
Multiple Facebook Like buttons (different activities) on one page?

Hello, My one web page uses Ajax to display information about multiple activities. I'd like to have one Like button per activity. This would mean multiple Like buttons on the page, one per activity. Can this be done? Can the Like button's url include #!state1 ? Eg, a web page is located at www.example.com/index.html It has multiple ...

What does og:image meta data do with the Facebook Like iframe?

I am working on putting the Facebook "Like" iframe on a site, and I am trying to follow the example found at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like. I am putting in code similar to this: <meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/rock.jpg"/&gt; But when I "Like" a page, it doesn't do anything with...

Facebook like button showing in Firefox but not showing in IE

Hello all, I have a Facebook like button on my page using the XBFML tag. I think the code is working, because it works in Firefox without a problem. But in IE 8 (running in IE 7 compliant mode), the button does not show at all. If I switch it all to the iFrame version of the like button it all works. But when I go with the XBFML ta...

Facebook Like-button problem

Hi there, I'm using this code to implement the like button <fb:like layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="450"></fb:like> But when I try to click it the counter is increased for about 1 second and then it goes back to zero again. I can't see on my facebook profile that i've liked something either. Someone have a solution fo...

update facebook open graph meta tag through js

I'm trying to update the meta content of the fb's open graph title. I updated the content but when it published the feed, its still pulling the old info. Example: <meta property="og:title" content="Title 1"/> I managed to update to <meta property="og:title" content="Title 2"/> When I click on the FB like, its still pointing the titl...

facebook like: href url vs. canonical url

Hi Stackies, for tracking purposes, I want that the URL, which appears on the facebook stream after an "like-action", is slightly different from the URL the user actually liked. Example: I use <link rel="canonical" href="http://example.com/test.html"&gt; in my head section to tell facebook to which URL a like-action on this website re...

XFBML button doesn't appear

Situation: I am running my website on wordpress. I have installed the "Simple Facebook Connect - Base" plugin and configured it by getting the API key for my website. Then I inserted the like button on my own at my own preferred place in the page using i-frame. It worked fine. Problem: But I thought to try the XFBML version. I loaded th...

Facebook : Comment box after Clicking on Like button not coming in IE

I have used fb:like with og meta tags set. it works properly in all browsers except IE. In IE i am when i click on Like button it does not displays "share your comment box" popup on hover. but in all browser it does. here is my code. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-...

Facebook Like Button

I'm having issues with the Facebook like button on my pages. On some pages (not all), I get a red 'Error' notice next to the like button. When clicking error it says that the "Page at __ cannot be reached". The URL Linter shows everything as fine with my pages. Anything else I should check? Using Javascript + XFBML, no iframes. ...

how to implement more then one facebook iLike button on one page?

If you have i.e. an onlineshop and you want your visitors to be able to like (with fb-like-button) every product in your shop, how can you make this? i mean, the like button should be corresponding to each produkt, to say: the product A is liked by 20, the product B is liked by 45 and product C by 13. i only have found solutions, where...

Is there a way to add Facebook Like buttons to lots of products?

I know how to add a Facebook like button for a group or page, but is it possible to add a like button to every product in a web store without having to create a group or page for each product? This was originally asked on StackExchange Web Apps Private Beta here. ...

Facebook Like button for mobile web

Hi, Is there a way to add the Facebook Like button on mobile web? (iPhone & Android only is ok) Is there any mobile sites out there that already do that? Would love to see it in action. Thanks, Tee ...

modify drupal views output to diplay a facebook like button.

How can I edit views output rows to include a facebook like button and that like statement should take one of the field as parameter and output on facebook as :: abc user likes "content of field" on mywebsite.com ...

How to customize the facebook like button dynamically for each different page

i want the item name (in the page title) to post back to facebook... <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=rent.neighborrow.com/items/view/&lt;?= $item["Item"]["item"];?>&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency...

facebook like page

I am trying to create a business "Like" page for my website something similar to http://www.facebook.com/Cricinfo http://www.facebook.com/google Please let me know. ...

facebook like: liking a page that redirects via 301 or 302 throws error "page could not be reached"

Hi Stackies, since a couple of days the Like-Button on our site is not working anymore. When I press the like button it shows "error: The page at * could not be reached.". When I remove the redirect it works, but I don't want to remove it because doing so the URL to like will be changed and I loose all "likes" that were connected with t...

How to Add a "Like" Button to my FaceBook Landing Tab?

My FaceBook Page is setup so that users who have not "Liked" the page yet (and attempt to view the page) are presented with the content of a particular tab instead of the default "wall" view. The tab that these users arrive at contains an application I made. It is a simple application that lists information about the business. The appl...

Facebook Like Button - Doesn't always show Open Graph data

I have all my Open Graph data set exactly as it is defined in Facebook's documentation, yet for some reason, every now and then when I click 'Like', it'll post to my profile as "...likes .http://mywebsite.com/mypage on .http://mywebsite.com" (inserted periods to prevent hyperlinks). Sometimes it'll get the name right but still display th...

Facebook: Using the like button with a facebook photo

These sorts of facebook problems often become tumble weeds, but I thought I'd try anyway. I'm wanting to create a facebook photo vote app with facebook connect. Photos in a certain facebook gallery will be displayed on a website with a like button next to it. They will be ordered by their number of likes. I'm having trouble with the li...

drupal views facebook like button

I tried to add facebook like button to my veiws, which lists a particular node-type. I used views custom field module to add the iframe code. The problem is when I click like.. it shows Nikhil liked http://example.com/node/44 instead it should have shown Nikhil liked node title on example.com. Where am I going wrong. ...