
Extjs Ext.ComboBox autosize over existing content

Hi I have a problem when apply an Ext.ComboBox over an existing html select item, even if the existing content makes the html select about 20px (by it's content non static width is set), the Ext.ComboBox will resize to a sort of default, large, width value. There's a way to auto resize the Ext.ComboBox based on the existing items and no...

ExtJS combobox jsonDataStore

var remoteLookupJsonStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root : 'records', baseParams : { column : 'fullName' }, fields : [ { name : 'name', mapping : 'fullName' }, { name : 'id', mapping : 'id' } ], proxy : new Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy({ url : 'LookupLoader.ashx' //url: 'http://tdg-i.com/dataQuery.php' similar data }) }); ...

ExtJS grid callback on load and reload

Hello. I have an Ext Grid and want to grab the JSON "success":false/true response an execute a function for each situation. I would like to have it as callback function for every grid interaction with the JSON PHP file. Any examples of this ? Thank you for your time. ...

extjs listview and paging

Hello, can listview (ExtJS 3.x) component support paging? I could not find any examples on how to use paging on listview, any pointers? thanks... ...

ExtJS: how to return json success w/ data using asp.net mvc

Hello, I am trying to use ExtJS with Asp.Net MVC, and it is going fine so far. (Nice work on ExtJS) To make things easier, I need some help returning data from .net to ExtJS. ExtJS expects to see a success flag in the JSON Respone along with additional data. a sample expectedresponse format is something like {success: true, data: {id...

EXT JS, find a parent with id ending in ....

Hi folks, I am having a hard time finding this in the EXT.DomQuery Docs, so figured i would post the question here. It is pretty simple, I have an element and i am just trying to find the most immediate parent element whose ID ends with 'content-panel'. Does anyone know the correct syntax for this ? Thanks so much! ...

Is EXT JS a good alternative to JQuery

Hi, a colleague suggested I give this framework a try. My question is, does anyone have any feedback about this, is it better than using JQuery UPDATE: I found this posting which partially answers some of my questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835755/how-different-is-ext-js-from-others-like-jquery-and-mootools ...

Add button to grid in ExtJs

Hi everyone, I'm very new with Extjs. Does any one know how to add button to each row of grid in Extjs? Please give me some example. Thanks ...

How to break or continue Ext.each

Ext.each(boundsExtend, function(value) { if(value != record.ID) break; }); So how do I break or continue Ext.each loop? ...

What's a good JavaScript grid with tabs?

I have 3 sets of tabular data I want to display with a JavaScript framework in ASP.NET MVC. I know I can embed a separate grid in a tab, but this seems inefficient especially when large datasets are involved since I imagine 3 separate grids would be created. I haven't found a JavaScript datagrid which emulates what a spreadsheet does w...

Extjs Combobox using json

What is the max size for combobox using json? I seem to die at 5000 json elements. ...

ExtJs checkboxselectionmodel

I am using GridPanel w/CheckboxSelectionModel for item selection. In the edit mode, where some options were already picked, I am trying to pre-select the rows when loading the form. ... store.load(); //curSelections is an array containing the some ForeingKey IDs of the selected records. ... for (var i = 0; i < curSelections.length; i++...

extjs: Changing the value of a node

Hello All, I'm sure this is really simple, but i can't seem to find it anywhere! All I am trying to do is change the displayed value of a tree node. I thought that tree.getNodeById(myNode).text='HHHHH'; or tree.getNodeById(myNode).value='HHHHH'; would do the trick, but i get nothing. What am i missing? Thanks Craig ...

Rich Grid (grouping, sorting, paging, etc) that work on ie6

Hi there: I m looking for a feature rich grid ( sorting, grouping, paging , ideally filtering, etc) grid that will work well under ie6. I would prefer it to be an open source solution with a big community. However the client experience is the priority. The most obvious contender so far is ExtJs or GXT. I have a .net serverside , quit...

Ext js - load combobox based on selection of 'parent' combo box

Hi, I am wondering if someone could help me with some probably rather simple code, whereas i have 2 related comboboxes. Upon selecting the first one, it will read the selection id of that combo and use that id to load the store of the second. I'm just looking for a somewhat elegant solution to accomplish this. thanks for any help! fyi,...

Extjs TreePanel: How can I hide nodes by class or attribute?

I have a tree with nodes that contain tasks. Completed tasks have attribute status: 100 and class cls: "done". I would like to make a button for hiding completed tasks. What function will hide nodes in a tree by their id or class? {"id":"45", "description":"Pay bills", "status":"100", "cls":"done", "uiProvider":"col", "leaf":true} ...

Extjs: How to change tree node attributes?

How can I change the attributes of a tree node? One tree node has the following attributes: {"id":"75", "description":"My Tree Node", "status":"25" "uiProvider":"col", "leaf":true} Now my script receives the following data { "id":"75", "status":"100", "cls":"done" } I try to update the attributes (UPDATED): // a.result.data has t...

How to obtain a reference to a Checkbox in a toolbar?

Hi Could someone tell me the preferred way of getting a reference a checkbox if its in a toolbar in an EditorGridPanel? I simply would like to call the getValue() on it so I can do stuff with it. My EditorGridPanel is built similar to the one below (plus a few more config properties): var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ tbar...

using datepickerplus in ext js

i have been playing around with the ext js library for showing multi month calendar http://www.lubber.de/extjs/datepickerplus/ one issue is in all the examples are either coming off of another control(combo, textbox) or inside a window object does anyone know if there are any examples of simply displaying the calendars on a regular pa...

extjs: How to fill combo box with tree node's immediate children?

Hi, I have a tree and a combo box. I need to get the immediate children of node 1 and place them in the combo box. When a node is selected from the combo box list, the tree should display only that node and its children. Basically, the combo box serves as a filter to show only a specific node. All the nodes except from the selecte...