
Problem in adding Facebook Like Button

Hi, My URL is something like www.example.com/product/?mid=1&pid=B0019DVLN2 If I add this url to the like button it takes only www.example.com/product/?mid=1 and leaves the rest part of the URL. I tried using the facebook lint tool. The problem still didnt get solved. I tried replacing & with & also, but still the problem remains. Tha...

Problem using like button in application profile tab.

Hi, I have an application profile for my application. I am trying to use a like button. But it is does not work. <fb:like layout="button_count" href="http://fbrell.com"&gt;&lt;/fb:like&gt; But share button works fine. Like button works fine on canvas page. Am i missing something. I appreciate your help. Thanks. ...

Get JSON response from facebook api restserver

I want to get the like_count of a page. I tried using PHP SDK, but I've given up on it because my site always stops loading after the line of code where the FQL query is executed, so I wanted to try to get the like count 'manually'. I tried using file_get_contents() on https://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=fql.query&amp;query=...

problem with facebook like button

I have placed the facebook like button on a website, and the weirdest thing is happening, every page on the site shows the same count for the number of people liking the site (~ 760), except the home page, the home page shows 18 people only. for the life of me I cannot figure out what's causing this. All pages are using the same open gr...

Dynamically show/hide Facebook like button

Here is my problem: I have successfully included the Facebook Like button on my test page. There are several items per page and there is a facebook like button per item. I am using the XFBML version. Everything runs fine if the buttons are present in the page on load. However, Now I want to show the buttons per item only on mouseover o...

Facebook Like Button Text in feed?

With the facebook iframe like button, am I able to specify what text shows up in a users stream? When I use a plugin for a wordpress blog post it shows up at USERNAMe likes POST TITLE on BLOG NAME but when I try and put it on another page with the straight up iframe code, i just get: USERNAME likes http://www.pagename.com/bla/bl...

How to embed Facebook "like" in an iPhone app?

I'd like to allow users of my app to like some URLs (one example is the home page of my app). Is there any example out there to illustrate how to do that? ...

How to programmatically "press" a 'Like' button through a Facebook Application?

I'm developing this Facebook Application and I was wondering if it's possible (and how) to programmatically, through the Facebook PHP Graph API, press some 'Like' button on some page? Of course, this is optional on my application... I'm still not ready to really explain what application I'm doing, but it would be interesting to code suc...

Facebook Like Buttons & Wordpress - creating like link instead of a like button

I saw this post about creating a link for facebook sharing. I would like to do this for the like button. I actually want to make it look exactly how it looks on facebook itself. Here's a previous post for the sharing function - I couldn't find any documentation for the like button itself. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/322197...

Is it possible to force Facebook Likes to follow 301 redirects

We have a large number of old Urls with FB likes that redirect (301) to new Urls. Is there a way to get FB to recognize the 301s and migrate or move the likes to the new Url? ...

Why does our implementation of the Facebook Like button only post a URL on a user's Facebook profile?

We thought we added the proper tags to enable Facebook to display our Likes in plain english, such as: Bob likes Why We Sold TechCrunch To AOL, And Where We Go From Here on TechCrunch However, Facebook is only posting: Bob likes http://techcrunch.com/2010/09/28... Some guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your expertise...

Facebook graph api - delete like

Hi there, I'm developing an app for Facebook in PHP, part of which lists the user's "likes". I would like to add a link next to each like so that the user can manage their likes by deleting them where they see fit. Facebook mentions this in their graph api docs: "You can delete a like by issuing a DELETE request to /POST_ID/likes (since...

How can my application find the Facebook Pages that a user administers?

I'm developing an application and want to let users connect their account to one of their Facebook Pages that they administer. Is there a way through the Facebook API that I can discover the Facebook Pages that a user administers? The method below seems to find all the FB Pages that person is a fan of (likes): http://developers.facebo...

'Like' button click fails in Firefox

I'm adding a Facebook 'like' button to the DOM using this jQuery plugin: http://onerutter.com/open-source/jquery-facebook-like-plugin.html It works fine in all browsers except Firefox. The way it works is that when a certain link is clicked, some data is loaded including the URL for the 'Like' button to use, so a new Like button is gene...

Issue with Facebook Like button in Windows Firefox

Hello all, I've got a facebook like button ( iFrame edition ) that is overlaid on top of a full browser Flash application. The like button is hooked up to like separate images within the application, and when each new images is shown, the like button is refreshed with data using ExternalInterface. The like button fades in and out for e...

og:image won't show up in my Facebook feed, when I like stuff at my site

Ok, I just launched a site: http://www.haavekuva.fi/ yesterday and on that site I've implemented Facebook's social plugin "fb:like", so it's possible to like a photo. Everything else works fine ("Like" gets published to my feed with correct title, link, etc.), but for some reason the og:image does not show up? When I hover over the the"...

Facebook Like Button Not working: Error unterminated string literal

I am trying to implement the Facebook Like Button but its not working. In short I can press the like button and it will say that I liked this. But nothing comes up on my profile and when I post a comment, nothing happens. It is also creating a javascript error: "Error unterminated string literal". Here's the page I have it implemented o...

Does the Javascript SDK version of the Facebook Like button w/ comments work on IE?

There are lots of questions about how to get a Facebook Like button working, but I would like to know: does anyone know of an example of the Facebook Like button, coded in XFBML and Javascript, where clicking on it makes the comments box show up, in Internet Explorer? Specifically, I'm trying to figure out if this behavior is broken on I...

How to enable users on the web to quickly "like" specific images in the gallery of my website?

In my website I have a small gallery with about 100 images only. It would be cool if facebook users could "like" an image so that this appears on their wall and all their friends see the image. I'm not sure if this is possible with facebook. Maybe someone knows? ...

How to obtain this facebook user id for the like button?

Referring to this document, I must implement this strange tag to my website in order to add a like-button for it. <meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/> USER_ID is supposed to be replaced by my actual user id at facebook. How do I safely obtain the correct user id? ...