I am trying to achieve this but i dont know what i should use. I looked here first
If a new user registers to the site and non of their friends have registered when they click on a add friend button
Find friends via Facebook
Post To F/B Wall (Message "Hey all i am really enjoying this site, come visit.")
Is there a function in the Facebook.php library for getting friends of the user using a certain application. Something like:
$friends = $facebook->api('me/friends?access_token=' . $access_token);
But instead of listing all friends, it just lists friends using the same application.
A few days ago i asked this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3732685/displaying-images-from-facebook-photo-albums-on-a-portfolio-site-using-the-graph
I was basically asking if it was possible to pull images from facebook albums into image galleries on a website, and was very happy to find out it was. Now the next step is to ...
I'm trying to get all the photos from all the albums of a Facebook page that will be shown on a web page. I'm getting a bit confused with the access token. I don't want the user to have to log in to Facebook to be able to see the photos so I'm not sure how to get the token. Do I have to make an application to connect to for this?
After a user has provided me their oauth credentials, I would like to allow them to post a message to a group of their friends.
Say they have created a list of 10 friends and called it "My soccer buddies", I now want to be able to allow them to POST a message to their list "My soccer buddies" from within my web application using the gra...
I am trying to upload an image through my application with Facebook Graph API to an album of my fan page. Although I provide the albumID like a parameter for uploading the image, it is uploaded in an album named APPLICATION_NAME Photos on my own profile. The album of the fan page stays empty. I tried also with sending the pageID of my fa...
hey guys, I've successfully uploaded an image to user's album using the following code:
$ch = curl_init();
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/'.$uid.'/photos?access_token='.$token;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
I am using this gem, which is just a wrapper for the facebook graph API. I trying trying to post something to the logged in users facebook wall. This task seems easy enough but i am having these problems
graph = HyperGraph.new("some token").get('me')
=> {:last_name=>"Jones", :updated_time=>Fri Aug 06 22:27:03 -0400 2010, :email=>"jones1...
I am new to facebook development.
I am using PHP-FBML with Graph API.
Edited: Or can I use JQUERY with php-sdk(fbml, not iframe). If yes then how?
Please someone help me out.
I have tried posting to a facebook page, using this call:
$facebook->call_api('/(pageID)/feed/', "post",array('message'=>"message here"));
however the message doesn't appear,
I have used the same code to post to a users wall, and it works without issue.
they both return an ID. and i don't get any auth errors.
Have I misunderstood the ...
I know it's possible to display public images once I have the access token, but how do I go about getting it? I found the facebook dev docs to be kind've confusing when it comes to extended permissions.
Do i need to somehow register the image gallery/portfolio as an app and have the facebook user who's gallery it is allow it?
Thanks f...
Hi folks,
Again a question on Facebook graph API. I would like to get friends of friends via an API call and when I try to do it, I get the following exception,
"error": {
"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "(#604) Can't lookup all friends of .... Can only lookup for the logged in user (...), or friends of the logged ...
I am trying to get a streampublish box with facebook's new graph api example. I am using this code but its not working. Any help guys!
method: 'stream.publish',
message: 'getting educated about Facebook Connect',
attachment: {
name: 'Connect',
caption: 'The Facebook Connect JavaScri...
I am trying to post to Facebook Group Wall via Graph API. When i make the post, owner of the post is set as my personal id. Would someone know how to make Group has the owner of the post. Below is my current code:
form_fields = {
"message": 'This is message title',
"link": 'http://facebook.com',
"name": 'This is ...
Hi there, I'm developing an app for Facebook in PHP, part of which lists the user's "likes". I would like to add a link next to each like so that the user can manage their likes by deleting them where they see fit.
Facebook mentions this in their graph api docs: "You can delete a like by issuing a DELETE request to /POST_ID/likes (since...
Hi, I'm setting up my app to basically do what the FBML 'like' button does: like, unlike and show like count, for objects from the user's "me/home" stream.
I have no problem doing any of the above functions, but I'm having a very tough time getting the api to tell me if the user likes the thing already (so I can set the button to 'unlike...
Hi All,
I'm using PHP/MySQL, and I want to publish for some offline users, I have already both permissions for publish_stream and offline_access, how to publish with the Graph API to this user wall, I already stored users ID's and access_token in my Database.
how to do that ??
the current code is not working for me, the php file stop ...
It's a hard topic to google, brute-forcing it will be the next step if I can't get an answer here ;-)
I want the lists that users can create; something like this in PHP with some other API :
I've tried to "metadata=1" /me/friends, but I can't seem to be retrieving any leads...
I would like to know if it's possible to set the privacy setting for a specific Facebook album with RestFB Java library ?
Thank you very much,
Let's say I have an app that let's a Facebook user make a collage. In order to let users select which of their photos to add to their collage, I just grab a list of their albums like this:
Then I can loop through that, getting the photos from each album. Swell. I want to let them add videos to their...