
ExtJS DateField using different display format

I'm using a ExtJS DateField control in an ASP.NET MVC web application. I've set format property to "Y-m-d", so that it'll correctly parse the "2009-08-11" format from the server, and will also send it back in that format. However, I'd like to display the data in a different, more user-friendly, format, particularly "d mmm yyyy" in Span...

Boolean Fields broken in Ext or Ext_scaffold?

I'm experimenting with using ext_scaffold to generate UI elements for a Rails-backed web application. However, I'm experiencing issues with the behavior of boolean fields. For instance, when I do ./script/generate ext_scaffold product name:string description:text sku:integer available:boolean It builds the migration properly and gene...

How do I force the display of a decimal in an ExtJS NumberField to a certain precision?

I have a form with a NumberField that gets values of type 'float' from JSON. If the values happen to be whole numbers, then no decimal places are shown. I would like to show 2 decimal places at all times. Is there a config option for this? Here's my declaration: items: [ { fieldLabel: 'Net Sales', name: 'netSale...

Is there a jQuery grid that even comes close to the ExtJs GridPanel in terms of looks and functionality?

I've taken a look at the jQuery grid recommendations made here but these don't seem to compare to the sleekness of the ExtJs GridPanel. Has anyone styled one of these implementations to make them appear a bit more like the ExtJs grid more or less? Or are there some other choices here that aren't captured in the link above? Thanks ...

Rails, Extjs and SQL Server

So I'm running Extjs on top of Rails 2.3.3 against a SQL Server DB. I'm able to pull data from the DB and display it, but I'm unable to create, update or destroy. Oddly enough, it's not throwing console or any other errors on attempted updates or deletes -- it simply fails. On create, an InvalidStatement error gets thrown, probably r...

MVC Coolite ExtJS uploader issue

Hey guys, I have a question regarding the latest version of Coolite which utilizes (2.2.1). I have implemented the FileUploader in two places of my site and one section it works and the other it doesn't. I tried to diagnose it and I can't figure out the issue. Have any of you came across it and solved it at all? It would be very helpfu...

ExtJS is open source?

Can use extJS for an business application for free of cost? ...

Avoid multipart/form-data for file transfert

I wrote a light http server in C which can handle simple requests. So I totally control the server side and its future evolution. Now on my Web Application written in Javascript/ExtJS, I need to upload a file on my server. Am I forced to use multipart/form-data to upload a file? Is it bad to directly send the file binary contained in a...

How do I get column name from rowselection in an ExtJS grid?

I have a extjs gridpanel setup, and I want to be able to do things based on a user clicking on text or icons in the grid. For example, filter the grid if the user clicks (or double clicks) a word in a column, or show a popup if the user clicks on an icon. I can easily get the row they clicked on, and values by column name from that row, ...

Easiest way to generate graphs

Hi all, I'm trying to generate a graph for the statics of my site. I need a couple of them, one for the hours of a day, one for the days of a week, one for the weeks of a month and one for the months of a year. There are hits and unique visitors. It could look like: http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/chart/charts.html - The last e...

How would one do html input tag autocomplete in Ext.js?

If you're using the Ext.js library, how does one do autocomplete in input text areas? More precisely, how would one do autocomplete based on iterative Ajax requests (like the jQuery autocomplete plugin where the Ajax option is set to an updating url). Thoughts are appreciated and thank you for reading. ...

CakePHP integration with ExtJS 3

Hello, I am a PHP and ExtJS user. I am looking into developing an application using a good PHP framework (CakePHP; good as in "I consider this good for me") and ExtJS version 3. What I would like to achieve is a complete Ext viewport with many grids and functions that would call PHP urls for retrieving data, saving data, edit/remove data...

FireBug not working with ASP.NET MVC

Hi All I have started a new ASP.NET MVC project and have included the ExtJS library files. This all works fine when built from Visual Studio and i can display various ExtJS objects. The problem however is that FireBug has stopped showing errors in the Console, even when i type nonsense into the code block. Setup is: VS 2008 SP1 FireB...

Ext.util.Format.undef functionality for null values

I have a json property that might be null, and I'd prefer to keep it that way for other reasons. When I include that property in an Ext.Template with '{myProp}' it sometimes renders as the word "null" when I want it to render as an empty string. {myProp:undef} only hunts for undefined, not null. What's the best way to get this done gi...

ExtJS - FormPanel items clear & dynamic reload

Basically I have a window containing a formPanel with items, that is shared at multiple places. Meaning that the formPanel's items might vary slightly. (the type of controls). I've managed to dynamically clear and add custom buttons for the appropriate situation on the window. But I'm experiencing a slight problem with the formPanel's ...

Create ExtJS components dynamically with ASP.NET MVC

I'm in early phase of building a RIA with ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC. Users in the system will have numerous different user rights that restrict which elements are visible and what actions user can make. For example in the user managment section, only superuser should be able to promote user to 'admin' status. So the 'add admin status' -b...

Ext JS: FormPanel not populating fields with JSON data

I have a FormPanel with 3 fields and a JsonReader. Here's the setup: var goalPanel = new Ext.FormPanel({ reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ idProperty: 'id', root: 'items', fields: [ {name: 'referenceSales', type:'float'}, {name: 'increasePercentage', type...

Load a external image in a Ext.Js Window

I need to know how to load a external image e.g. http://www.google.co.za/intl/en%5Fcom/images/logo%5Fplain.png into a new ExtJs window. ...

ExtJs Grid Error in asp.net mvc

Hello, I still need your help, and more specifically the implementation of the ExtJS grid. I can not make it work. I have a View that makes a search with more parameters, then the controller will have the action research that when loading the page I set the controls of the latter, and then I post the action through which I search. This...

Is it possible to get a list of node types (or even property types) in Alfresco?

Is there a way that I can call alfresco via webscript and get back a list of node types or list of node properties that are available? So if there are three different node types (cm:content, cm:folder, and cm:foo), I'd get that three returned to me (and not actually nodes that are one of these three types)? Reason why I'm asking is th...