
Unit testing facebook applications

What are good practices of unit testing facebook Canvas applications ? Lets say you have MVC application with controllers utilizing local Facebook library which provides access to Graph API, FB session. After all your application depends on facebook authentication mechanism (OAuth and Facebook Connect) thus user is required to authenti...

Can I embed an iframe while posting to a user's wall?

I am new to facebook development. I want to find out what all can I do with a facebook app. A specific question - can I embed an iframe while posting on a user's wall? ...

Facebook iFrame-based app seems to be receiving too many GET vars

I have a Facebook app that was built for Christmas of last year, and worked through April, and somewhere between then and now has stopped working. First their was an issue with it breaking the iFrame, but now it seems that Facebook is sending too many GET variables to the PHP and it is timing out. Has anyone else had this problem? Is the...

How to get a Facebook user's email address as the developer of an application?

Cross-posted from http://forum.developers.facebook.com/viewtopic.php?pid=254519. I have users of my application who have granted the application the email extended permission, but I neglected to query for their email address at the time that they granted the permission, and so don't have it. I do have their facebook ID. My understandin...

Asking for Permissions before user accesses application

Hi, I'm a little stuck at the moment. I'm trying to figure out how to ask for permissions before a user access the application. I know how to ask for permissions upon a click, but I'd like to do the same as what Zynga do so when a user goes to apps.facebook.com/myapp the first thing it will do is ask for permissions. How can I do that...

Alternate for isNaN() javascript function in Facebook?

I was using isNaN function in a Facebook application, but it was not working. the code that i was using <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function postValid(form) { var values=document.getElementById("phone").getValue(); if(isNaN(values)) { var myDialog = new Dialog(Dialog.DIALOG_POP); myDialog.showMessage('Almost Done!',...

facebook cookie datar and lsd creation

Hi, How to create datar and lsd for login in facebook from my app [desktop] like browser did. this is request header when i hit graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=[yourappid]&redirect_uri=http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html/ which redirects me to login page //www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key............. Re...

Facebook cannot redirect the next parameter...

When I authenticate the user, after authentication it does not redirect the next parameter. Instead it redirect the user to the "Canvas Callback URL". If I dont give the convas callback url. then it gives the error An error occurred with experiement. Please try again later. API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Err...

Passing data to Android Facebook default applicaiton

I am trying to post messages to facebook wall using Android's default Facebook client. When i try to do so i am unable to post any text messages using the same. If i pass an URL it is extracting details like the title,image and description,etc from it and posts on the wall automatically. How could i pass text to it. I am using the foll...

what is difference between graph api and c# SDK for facebook.

Can any one explain that what is difference between grap API and Visual studio SDK for facebook? ...

facebook authentication doesnot redirect the same parameters.

I try to authentication facebook. when it redirect it doesnot return the same parameters . some time it return http://localhost/2/artist/?auth_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&amp;next=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F2%2Fartist%2Ffacebook.aspx%3Fartistid%3Dxxxx%26page%3D15664546%26isexisting%3Dfalse%26act%3Dadd%26step%3D1%26site%3Dfbevent but mostly ti...

Why does my Facebook Like button create a brand new Facebook page?

I'm trying to integrate Facebook into a site I'm developing, I have created a Facebook Page for the business & a Facebook app too - I am very confused with the documentation & terminology that Facebook uses. I am using FBML to add a Recommend button to the footer of my site so that users can recommend that particular page but when I cli...

$me = $facebook->api('/me') does not return any value

Hi, I am developing a facebook iframe application with the New Graph API php sdk. I am using the basic code to just display my name. But it does not return any value. Some one please help me with this. <?php include_once 'facebook.php'; include_once 'config.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID,...

users.setStatus - Adding emoticons or images to a Users Status

Hello, As seen in this example: http://apps.facebook.com/status-emoticon/ The application in question uses 'users.setStatus' to allow the publishing of small emoticons to the users status. The images are added to the post using colon tags which act similarly to BBCode. How exactly is the application doing this? I would like to replica...

[Facebook API] Can we post on authorized-user's friends walls with offline_access and stream_publish?

Hey there :) I wanted to ask a question... Let's say there are 2 people: Peter and Paul. 1) Peter goes to my app and authorizes it (stream_publish, offline_access and everything else what's necesary). 2) He is now in the app and let's say there is an option like this: Send gift to your friend Paul. 3) Can we post now on the wall of...

How to Add a "Like" Button to my FaceBook Landing Tab?

My FaceBook Page is setup so that users who have not "Liked" the page yet (and attempt to view the page) are presented with the content of a particular tab instead of the default "wall" view. The tab that these users arrive at contains an application I made. It is a simple application that lists information about the business. The appl...

How to affect how Facebook app links get munged on a wall?

I got asked this question today, and couldn't find any commentary on this behavior anywhere. let's say I have a Facebook app, with a URL of http://apps.facebook.com/my-app. let's say that app points to a canvas page of http://my-app.mydomain.com/ When I share the link to http://apps.facebook.com/my-app on my wall, FB automatically c...

How to tag photos in facebook-api?

Hey, I wanted to ask if/how is it possible to tag a photo using the FB API (Graph or REST). I've managed to create an album and also to upload a photo in it, but I stuck on tagging. I've got the permissions and the correct session key. My code until now: try { $uid = $facebook->getUser(); $me = $facebook->ap...

How to get the pid from this FB Script?

I have coded this little script, which upload a photo (images/hand.jpg) into a users profile in the default application album (in the app-album from witch im calling this script). Now i have a problem. I would like to get the unique pid (picture id) of the just uploaded photo. When I try to echo $data, there is a int like this: 120629...

Does the Facebook Connect oauth access_token reliably contain the facebook user id?

I have a facebook connect app all set up using oauth and after the final transaction I receive an access_token that looks something like - 559514387926|f53be3fc76b8e243aaf2944b-502835064|moXh_HOIga8b32txRdwkan-5NW9. The part in bold seems to be facebook user id of the current user. I checked this with all the access_tokens of the users...