
Facebook logs me out after authentication via oauth on external site

Hi Guys, just to recap the process: I call https//graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=.. to get a code. This redirects the user to the facebook login page. They login. A FB session is created in their browser. The browser redirects to http//www.mysite.com/connect/callback?code=.. I take that code and exchange it for a token: h...

What is the point of the Application URL of Facebook Application registeration?

Hello everyone, I am developing an Android application for which I would like to add Facebook functionality using Facebook's Android SDK. I have registered the application and acquired the ID and Secret, but what is the point of the URL? Am I supposed to install something on my website on that specific URL so that I Facebook can do the O...

stackexchange facebook and twitter buttons

I have just seen the buttons on StackExchange sites for Facebook and Twitter status updates. I was wondering how SE is implementing this? I found this excellent post http://amirrajan.net/Blog/asp-mvc-and-facebook-single-sign-on that shows how to sign in and out of facebook in MVC. But SE didn't even ask me to sign in, I was logged int...

can FB.login() display as page for facebook iframe application?

here is my code? FB.login(function(response){ console.log(response) if(response.session){ connectFacebook(); } },{perms:'email,read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access'}); I need to permission user to use my applica...

How do I automatically post my Tumblr posts..

How do I automatically post or publish my Tumblr posts to my Facebook page? I don't mean the News Feed one, but a Facebook page. ...

Get logged fb user but NOT authorised the app (outside of canvas page)

Alright, looking at the JS SDK there is this: auth.statusChange Typically you will want to use the auth.sessionChange event. But in rare cases, you want to distinguish between these three states: Connected Logged into Facebook but not connected with your application Not logged into Facebook at all. So I would be us...

get facebook friends list with exclude parameter

How do i get the ID of the users who are already invited, from the facebook API? I want to use it to exclude the user when using <fb:multi-friend-selector condensed="true" style="width: 200px;" /> I have seen examples using $facebook->api_client functions.Where can i get the facebook api class file for PHP which can make the api_cli...

How to embed Facebook "like" in an iPhone app?

I'd like to allow users of my app to like some URLs (one example is the home page of my app). Is there any example out there to illustrate how to do that? ...

How to know the apps installed in iPhone

I am developing an application in which i need to find the apps which are already installed in iphone device such as Skype, facebook. I need to check it. Please give me code snippet if possible otherwise a link to get the solution. Is it possible or not. If this is possible, then how to disable the app also... Thanks in advance...... ...

How can i access user infromation using FQL according to email id?

hi... i want to fetch the user information(from facebook) using FQL according to email... select * from user where email='[email protected]' how can i use this in asp.net application through using some API.. (https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=QUERY.) plz reply kind regards.... ...

How to change CSS style of facebook produced windows?

I am creating facebook fbml application, that has to run in tab. That fbml application contains image, which, after clicking, loads iframe. Iframe contains content of application and uses facebook Javascript API. Starting 23rd of August, facebook tabs are 520px wide. I am using <fb:request-form> to invite friends to application. The prob...

Facebook album pagination callback

Hello, I've tried to paginate an album that contains more than 25 images with Graph API. The returned JSON contains a "paging" property that leads me to two JSON strings, for example the "next page" is: FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24adb366({... The problem is that I don't know what to do with this response. FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24ad...

Deleting Cookie

I was using the code below to delete cookies and everything worked fine. A few days ago, I began hosting the code somewhere else and it will not longer delete the cookie. Any ideas? if( $_COOKIE ) { foreach( $_COOKIE as $name => $value ) { $params = session_get_cookie_params(); unset($_COOKIE[$name]); ...

Publish stream with FacebookGraph API using ASIHTTPRequest?

Can someone please explain to me how to create an ASIHTTPRequest object that can post a stream to facebook using the Graph API? The API call is: https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?message=X&amp;access_token=Y The method type is POST ...

how does a facebook "signed_request" get created on the client side? (GWT)

I'm a beginning web programmer using gwt and running the back-end of our facebook application on appengine. Whenever our server gets a request for scripts, css, and only what seem to be "source" files, we receive a "signed_request" parameter appended to the request URL. If I initiate a JSON request on our client we get the "signed_reque...

How does digg /facebook get the title of the page and the thumbnail of the image of the link when posted?

How does digg/facebook get the title of the URL posted and the thumbnail of the page in facebook/digg. Can someone explain, how it can be achieved in asp.net or asp. Thanks ...

[facebook] <fb:request-form> show as not correct size

my <fb:request-form> show incorrect size (width). here is my code: <fb:serverFbml style="width:600px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:fbml> <fb:request-form action="<?= BASE_URL; ?>/pages/eid/inc/_send_card.php?ctid=<?= $card_type_id; ?>" target="_top" meth...

How to navigate to different Silverlight Control in Facebook Canvas ASP.NET MVC Application.

In my Facebook Canvas application i have the following problem: The Facebook application is running in an iframe inside Facebook. Basically it is an ASP.NET MVC application with two different silverlight apps nested in two different Views(and different controlls) If the user is in one silveright control the user should be able to navi...

Error in facebook api using php SDK

I am using facebook PHP SDK to access the friend list include_once("../fb-config.php"); include_once("../facebook.php"); try{ $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'FACEBOOK_APP_ID', 'secret' => 'FACEBOOK_SECRET', 'cookie' => true, // enable optional cookie support )); $uid=$facebook->getUser(); $data = $f...

Wordpress Sociable Plugin - widget not showing on posts

I'm using the Sociable Wordpress Plugin to add Facebook Connect functionality to my site: http://NaplesCheapEats.com. The widgets are on the right side title w/ "sociable". 1) The widgets seems to work on the home page and other pages but does not show up on the sidebar on posts. When you are on the post, only the title of the widget...