
Safari Extjs grid rendering issue

Hello: Here is a simple illustration of what I mean. It works in IE, and FF, but not in Safari. I have four panels which are dynamically added to a tabpanel item. Three are grid panels, and one is a form panel. I need to preserve the grids proportions or sizes. I tried several layout methods (table, column, absolute etc), and nothi...

column resize issue in gridpanel

I have a defect assigned to me which states that columns are difficult to resize on a grid. this appears to be true, the mouseover which triggers the col-resize cursor display is quite tiny. Is there a way to increase the "hot area" between colums in order to make the colum resize function more user friendly ? ...

Jdeveloper vs java/j2ee/js+extjs ?

Hi All, i am new to the web development environment, having came from a unix/c environment. i've been recently asked to create a web app, which i thought would require postgresql, java/j2ee, and javascript for the client interface. as i had wanted a nicer gui, i've been reading up on extjs, which looks really nice to me. a colleague m...

Ext JS Grid IE8 doesn't show any data until select

Hi, I'm creating a table editor using the grid widget of EXT js. Now this is working quiet good in FF but when i'm using it in IE8 it doesn't show any data until i select one of the rows from the grid. When you look at the grid when loading, it shows the data and then it disappears. After that you can only get the data back by selecting...

Using Javascript to submit a form

I'm using ExtJS on a registration page which should have no effect on this. <form name="registerform" id="registerform" method="POST" action="registerProcess.php"> I have that form and the javascript document.registerform.submit() will not submit the form.... any ideas? ...

While porting a windows application to web, is it better to stick to conventional web technologies or adoping RIA is wise?

Hello. The web based application I am working on currently is a port from a windows application. This application is very data intensive. There are scores of modules and each of these modules have number of forms (data entry screens) and reports whereas the forms have many many fields and likewise the reports. I have been trying to iden...

how to refresh Window in extjs

i have one window in that i passed two dynamic gridPanel 1)FeaturGrid 2)gvpropertywn. i want to refresh testWin (Window) how i can? can u pls help me? testWin = new Ext.Window({ id:'resultwindow', title: LangVarTestWinText, width: 400, ...

Choosing between ExtJS and YUI based on application parameters.

Hello. I need help in taking call to choose between Ext JS and YUI libraries. Here are the key factors I have derived from my application requirements & development process: Complex, windows forms like controls Widgets, Layouts, Utilities Inter widget communication Easy to extend Easy to learn Intuitive & concise coding Strong exceptio...

Prevent tab into field

How can I prevent a user from tabbing into a field (comboxbox)? ...

Problem with ExtJS vbox layout nested in a hbox layout

I'm trying to get a layout to look like this : I've had all sorts of fun trying to get this working. I finally got something that almost works, but only because I dropped in the 3.2 beta of Ext JS. I'm left with one final problem. The code below will display the panels almost correctly, however, the right hand panel doesn't stretch t...

How best to implement support for multiple devices in a web application.

Hello. My client would like a business application to support 'every possible device'. The application in question is essentially a web application and 'every possible device', I believe encompasses mobile phones, netbooks, ipad, other browser supporting devices, etc. The application is somewhat complex w.r.t. the data it captures and ot...

Performance of browser plugin based RIA vs. Java Script based RIA

Hello. For my data intensive web application (heavy forms & complex reports), from performance standpoint, which is better ... a browser plug-in based RIA (say SilverLight) or Java Script based RIA (say ExtJS)? At this moment, we can avoid the discussion of plug-in availability, etc. My only focus is performance. Reasoning will be app...

Split ExtJS for incremental (on demand) download.

Hello. I had earlier asked whether I can remove un-utilized JavaScript code from ExtJS library. JSBuilder was the answer. What about being able to download widgets on-demand? I ask this because I have discovered this from the of markup generated by Coolite (ASP.Net framework that wraps ExtJS). So do I have to go through a meticulous pro...

Is this design possible with ExtJS?

I've been asked to do the front end for a web app, and to use ExtJS specifically. I've been working through a couple of tutorials, but I've not seen much variation on the default ExtJS look and feel except for some subtle changes to the colors and what not. The design I've been handed seems to be a radical departure from the standard ...

How to create a split region with autoheights in ExtJS

I would have thought this would be quite simple... alas it seems nothing about ExtJS is simple. I need to split the 'center' region of a border layout and have both the top and bottom pannels fill the center region when the page resizes. As it stands, I can only figure out how to set absolute sizes for the panels. Here's the code ge...

Populate a combobox using DirectStore

I'm having issues while populating a combobox using DirectStore, the combobox is as follow: this.Combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: "Name", editable: false, triggerAction: 'all', mode: 'remote', store: new Ext.data.DirectStore({ reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ ...

ExtJS combo setting problem

Hi I run into an interesting problem while was using combos in input form. My form contains combos that get data from json stores. It works fine when adding new record, but when the form is opened for editing an existing record, sometimes the id appears as selected not its value (eg: there's 5 instead of "apple"). I think it tries to se...

How do I add a toolbar to a region with ExtJS

I have a border layout in ExtJS, The north region contains some HTML, but also needs to contain a toolbar like this... So i've managed to get the border layout set up, added the html to the North Region of the layout, but I can't find any workable examples of how to implement a tool bar. I have found lot's of examples of toolbars on...

Can I download samples & demos available online for ExtJS?

Hello. Can I download samples & demos available online for ExtJS? ...

When GridPanel it doesn't display just added items

When I'm adding items to the grid's store and grid is not visible at that moment then grid is not populated with items. Is there any fix or workaround for this? Here is the code (switch to "tab1", click button, switch back to "tab2" — grid is empty): var tbar = { items: [{ text: 'add some lines', handler: function()...