
Rendering the elements of a GXT RadioGroup or CheckBoxGroup in multiple columns?

I am looking for a way to render the elements of a GXT (GWT-Ext) RadioGroup or CheckBoxGroup in a layout other than a single column (Orientation.VERTICAL) or a single row (Orientation.HORIZONTAL). I see that in ExtJS 3.0, RadioGroups and CheckBoxGroups are easily rendered in multiple columns. However, the configuration doesn't seem to ...

ExtJS - SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

I am writing some code to educate myself in the ways of ExtJS. I am also new to JSON so hopefully this question will be easy for you to answer. I am trying to retrieve some data from a basic web service that I have written which should be returning its results as JSON (seeing as I am new to JSON - it could be that that is broken). The e...

ExtJS Unmask after data load

I am using a JSONStore in ExtJS and loading data by using setting the URL config and then calling the load method, is there anyway i can unmask the form only once the data is loaded. At the moment it unmasks after the load method which doesn't work since the load is async. But what i want to do is only unmask after the async operation ha...

Ext JsonStore doing a POST even if I set it to GET

I have a jsonstore that is supposed to load a user's information. I have its HTTPRequest as a GET but when I finally do load up the store with parameters, it automatically changes to a POST request. I've done something similar to this before, except it was a regular datastore, and the request stayed as a GET. Is the default behavior...

Nested Set model in PHP/Javascript to work with MySQL

I am using a MySQL Nested Set approach to store the classification of the various products that are sold on the website. I am looking for a nice javascript library to help out with rendering the tree from the nested set approach. I also need a good javascript drag and drop script to re-arrange and update the MySQL table. Are there any g...

ext js - can you put an combobox in a GridPanel ? (not an EditorGrid)

HI, I have only seen documentation where you can put a combobox in an EditorGrid, but i am just looking for a simple solution, where my grid has a one column that is a comboBox, with basically a Yes/No option. I just want to be able to access the Yes/No value when i dblclick a particular grid row. can this be done without using a EditorG...

How to reload the Jsonstore results onto panel?

Hi, I am able to create a json response like this: {"total":2,"results":[{"id":1,"checkList":"Item1","checkStatus":"Available"},{"id":2,"checkList":"Item2","checkStatus":"NoStock"}]} I have also created a function and embed it to the listener on the Jsonstore. The function will loop through the available results and embedding in pane...

ExtJS data store for tree

I've got a basic ExtJS question, which I can't seem to resolve based on reading the docs and searching. Currently I have a TreePanel that loads JSON directly from a URL. I'm trying to separate the data from the view, so that I can also use that data to feed into an OpenLayers map (using GeoExt). How can I point a TreePanel to an Ext.data...

Get row data in Ext JS 3.0 Grid

I have a grid, which I want to add a button at the top to get the data from a specific column for each row selected in the grid. How would I go about doing this? ...

Merged Headers in Ext JS Grid

Hi all, Is it possible to have two headers in Ext JS grids? I have to show my grid as grouped data.. for example product types and products. In my case I need a grid like this: Field | Product Type A | Product Type B | -------------------------------------------------- | A1 | A1 ...

extjs null data should load empty grid

When the user select an item with info (json), the grid renders as expected. But, when the returned data is null or {"total":0,"Products":null}, the grid keeps the previous selection. The page is here: If the returned data is null, I need it to render it empty. I am loading the grid as below: ProductsEditDataStore.basePar...

ext-js data associate

can you associate a component or element in ext-js with a arbitrary object? eg. store(component, 'key', obj), get(component,'key'); ...

ExtJs add, delete, update row to the grid

I need to enable the user to add a new row to the grid. The user may also update one or more rows. What is the best way to do this? I have tried to use RESTful Store Example, but have not been able to handle the REST posting with php. When the add record button is clicked, it fires the POST twice (once upon clicking, and once when p...

ExtJS: Automatically resize form fields on window resize

I've created Ext.Window with some Ext.form fields inside. But when I resize window form elements still have initial width and height. Is it required explicitly resize form fields on window resize? Or there is some option that enables auto resize of form fields? Sample code: var f_1 = new Ext.form.TextField({fieldLabel: 'Label 1'}); va...

ExtJS: dynamically ajust layout after adding/removing some form fields

I have form layout with some TextField elements and one HtmlEditor element. Some TextField elements are "hideable", i.e. could be hid or showed. After hiding/showing elements HtmlEditor instance break layout — there appear empty space or element doesn't end at the window border. Is it possible to tell to HtmlEditor instance use all rema...

ext js - Getting child editorGrid types in a FormPanel

Hi, Inside my extjs FormPanel, i have several editor grids. I don't know what the Id's of these grids are, so i cant use Ext.getCmp. so what is the best way to say 'Get all the 'editorgrid' types that are in this FormPanel'? Thanks so much. ...

Using ExtJS with ASP.NET, Webforms or MVC?

Hello, For a scenario using 0 ASP.NET controls at all but rather an 100% extJS interface, what would be the advantages of using ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET WebForms? And the disadvantages? Is there a OBVIOUS way to do it properly? I would love to have feedback's on your experiences. Thank you! ...

Better way to call superclass method in ExtJS

All the ExtJS documentation and examples I have read suggest calling superclass methods like this: MyApp.MyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { initComponent: function() { // do something MyPanel specific here... MyApp.MyPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); } }); I have been using this pattern for quite some time and the ...

Extjs gridpanel doesn't expand horizontally within a tabPanel

Each of my 3 Extjs gridpanels do not expand horizontally within a tabPanel. The each grid's properties: id: grid_id, ds: ds, cm: cm, loadMask: true, view: grouping_view, plugins: [expander, filters], stateId: which + '-grid-stateId', stateful: true, stateEvents: ['datachanged', 'column...

How to get Radio button values through submit form via Extjs BoxComponent?

Hi, I am having some difficulties in making a form submission via a boxcomponent. I am using the boxComponent as I have customized button image, and strangely the transparency only works with boxComponent. Basically the idea is that when I click on my boxComponent button, it will do 2 things: Submit 2 radio button values and 1 combo...