I'm trying to access Facebook data using the Graph API from an external commercial application. I've created a login for my company and gather that I need to register a Facebook App in order to use the Graph API.
However, I am confused about the Facebook requirement to associate a Personal Profile (a real person) with the Facebook App. ...
I am using JQuery Gallerific photo album at our site.
I want to implement the Facebook Like button and Open Graph Protocol on this page.
facebook like button
<fb:like href="http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/example-5.html" layout="button_count"></fb:like>
open graph protocol
So I have a div in which I load all my friends, div's name is 'myFriendList'.
I have their names and profile pictures with and ,
then I call FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById('myFriendList'));
but it only shows me one name of first friend in the list,
why doesn't it shows all names and pictures ?
I have recently starting porting a small app of mine to Facebook as a learning experience. I'm quite familiar with Silverlight and .NET in general but haven't done anything on facebook yet. Since all the SDKs and APIs that are available seem to not work, or I wasn't able to use them properly, I decided to directly access Facebook's Graph...
Searching for "OR" queries on facebook is an exercise in futility as "OR" gets filtered.
Cannot find a way to search for " X or Y or Z "
Results in it only finding posts which contains both Cats and Dogs:
"id": "100000895865837_129212313793038",
"from": {
Hey, I am fairly new to the whole coding game as well teaching myself how to execute the fbml mark up language properly. Currently I am trying to develop an application for revealing hidden content once a facebook user "likes" a specific page. I have looked at several different forums, blogs, as well as applications to get me off to a ni...
i uses FBML multi-friend-selector(condensed) to display friend invite list in my app. I want to track the number of requests send at a time and update it to my DB. I have gone through api documents, but find nothing.I am using the new PHP SDK for facebook.
Also i want to know if it is possible to use a custom button or image instead of ...
I need to embed a flash application(that will access FB API from within) in Facebook Canvas page.
If I use , some FB related details(like session key) will be automatically passed to the flash. But since, FBML is going to be deprecated, I want to use iFrame. Is there any way to pass those variable automatically or do I have to retr...
how can i get profile information in facebook according to emailid...
using some api..
kind regards
plz reply
Is there a way to specify a dynamic callback url for the redirect from Facebook authorization? Facebook app is requiring to enter a url with a slash at the end. What I am trying to do is to do is add a username or the app key so I can do some dynamic logic on the callback url page. I would like to use the same callback url for many users...
I have an Iphone app. I am using facebook connect when for user authentication.
I am sending score and fbuser Id to my web server. How can I validation this user valid or not?
Can any one please let me know how to add developed application to the fanspage TAB?
Does websites like twitter and facebook ( where the content change often ) use caching ?
Hello guys,
I wonder why all jQuery popups plugins don't accept postback.
But if you see FaceBook see all friends popup, you can do next & previous. And if you remark, there is a postback (I think) when you click next or previous.
Can someone give me a link or explain how they do that?
I have remarked too, that you can right click (o...
I would like to supply an username(mail address) and password to an API method and login to Facebook. Is it possible with the special swc library to access the API in this manner? If not, can you give me some hints on how to do it using ExternalInterface and JS?
Thank you!
Here is my stream publish code that publish some infomation (attachment, media) to Facebook wall post:
function afterAcceptPublish(to_id){
var postid;
var attachment = {
'name': 'ฉันได้รับของขวัญเนื่องในวันอีดิ้ลฟิตรี่จาก <?= $card['name']; ?> แล้ว',
'href': '<?= APP_BASE_URL; ?>...
How can i make load testing to facebook application?
Facebook prohibits the use of automated tools!!!
I have a website that takes care of getting a Facebook token through Graph / OAuth. At that point, the website can post to the user's Facebook wall with no problems.
Is it possible to send this token to another website so the remote website can start posting the user's Facebook wall without re-logging in the user?
I would like users of my Rails application to be able to submit their Facebook Badge as input in a form, but I absolutely want to to verify that what they provide is a valid Badge, not something that may compromise the security of my system (Javascript ...).
Is there a good way to validate a form field that contains a Facebook Badge?
I have tried this page: http://developers.facebook.com/setup/ but it's not working. I think it's not working since july. Is there another way to get the an appID and secret?