
Failed to maintain 100% width & height of structure in extjs

HI, i am new in extjs. i want to build a page using extjs ____________ |hd__________| | p1    <|p2         | |          |             |-->will be a viewport (will resize on window resize without any |          |             | Scroll bar |          |             | |          |             | |          |             | |_____|_______| H...

ExtJS: Adding table inside a dynamically added tab

Hi, i'm fairly new to ExtJS. I adopted some examples and added the functionality to add tabs to a tab-control by clicking on some link. so far so good. now i want to load a ExtJS table into on of the new tabs. the items (rows, columns) are defined in a database on the server side. can you give me some hints how to add the table automatic...

ExtJS: Autoscroll vertical FormPanels added to panel

Hi All, I'm writing an app where I have a BorderLayout for the entire page. In the south part I have a Panel to which I add FormPanels. I would like to be able to scroll that Panel so I can scroll through the FormPanels. So far, nothing I've found from searches has helped. I don't quite understand what ExtJS requires in terms of the com...

Globally disable Ext JS Animations

I'm testing an intranet web app in the iPad but the animations to open "windows" and show message boxes are horribly slow. I've tried setting the global Ext.enableFx to false, and confirmed that flag is still false after page load in Firebug. The animations are still occurring though so I must be doing something wrong. Thanks... ...

Instanciate a class with a given id in ExtJS

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to instanciate a class by its id . For example we have a class extending Ext.grid.GridPanel with an id property, is it possible to instanciate the class just knowing his id (which is the component id in this case) ? ...

Events in ExtJs

I have two windows. Event called in the one window, but handler (listener) must be in the other window. Can this be done? If yes, how to? ...

how to add hyperlink to particular node of tree in ext js

how to add hyperlink to a particular node of tree in extjs can i add hyperlink and how?? ...

Ext JS Web App Issues - Button Alignment on iPad

I am using the conventional css-class setup to place small icons at the left side of Ext buttons. On the iPad they are all misaligned, with the text overlapping them. On a side note, is there a simplified theme for Ext to reduce DOM nodes created? The UI is a bit sluggish. I was really hoping for better browser performance than I'm g...

Editable grid with colorpallet

I am using extjs 3.0. I am using Ext.grid.GridPanel..I want to make one column of this grid as editable column such that i want to create colorpallet in each row of this perticular column. How can i do this? ...

Evaluating Javascript Arrays

I have an array that contains an array of arrays if that makes any sense. so for example: [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]] I want to see whether an array exists withing the array, so if [1, 2, 3] is duplicated at all. I have tried to use the .indexOf method but it does find the duplicate. I have also tried Extjs to loop th...

ExtJS Data Grid Column renderer to have multiple values

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible in ExtJS to have several values of the data source available to the renderer of the column. For example with the "Actions" column, the id is passed to the renderer. However I require both the user_id and id passed to the render. How may I do this? table_cols = [{ header: "User ID", width: 3...

ExtJs Direct with Sinatra

Has anyone used ExtJs Direct functionality with Sinatra? I see ExtJs Direct examples for Merb and Rails, but I haven't found anything which will work with pure Ruby. ...

RIA IDE - Visual Studio 2010, FlashBuilder and ExtJS Designer

I trying to decide whether we went to Flex, Silverlight or even ExtJS. There is one variable missing so that we can make the decision and this is about Visual Studio. With Silverlight, it looks like if I want a "drag and drop" approach to build my interface I would need Expression Blend to do that. So the basic question here is: Does V...

ExtJS Element to Component

I want to take an ExtJS element(div) retrieved from the DOM selector, and convert that to an ExtJS Component(a panel). How can I go about doing this? Thanks. ...

gwt/extjs - form not submitting

i have form tag received from designer. i need to submit the form from GWT given below. FormPanel form = null; Button submit = null; function onModuleLoad(){ form = FormPanel.wrap(DOM.getElementById("MyForm")); form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); submit = Button.wrap(DOM.getElementById("OK")); submit.addClickHandle...

gwt extjs - get the value of a radio button

i get html from designer. i have 2 radio buttons there. I like to get data of radio button from GWT. I need a reference of radioButton. RadioButton rb = RadioButton.wrap(Dom.getElementById("abc")); but error. how can i solve this ...

extjs input text maskRe

In Ext JS, the following maskRe doesn't work in that it doesn't put the restriction of max 5 characters on the text field, why? { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: '* Zip Code', allowBlank: false, maskRe: /\d{0,5}/i } ...

How to post in EXTJS Forums ,To know abt Logging and Exception handling is available !!!!

Hi, I need to know, whether extjs 3.1 is available of exception handling and logging build in library . Like Logging the exception as log file , with the specification of error whether it is major or minor or critical or info. new log file creating on specified size exceeded. etc... ...

Not able to save extjs combo using grails controller

Hi all, I am a newbie to grails/extjs I am developing a web based config tool for my team .My issue is with comboboxes of extjs I have three remote comboxes(many to one hibernate mappng).I am using hiddenName to submit its value field(which is id primay key of database) instead of its display field which is name which i get by renderin...

Call a function in an ExtJS XTemplate

I'm familiar with using a function to determine a specific condition using xtemplate but not sure how to directly call a function without the conditional if statement. My code, for example, wants to append some characters to a string that I am using within my xtemplate. I think the best way to do it is append the characters when the xt...