
i want to know about the code of .exe file which is in command prompt

I have a problem of to open(EXTRACT) a command prompt. I want to see the code inside this "a*.exe" file. can u suggest me as if i am not aware of this field(software). how to extract cmd.exe file. ...

is there a tool that can extract all strings from any type of file?

i'm looking for an alternative to wyd 0.2 that can extract strings from any type of file it comes across. thanks =) ...

PHP - extracting specific <a href> urls out of the document

I think this should be elementary, but I still cant't get my head around it. Let's say there's fair amount of HTML documents and I need to catch every image urls out of them. The rest of the content changes, but the base of the url is always the same for example http://images.examplesite.com/images/, so I wan't to extract every string t...

Parse out the email body using perl

This is my perl code: my $email = Email::Simple->new($brutEmail); my $body = $email->body; print $body; And the result is --0016364d2ceb8da59d048be66a88 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Mail content email contents email contentss emails contentsss emmails contentsssss emmmail cccontent --0016364d2ceb8da59d048be...

Extract part of URL

I have an URL and need to extract a part of it. The url is like this: http://website.com/get.php?url=http://www.website2.com/index.html?articleID=123456 And I need to extract this part: http://www.website2.com/index.html?articleID=123456 How would I do this in Objective-C? ...

Recursion Recursion Recursion --- How can i Improve Performance? (Python Archive Recursive Extraction)

I am trying to develop a Recursive Extractor. The problem is , it is Recursing Too Much (Evertime it found an archive type) and taking a performance hit. So how can i improve below code? My Idea 1: Get the 'Dict' of direcories first , together with file types.Filetypes as Keys. Extract the file types. When an Archive is found Extract ...

Extracting nth word onwards

hi, how do i extract words from the nth word onwards in sql server? eg. | Description | | This is a nice dress | extracting the 4th word onwards, would output 'nice dress' ...

Javascript regex - how to get text between curly brackets

Hi, I need to get the text (if any) between curly brackets. I did find this other post but technically it wasn't answered correctly: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2403678/regular-expression-to-extract-text-between-either-square-or-curly-brackets It didn't actually say how to actually extract the text. So I have got this far: var ...

c++ extract string

hi. i have 26/01/10 09:20:20 MAL BIN BIN275 TSTCB U8L5 O/CR ..N UCOS Operated in string i want to extract column 36 into 60 that is BIN275 TSTCB U8L5 O/CR the last output i want to include O/CR is there any simple solution to settle this? already make this but not work. #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <fstr...

How can I automatically highlight and extract colored text in MS Word?

I have a bunch of documents that need to be edited. The authors use blue text in some parts of the documents to indicate that those words need to be linked. Thank you cornelius for the highlight text code: Sub HighlightNotBlack() Dim char As Range For Each char In ActiveDocument.Characters If char.Font.Color <> wdColorAutomatic An...

Bat: how to extract filenames of a command

Hi I am trying to create a script listing the names of the files return by a program. The program is called ShowFiles.exe and it takes to arguments like this: "ShowFiles opened ..." so argument 1 is "opened" and argument 2 is "..." The the result looks like this: c:\tmp\test1.txt#0 - add default c:\tmp\test2.TXT#1 - edit defa...

Splitting a module with 8+ classes into a package with each class in its own file

I have a module (tools.py) containing many classes. I'd like to extract these out into its own "whyteboard.tools" package, each class being inside its own file. However, I previously moved from having all my classes in one base directory to being in a package below the root of my project, and had issues with loading in pickled files tha...

shape file (GIS) to text

How I can convert a shape file (GIS) to text? or, How I can extract the information in a shape file? ...

How to retrieve original URL from a redirected one using Yahoo Pipes?

I've parsed a feed using Yahoo Pipes. The feed items contain an URL link to the full-text versions. URLs are redirected (cloaked). How can I retrieve them using Yahoo Pipes and replace the redirected ones with original URLs? There seems to be a way: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1970606/yahoo-pipes-possible-to-retrieve-get-real-u...

Programmatically Extract PDF Tables

Hi All, I have a bunch of PDF docs with tabular data in them which I need to extract into a more readable format to store in a spreadsheet, database or whatever. Is there anything out in the world (preferablly free) that is able to get tabluar data out of PDFs into a more readable format in bulk either natively integrated with an app o...

How to remove 'None' from an Appended Multidimensional Array using numpy

Hello all, I need to take a csv file and import this data into a multi-dimensional array in python, but I am not sure how to strip the 'None' values out of the array after I have appended my data to the empty array. I first created a structure like this: storecoeffs = numpy.empty((5,11), dtype='object') This returns an 5 row by 11 ...

Anything better than ruby alchemy for extracting keywords?

I've currently written an algorithm in Ruby based on the arc90 readability code to extract an article from a web page. Now that I have the article, I want to extract keywords and specific information from it (names, author, etc) I heard Alchemy was a great ruby gem for doing this though it consumes a lot of resources. Are there any bet...

Extracting the outline (or bookmarks) from PDF files using Java

Hello Guys, I'm using PDFBox to extract the outline (bookmarks) information from PDF files, that's even explained in the same site. However, I've had problems not extracting but generating the qualified urls (foo.pdf#page=22777&zoom=2,2,777) to open the PDF in those bookmarks. Sometimes PDFBox is not able to find the page in which the ...

How to extract a certain block of text from web site

i have to extract useful information from web i can i do using c# example title: abc i have get only "abc" ...

Pulling Images from rss/atom feeds using magpie rss

Hi all, Im using php and magpie and would like a general way of detecting images in feed item. I know some websites place images within the enclosure tag, others like this images[rss] and some simply add it to description. Is there any one with a general function for detecting if rss item has image and extracting image url after its b...