
Ajax data update. Extjs

hi there I need to keep certain data ( in a grid) up to date and was gonna do a poll to the server every 15 seocnds or so to get the data and refresh the grid, however it feels a bit dirty ( the grid will have the loading icon every 15 sec..) doesnt look great... Another option is to check if there is new data and compare the new data ...

Need help to modify this complex regular expression

Hi, I am using ExtJS. One of the textfield made with ExtJS component should allow comma separated number/opeator strings (3 similar examples) like 1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9 2, 3..5, >=9,>10 <=9, 1, <=8, 4..5, 8-9 Here I am using equals, range (-), sequence (..) & greater than/equal to operators for numbers less than or eq...

How to update Extjs Progress Bar with JSON results?

Hi, I am facing some difficulties in getting my progress bar to retrieve its progress from Json results and update the progress bar based on the timer check of every 10 seconds. I am able to create a json result like this: {"success":true, "progress":0.2} I suppose the general idea is that, I need a task with interval set to 10sec, ...

How to embed Json result within Extjs Panel?

Hi, I have some issues with Json result and embed it within the html of the Extjs Panel. Here's that I have managed to get so far. myPanel is embedded within a mainPanel, and I have some shows/hide of the myPanel in between other sections of my codes. Ajax request to retrieve Json result like so: Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'myStore'...

I need help on Ext Js license

I need an advice from an expert of licenses because i've never understand anything about licenses:). I want to build a free web application and i've chosen Ext Js to do this, but i know that only in some cases that framework can be used without paying, is my situation one of them? The application is totally free, maybe i will include so...

ExtJS: Ext.formHtmlEditor and Firefox: scrollbar appears when large negative vertical anchor value is set

When I create HtmlEditor on a form and assign it's anchor value large negative number there appears absolutely unnecessary vertical scrollbar. Hot to get rid of it? If I resize Ext window scrollbar disappears. I've tried to set handlers for various window events (resize, show, *render) and call there doRender() — no success. Here is the...

ExtJs: Attaching form fields to in-memory objects

I'm not understanding some key bit of ExtJs idiom so this question is about guiding me towards that. I think I'm trying to use ExtJs in the wrong way. I'm writing an application which allows the user to add a dynamic number of child records. Let's pretend I'm describing a room and the user can click the Add Door button and get a door Fo...

Dynamically adding a TabPanel to a Panel Region.

I have a Panel layout with a TreePanel in one region. A user clicks on an node in the tree and a TabPanel should be displayed in another region with information, editing tools etc. for that tree node. I have a working layout with tree panel and an on('click') event that fires. However, I don't seem to be able to get the TabPanel to be...

Save the state of Collapse/Expand Groups in Grid Panel in ExtJS

Hi, Iam working on a grid Panel.Iam using a grouping store in the grid panel.I wanted to save the state of groups (expanded /Collapsed states) in grid panel. Is there a way to save the state when the page is refreshed?. I appreciate any help. Thanks ...

How to use Ext JS for role based application

Hi all, I am planning to use Ext JS for a large application. The application's features are role based. When user login, they only see menu and screen features related to them. My server side technology will be Java & JSP. To solve this I have two ideas.. 1. Create Ext JS related javascript dynamically after the user login using s...

Page redirect / refresh using ExtJS

Hi all, My Web application makes use of Ext JS & Java web technology. Due to the size and complexity of the application, I need to do a complete refresh of the page (load a different page) when user select some menu from the menu bar. What is the best what to redirect to the required page? For example, In my main menu, I have two...

Extjs: Graph Major and Minor Units

Hi, I have created a graph in extJS and was wondering if people know of a general formula to calculate the major and minor units of the X-Axis. I know Extjs should do it automatically, but its not working and want to do it manually any way as I am already setting the maximum and minimum values. Thanks for any help : ) Some code I ha...

ExtJS load form items/fields from database

Hello. I am using ExtJS 3 here. I would like to populate a formpanel from database with fields to be submitted. Basically, I don't know witch fields my form will have and I want to generate all formpanel items from database. I could generate a JSON string to be passed as the response from the PHP file with the fields and everything but I...

Singleton Pattern and Abstraction in JS

Although the example below exploits ExtJS, one can easily extrapolate to another framework. I am a fan of abstraction and data hiding (and OO in general); does anyone else hide data and members/functions or do you consider this attempt to be overkill? (Note: I believe strongly that DOM IDs should almost never be hardcoded. And, thou...

Create a window browser inside the browser with extjs

I'm trying to create a mini browser inside a window using extJS. Here's what i have so far : panelContent = new Ext.Panel({ region: 'center', margins: '0 0 0 0', autoScroll: true, html: '<iframe style="overflow:auto;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" src="http://www.google.com"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;...

Which BDD framework for JavaScript do you use?

I'm developing large application using ExtJS framework. Because it grows too fast, I realized that this might be the time to start doing tests. I want to go for BDD technique, I found several BDD frameworks for JavaScript around (Screw.Unit, JSpec, JSSpec), but I'm still not sure which one to choose. There are some articles about this t...

How to track Ajax requests using Google Analytics?

I'm trying to use Google Analytics to track any Ajax request made by my web application (in my case built on ExtJS, but it doesn't matter right now). I wrote few lines of code to track all Ajax requests: Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete', function(connection, options) { pageTracker._trackPageview('/'+options.url); }); but it doesn't ...

Ext JS how to tell PagingToolbar to use parent Grid storage?

I'm trying to build application that use single config passed by server as non native JSON (can contain functions). Everything works fine so far but I'm curious why PagingToolbar does not have an option to use parent Grid store? I have tried to set store in my config like this, but without success: {... store:Ext.StoreMgr.lookup('u...

Populating ExtJS grid using DirectJNgine DirectStore

I am trying to populate a grid using a DirectStore. No data appears in the grid although I can see data in Firebug. I even tried to dump the data in a DataView to see if i am maybe messing up in the GridPanel but nothing got displayed there either. Tried using both JSON and XML readers to no avail. Any idea what might be going on here?...

Combo box items tool tip not displayed

Hello, I have written a combo box populated with items in ExtJs framework. I could not able to get the tooltips when the user hovers over the items. Below is the code: $formPanel .= " new Ext.form.ComboBox({ tpl:'<tpl for =\".\"><div ext:qtip=\"{abbr}\" class=\"x-combo-list-item\">{state}</div></tpl>', id:'type_blackou...