
extjs status bar and validation checks

I'm using the sample extjs status bar, the one with the word count demo. I set the name and id of the text area within my JS file to match the other form items on the page (in this case something like, user_description and user[description]) However when it throws back an error with validation of the description being over my limit, it "...

ExtJs: Tree: how to scroll directly to a specific element ?

Hi, I'm looking for a way to scroll to a specific element in a Tree. Any idea how to do this ? ...

ExtJs: Tree: how download then select using AJAX calls ?

Hi, Here's my goal : - open a tree - download the root nodes - expand automatically one specific node using AJAX (and loop n times here) until i find a leaf then select the leaf Here's the function that works when I declare the Tree : listeners: { load: function(n) { console.log('load(n)'); ...

ExtJs: TreeLoader: it doesn't work but why?

If I do this : it works : var myTreeLoader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl: 'json/test.php', }); If I add this code it doesn't work : var myTreeLoader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl: 'json/test.php', load : function(loader,node,response) { } }); My question is : why ? Edit/Delete Message ...

Cannot access POST data from Ext Js into an ASP.NET page

Hi, I am using EXT JS and .NET, Basically I am loading a JSON object into the POST and trying to send this to my asp.net page. I assign the JSON object into the ExtJS 'jsonData' parameter function saveReport(params_pass){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'Controllers/UIController.aspx?cmd=SAVEREPORT', ...

GWT vs SmartGWT, extJS

What's the difference between using GWT and other licensed extensions to it like SmartGWT and extJS? Does it have to do mainly with the number of components and ease of integration into an existing or new web application? In other words, if I am building a J2EE web app and am considering implementing the UI layer with GWT (as opposed to ...

Please explain Ext-GWTs layouting (and resizing) model to me

I cannot seem to get my head around how to do a proper layout in Ext GWT that responds properly to resizes. I assume that I can declaratively specify layouts, put my components in them, and let the library take care of the rest; I just haven't figured out how yet. What I really don't want to be doing is writing resize handlers for my co...

positioning of date picker in extjs

I'm using the date picker but I am a little confused about where it decides to place the date picker on the screen. On one screen it's fine but on another it gets stuck hiding behind a flash object. Can I force it to attach to the bottom right corner of the place where the datebutton is clicked? I was looking in firebug and it seems to j...

Setting Focus to an iFrame in IE

There is a tree menu in my application and on click of the menu items, it loads a url in a iFrame. I like to set the focus in an element of the page loaded in the iFrame. I'm using this code, and it works perfectly in all the browsers except IE: var myIFrame = $("#iframeName"); myIFrame.focus(); myIFrame.contents().find('#inputName').f...

Removing _dc parameter in Ext

Using Ext, default Ext.Ajax add to GET-request '_dc' parameter. For example 'GET /ConnViewProcessing/?_dc=1263286227619'. How to remove this parameter? PS: it's necessary to manually cache response to ETag and If-None-Match. ...

ExtJS extend component, unable to do this.findById()

Hey everyone, I know this might be a weird question by I'm having trouble trying to find my own item by id. Allow me to explain what I'm trying to do... Here's what possible... var myMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id: "my-menu", items: [{ id: "first-item", text: "hello" }] }); When I do this... myMenu.findBy...

Need: javascript dropdown replacement widget

I need to address the following problem: In IE the dropdown body is what dictates the width of the dropdown. If i set dropdown width to 100px then the body will get cut off if its wider. Last time (4 months ago) i looked for a suitable widget i found the following problems Not all dropdown keyboard shortcuts supported: up/down ar...

Auth Cookie expiration in .Net

I'm working on an app using ASP.Net's form authentication. The client also makes RESTfull calls to the server (ExtJS components on front end). We are using a custom HttpHandler for the service calls. My problem is that anytime the anytime the authentication cookie expires my HttpHandler 's ProcessRequest method isn't called in order f...

How can I control the format of a Ext.form.NumberField value when a form submits?

I've extended Ext.form.Numberfield to show thousands separators and always show two decimal places: Ext.override(Ext.form.NumberField, { baseChars: "0123456789,", setValue: function(v){ v = typeof v == 'number' ? v : String(v).replace(this.decimalSeparator, ".").replace(/,/g, ""); //v = isNaN(v) ? '' : String(v)....

How to display time and date in extjs

Ho w can i display date time in grid panel. the date is coming from server side asp.net web service as {9/14/2009 10:23:00 AM} Iam getting an error in displaying the date and time it shows NaN/NaN/NaN 12:NaN:NaN PM var store = new FMP.AspNetJsonStore({ fields: [ { name: 'DateOccurred'} ...

grid panel row height issue

I have an image + text in a column.when i chaange the width of the column the row height of grid panel is changing.I think it is because of the image because when i change the width of the other columns which dont have image in it row height doesnt chage.How can i prevent this from happening.However this issue is not seen in firefox. P...

Ext-js data store sharing

In the context of Ext-js datastore. is it a good practice to share data store across multiple components(eg. combobox, grid). Currently have multiple lists(presented in grids) where I allow user to save their preferences: list1, choose a color list2, choose a style ... these preferences use a single datastore X. user can add or remo...

Designing a web service to be used by the iPhone and a web client

I'm designing a web service that serves up JSON through a REST API. This API is currently being used by an iPhone app to do CRUD operations. My question is, can I design a web client that uses this REST API using nothing more than ExtJS (or some other RIA framework) and HTML pages? In other words, can I create a static HTML page that us...

ExtJs 3.1.0 : the documentation (docs/index.html) does not use the same "official" ext-all.js source code

If you download extjs-3.1.0 you'll see in the folders two versions of ext-all.js: The first one is at the root and is 649 777 bytes. The second one is in the ext-3.1.0\docs\resources folder and is 538 956 bytes. If you modify the ext-3.1.0/docs/index.html file and change this simple line: <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/...

django + ExtJs - list of example implementations with source code

Hi, I want to learn ExtJs http://www.extjs.com/ in combination with Django (I know Django already .. a bit ;-) and I'm on the search of examples I can learn from. I found already this post. Would be great if you post your links to examples here. Maybe we get a nice list of examplary implementations that help users to start with django ...