
Consuming JSON dates in a EXTJs gridpanel

I have a object that im serializing to a JSON object using JSON.Net. This object is then being consumed by a JSON Store which is attached to a ExtJs GridPanel. All fields except date fields render fine , the only way i can render date fields is if i use text columns. But then i get the following /Date(1293746400000+0200)/ rendered as te...

Ext.Direct grid problem

(i posted this on the extjs forum too but recon SO is probably busier) HI I'm passing down the following json to a direct store: { "type": "rpc", "tid": 2, "action": "DirectReportDesigner", "method": "GetReports", "result": { "total": 1, "data": [{ "id": 1, "FullTypeName": null, "title": "test", ...

How to reload Ext.tree.TreePanel on demand?

I want to create Ext.tree.TreePanel component and periodically load content from the external URl. So I've written something like new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ root: { nodeType: 'async', text: 'asdasd', draggable: false, id: 'folders-tree-root' }, loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader() }); And now I want ...

EXT-JS adding elements dynamically into FormPanel

I have a FormPanel that includes a bunch of TextField, I also add more to it dynamically using FormPanel.add(), FormPanel.doLayout(), however the height doesn't readjust itself, so extra textfields are not visible. what's going on? thanks ...

Performing Inheritance in Javascript

Now while i know that you can not perform inheritance like you would in C# ,but i have seen mentions about it arround the net that it is kind of possible. If its not possible using plain javascript then would it be possible using Ext JS and if so how. ...

What is ExtJS philosophy? Single page application?

I need to write my next project using ExtJs. It's a nice Javascript lib but I don't fully understand the idea behind it. Take the docs page for example: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/ Am I supposed to write my web applications with extjs like that? One page that should never be refreshed, and everything getting done by AJAX? How...

posting direct form - checkboxes are ignrored

Hi I'm using the Ext.Direct.Mvc stack - when i submit a direct form - everything but the checkboxes get submitted correctly. no matter what way they are checked they always get submitted as false? has anyone seen this too? w:// ...

Get async postback state for WatiN test

This post below pretty much says it all. The only issue is the solution (I'm looking at Randy's solution in the comments section) is ASP.Net specific and I'm testing a ColdFusion website using WatiN. So I need a solution that will work with ColdFusion… http://pushpontech.blogspot.com/2008/04/ajax-issues-with-watin.html I know I could u...

Integrate Extjs on frontend and Tapestry on backend

Hi, I had a project that requires the use of Extjs as the frontend of my program and tapestry on the backend. I am new with both, but still able to create the panels of forms on the frontend, however can anyone advise how would it be possible to link/integrate with the backend java side of tapestry such that the Extjs form panel would ...

Ext JS xtemplate question - check if field exists

Hi, I have an extjs xtemplate that is throwing errors because of the way a json object is returned. Sometimes the json object has a field 'customer' defined, but sometimes it's completely missing from the object. obviously, i get an error 'customer is not defined' when applying my template to the json where the field is missing. so my q...

Ext JS - Cannot get textfield label to show in column layout

Hi, Inside my FormPanel , I have a fieldset with a layout of 'column'. I have tried several different config properties but i cannot get the label for my textfield to work. It just renders the textbox without a label. (Obviously, if i make the layout type 'form', i have no issues). The text for the checkboxes shows fine, but the textbox...

ExtJS Capable of handling Grids/Datastors of ~1000 elements?

I have a JavaScript application which opens an ExtJS Window, containing an ExtJS TabPanel, which has a tab containing a Data Grid, showing approximately 900 - 1000 rows, each with 7 columns of text fields. The grid may also be filtered to show about 100 rows at a time. When the window opens, navigating to this tab can cause Firefox or Sa...

How to serialize form inside modal window in ExtJS?

I'm trying to build modal windows on the fly from single javascript object passed by server. But I have no clue how can I serialize form inside modal window without defining form variable . In most examples serialize process look like this: //create form var CustomForm = new Ext.FormPanel({...}); //submiting form CustomForm.getForm().s...

LockingEditorGridPanel is not friendly with RowEditor

I am having a LockingEditorGridPanel with first two columns locked. And applied row-editor plugin. When we double-click any rows in the grid row-editors panel appears and while navigating to other columns using horlizontal scroll bar in the grid, the row-editor panel does not scrolls with grid columns. When i replace LockingEditorGridPan...

ExtJS: Multiple JsonStores from one AJAX call?

I have an ExtJS based application. When editing an object, an ExtJS window appears with a number of tabs. Three of these tabs have Ext GridPanels, each showing a different type of data. Currently each GridPanel has it's own JsonStore, meaning four total AJAX requests to the server -- one for the javascript to create the window, and one f...

ExtJS panel orientation - Right-To-Left

What is the appropriate way to flip an ExtJs Panel horizontally for RTL languages, Arabic, Hebrew .. etc ...

EXT JS toLayout on Viewport doesnt show anything...

After reading many example about adding new components in to existing container without reloading whole page I run in to small problem while combining tree and tabs inside Viewport component. What I'm trying to do is to register on click event to tree node and load in to content container new component, depending on node type it can be ...

extjs datastore send to server (datastore -> json)

Hello All: Getting Json from the Server and displaying it in the grid is relatively straight forward. In the application (http://pssnet.com/~devone/extjs3/loadSelection5.html) I generate a dynamic grid datastore. I need to send this to the Server for further processing. If there is a way to convert the data store to json, I can strigyf...

Will ExtJS die?

I look at ExtJS, and it appears to provide many of the RIA features that more bulky suites such as Flex provide, without the flash requirement. However, as Open-source initiatiatives such as jQuery-UI continue, will ExtJS simply die at some point? Furthermore, since flash penetration only continues to increase, why put stock in a javascr...

extjs form does not get rendered in a panel the second time it is selected

I have a basic layout where different components can be selected using a tree view and then get rendered in the main panel. This works fine for all of my components (like grids) but glitches with forms. The first time a form is selected it is fine, as soon as you try to select it again nothing gets rendered. The demo is available here ...