation, (the only thing I set is the title). Upon 'activation' of a tab I want to call a method , which then instanstiates a new FormPanel/GridPanel and put this content into the tab. Can someone point me to a code example or give me tips ...

extjs filter editor

Hi, does extJS have any kind of visual filtering tool for its grids. there are three sample criterias in the next line which are added by the user, and an x button to remove the criteria. Sample Filter: [Business Unit=Accounting-x] [Name like 'Jo*'-x] [Age between 25-33-x] Personnel Grid (displaying the filtered data) 1 33 ...

Best way to post files asynchronously with ExtJS

Hi, I basically have a form that the users filled in, and in which it's also possible to attach files. It's really equivalent to gmail actually: the files are sent while you're still typing the information in the form, and when you click on the final submit button, it waits for the files to be all transferred and submit the final fields...

ExtJS loop through form fields that got a specified name

Hello. I'm using ExtJS 3. I have a formPanel with many "cloned" fields and I gave every field the name "price[]". After submit I would like to loop through every field that has the name "price[]" and get their values one at a time to be checked against something in the database. Note: there are other fields in this form so that's why I ...

Ext.Direct Login Form Question

Hello there! I have a problem with my ExtJS code. result is undefined [Break on this error] if(result === true || result.success){ This is my ExtJS code: var login = new Ext.FormPanel({ draggable: false, labelWidth:80, frame:true, title:'Please Login', defaultType:'textfield', monitorValid:true, buttons:[{...

ext js - el.ownerDocument.createRange() errors in IE 8

HI, I am trying to dynamically add a form to a tab in Ext-js. (the tab has already been rendered). fyi, i am using I am using Ext 2.2. the error occurs when during the tab.add function: ie: function tabactivate(tab) { var newItem= new Ext.FormPanel(.....); **tab.add(newItem)**; //ERRORS HE...

Best approach to creating a custom ExtJS of pure HTML

So I have a need to create an ExtJS component (version 2.3.0). The component is simply plain HTML (styled) - it is a heading. My current approach is to create a custom component as follows: /** * A ExtJS component for a header for the application */ Ext.ux.AppHeader = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { height: 32, tpl: new Ext.Tem...

jquery or extjs plugins for creating organization chart

I know we can create organization chart with http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/orgchart.html but my clients server doesn't have internet connection. is there any jquery or extjs plugins for creating it? thanks :D ...

French characters are not displaying correctly inside javascript grid

We have translated one of our pages to french and all the html within the page displays flawlessly. That said, there is a javascript table (ext js) and the accented characters are not displaying correctly. The page is encoded UTF-8 in the HTML meta tags, but when I look inside FireBug, I see the following: Accept-Charset ISO-8859-1,...

Extjs combo box binding from SQl

Hi, I am new to ExtJS,i used in asp.net,C# in VS2008.. i simply added comboBox control with static data in aspx page, but i need to know how to bind the value from sql DB , can any one provide any sample application which explains, how to get the value from the control and bind to the controls Thanks in advance ...

Reload JsonStore making OPTIONS request

Why is a call to the reload method of a JsonStore making an OPTIONS request to the server? When running under IE, the reload makes a POST request, but under FF an OPTIONS request. Can I prevent FireFox (or ExtJS) from making an OPTIONS request? ...

ext js how to add panel to tab panel dynamicaly for tree node click?

strong text dear all im created boder layout and add tree panel to west region , & add tab panel to center region i want to know how can i add another tab in tab panel for tree node click? ...

How to get the value of checkbox

How to get the value of a check box? var tb = new Ext.Toolbar(); tb.add({ xtype: 'checkbox', boxLabel: 'Expand Groups by Default', id: 'GetChkBoxValue', checked: true, handler: function() { alert(this.getValue()) } ...

Ext Js Javascript execution

I have a typical Ext Js style window with a left navigation, header and central region to display stuff. The left navigation has a bunch of menu items that when clicked on load something via the Panel.Load() method from a specified url into the central panel. My problem is that in IE if i click many menu items too fast i get various...

Calling component from one js file to another js file

Hi, I have a grid panel in Printers.ascx page.Is there any way i can call this grid panel from Filetrs.ascx page Ext.getCmp('gridpanel') can be done if it is in the same page but how can we call accross pages? Thanks ...

why my extjs combobox is not filled dynamically?

Here is my Extjs onReady function var store = new Ext.data.Store({ proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: '/loginjson.json' }), reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader( {root: '...

Javascript/ExtJS: "Conditional Inheritance"?

We are using ExtJS for a webapplication. In that application, we use the standard Ext.form.ComboBox control when a simple dropdown is required, and the Ext.us.Andrie.Select control when we need a dropdown where you can select multiple values and/or clear the value. Creating either of these always requires a bunch of boilerplate code for ...

Problem loading extjs radiogroup data

How do you load data for a radiogroup in extjs, such that the correct radios are checked? On the extjs radio/checkbox example page you will find code like this { xtype: 'radiogroup', fieldLabel: 'Auto Layout', items: [ {boxLabel: 'Item 1', name: 'rb-auto', inputValue: 1}, {boxLabel: 'Item 2', name: 'rb-auto', inputV...

Javascript keystroke trapping when characters entered very rapidly

We are writing an ExtJS application that relies in large measure on trapping a users keystrokes. However I believe I have discovered a "timing issue" in that, when the keys are pressed too rapidly, unexpected behavior manifests, specifically in our case, duplicate entries get added to an array being buffered in memory. I have an idea f...