
Creating Facebook event for specific page with FB Graph API

I need synchronize events from my CMS to Facebook specific page. I'm trying to create an event for my created page but still have no result. I can simply create events, related to user, but not to page. Code uses Facebook PHP-SDK. $page_id = '31337'; $page = $facebook->api("/{$page_id}"); $event_data = array( 'name' => 'Eve...

get facebook profile photos

I am trying to get the photos in user profile, I tried this https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos but it returns tagged photos only, can I get all the photos in all albums?? Thanks in advance ...

How does Facebook know it is the real app when calling the Graph API using Javascript?

When calling the new Facebook Graph API, if we just provide the app_id in the Javascript code, then how can Facebook know it is the real app calling? What if it is another app calling with that app_id? ...

What is the best way to use old Facebook REST API and new Facebook Graph API on the same webpage?

The existing page has code to work with the old REST API: jQuery(document).ready( function() { FB_RequireFeatures(["Connect", "XFBML"], function() { FB.init('12345678ABCDEF','/xd_receiver.html', {ifUserNotConnected: fb_user_not_connected}); // real key replaced by 12345678ABCDEF which is to support "Login with Facebook" and...

Removing old Facebook Javascript library and use the new one will cause some code to break, and how to use old and new API at the same time?

To use both the Facebook REST API and Graph API, somebody recommended not using http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php but use the new code only, which uses connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js But then the old code which calls FB.XFBML.Host.addElement will stop working. Any idea? related t...

How do I get the Facebook Server Time?

Hi, I have created a facebook iframe app using Flash on the client and .net on the server. I am using fluorineFX to communicate between the two. I need to get the exact facebook server time from my server. This is for authenticating the user on my server so I don't want to get the time from the client and then pass it to the server. Th...

[Facebook Flash Graph API]How to get PID from the POST result.

I am using Graph API to upload photo to the facebook via flash application. I am able to upload it but what I am trying to do is to get pid of the photo I have uploaded. Facebook.api('/me/photos', handleUploadComplete, values,'POST'); This is the code that im using and once 'POST' is done, I know that it returns results to 'handleUplo...

Uploading Photos from Hard Drive to Facebook using the API

Hi, wondering if anyone can help me. I've been searching for a few days for help on how to publish photos to Facebook using the API. I came across the following script that seems to work for everyone however I am unsure how to connect this to a form where users can select the photo from their hard drive and upload it. Can anyone point me...

Need Help with graph-api implementation for iphone

Hi all, I am trying to have an iphone application using Graph API where in a user can get his/her facebook wall updates.(Something similar to functionality of Home Tab on Facebook). I have gone through this tutorial of Graph API for iphone http://github.com/reallylongaddress/iPhone-Facebook-Graph-API Here the problem we are facing is...

is it possible to proccess JSON responses with the JDK or HttpComponents only?

Hello, we are upgrading our web app to use Facebook's Graph API, which returns JSON responses. However we don't want to add dependecy to a JSON library unless we have no other choice. For server-side http requests we use Apache HttpComponents. Thus, my question is what are the classes (if any) in the JDK and/or in HttpComponents that I...

What are the proper parameters for posting flash content using the Facebook Javascript SDK?

I am able to successfully post Flash content using FB.ui({method: 'stream_publish',....}). However, since my app must also be able to post to Fan Pages, I cannot use FB.ui, and must use the Graph API via FB.api instead. No biggie, I'd rather have a custom form for posting anyway. But it seems posting to a feed using FB.api('/FEED_ID/fe...

Unlike event similar to edge.create

Via the Facebook javascript API, you can subscribe to the 'event.create' event to listen for when users "Like" something on a page via the Like Plugin. Is it possible to respond to the same user un-liking it as well? I don't see any events documented, wondering if this is a hidden feature. ...

Does the Facebook Share Button work with the New Javascript SDK?

On the page http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/share-button_%28XFBML%29 It talks about the Share Button, and states that it is best to use the Like Button with Open Graph API. It is not so entirely sure whether using the Share Button is supported by the new Facebook Javacscript SDK. The Button should be supported ...

Is www.facebook.com/share info for doing a Share Button compatible with old and new JS SDK ?

I heard of yet another way to do the share button, which is on http://www.facebook.com/share/ It include this Javascript file: <script src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share" type="text/javascript"></script> Is it compatible with the old and new Facebook Javascript SDK too? ...

Can't add comments to photos in Facebook Android application

I am trying to develop a Facebook application for Android. I am unable to integrate the "Add Comment" feature to photos in Facebook Albums. Using the Graph API, I can show the previously made comments on a photo. However, I just can't add new comments to a photo. Can somebody provide me some helpful advice? ...

What are the differences between Login mechanism with Facebook Graph API and REST API?

If a website uses Facebook Connect, it seems like the new Facebook Graph API way of logging in is that it will give an fbs___appID___ as a cookie, with access_token inside, and there are also the expires, session_key, and sig. Why is a session_key and sig needed? Isn't the access_token by itself enough? Is the session_key suppose to li...

After Facebook signs a user in, what login name to store in the app's DB?

After Facebook signs in for a user, what is a proper Login name and email to use to store this user into the app's Database? Is there any docs on it? I haven't seen any yet. Is it the same for new JS SDK and old JS SDK? ...

If our website sees the Facebook signed in user has user id 678678678 in the cookie, how do we know this cookie is not faked?

I think if we make calls to Facebook using REST or Graph API, we will know if it is fake because it will come back saying fake session / auth_token / access_token. But what if we are showing our own DB info, such as the user's "most preferred product list", then we don't make any call to Facebook but show our DB's data. How do we know...

Counting Facebook "Likes" using Graph API

Good news everyone! Facebook fixed the /likes in Graph API. /Likes now returns the complete list of user's that liked a particular object in the graph (Photos, Albums, etc). In before, it returns only 3 - 5 users. My question is, how do you count the total number of "likes" without parsing the entire JSON and getting the element count? ...

iOS and Facebook Graph API: Inconsistent authorize issues

I'm using the official FBConnect library for iOS and trying to get it working in my iPad app. Here's what's strange: when my friend logs in using the call to authorize:permissions:delegate, everything works fine: the dialog asks for his authorization to connect to Facebook, the fbDidLogin delegate method gets called, all is well. Howeve...