
Remove insecure content from the page

Hi Guys, I want to remove insecure content from site I added facebook social networking box by using following GWT code in HTMLPanel < iframe width='244' height='242' class='fb-fan-box' src='https://www.facebook.com/connect/connect.php?id="+ FacebookConstants.FB_DUBLIN_PAGE_ID+ "&connections=10&stream=0&css=https://www.supergroupers...

Javascript setting variable value

Hi Guys! I want to set the value of stat from if else block but when I set it and alert it then it says to me "undefined". How can I set the value of stat. Here is my code. deleteComment = function(postId){ var stat = "Don't Know"; FB.api(postId, 'delete', function(response) { if (!response || response.error) { stat = "Er...

Facebook https profile picture request resultsi n warning

New FB graph API otherwise working great, but when I make a request to a pic the link below calls a http request to get the image picture, resulting in browsers telling me that the page is only partially encryped. Any quick way around this? https://graph.facebook.com/NAME/picture ...

How to Use Facebook as my Sites Login?

Hey, I have some doubt, about FB Log in system integration in my website , how can i use it?? Like am i need to save anything in my db, more over how can i get a sample code in PHP? ...

facebook login and search graph api

Hello, I've been searching for a way to get user's information when logged in. I noticed that when I log in, I get more information on the user rather than not logged in. I tried php and js apis but they still doesn't work as I expect them to. So I'm searching for a way to log in and request that information, what's the simplest way? ...

Two different versions of Silverlight Control

I have a really strange issue in my project. I have a facebook app which loads a silverlight control in an iframe. Right now the app is pointing to my localhost. Now the strange thing is if I open the app in two different browser with the same address, it load two differen versions of the same silveright control. (One i start by debugg...

Facebook FB.Connect.requireSession() stopped working

I've got this page that calls: FB.Connect.requireSession(callback) and in the callback are all the things I need to do after I know the user has a working FB session. It used to pop up a new window, which would ask for permission (or to log in, or whatever) then close and call my callback function. Now, however, it opens a window, ask...

How to embed "Share on Facebook" button into Flex application?

I'm trying to duplicate the behaviour of the "Share on Facebook" button from Youtube. Basically, inside a Flex app I'll have a button and when I click it I want a popup that enables me to post something on the wall. While it is possible to make a call to javascript to open the pop-up I want to be able to set the images and the text of ...

Difference between Facebook link and source?

I am trying to understand the difference between "link" and "source" in results from the Facebook opengraph API. Example #1 (the common case): 'link', but no 'source' {"id":"538094606_148946261795695","from":{"name":"Shameem CK","id":"538094606"},"picture":"http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=b916dff3b3d53ac29d8a3c3b97e3895a&...

CSS Lining up images. Always 1px difference. Why/How?

Hey guys. I have implemented a Facebook Like button into my site. I wanted to make other buttons which fit the same style as the like button. I made them the same height as the like button, yet regardless my button would appear one pixel above, or below the like button - this was really obvious and looked bad. Now I am relatively new t...

Facebook.Session.ConnectSession cause IE to crash

Hi guys, When I get a new ConnectSession as follows : this._connectSession = new Facebook.Session.ConnectSession(appKey, appSecret); The browser crashes. Works fine in chrome and Firefox. When I comment this line of code, everything works fine again. very weird ! ...

How to get Twitter OAuth working in Facebook Tab App ?

Hey guys, I had a custom fb tab app that basically used a twitter library hosted on mysite to list out friends timeline. The twitter part then was authenticated using basic authentication, hence no callbacking was needed. Now that basic auth is gone, I find that I need to use OAuth, not a problem if I view the actualy twitter feed from...

how I use the facebook API in my php code?

hii Friends, I am working on widgets.I want to build facebook application in small widget. so how I use the facebook API in my php code. please provide the guidline. please... Help me.. ...

Embedding google map in static FBML pages

Hi folks, I am looking out for a way to embed a google map into a static fbml tab in one of my fan pages. I think few saw FB has scrapped of iframe support for static fbml and stuff. I want to embed the map wthout any user actions involvement. I am wondering how to do this? Could some one help please? Thanks, J ...

Facebook mobile site (m.facebook.com) User agent comma fail to log in

I'm working on a custom proxy which does a number of things including appending extra information in the HTTP Headers. I'm running into an issue where we append some extra information in the User-Agent String with a comma. e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.3; Series60/3.2 NokiaN86-1/11.043;; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleW...

Where to deploy the Web Application???

I have made a Facebook application (using C# and ASP.NET + SQL server), which is hosted on my localhost. Is there any other place where I can deploy this web application, so that it can be accessible from anywhere on the internet. What changes should be made in the connection string, while deploying this on the internet??? ...

Using Jquery with facebook JS SDk

Hi, I am using jquery to achieve a variety of stuff in my pages, which includes showing and hiding div elements. Now I also have the facebook JS SDK in the master page to check whether the user has signed out of facebook and making graph api calls. The problem is sometimes, it takes a while for response from facebook to come and in th...

Strange black square when loading Facebook Connect for iPhone

Hey all, I've been playing with Facebook Connect for iPhone recently and got it working great. Except for one thing. As you can see in the image (which shows just before loading the log in screen), there is a hideous black area on the right hand side. Do anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? I can only think that I may have t...

How to post HTML content in facebook wall using facebook api in php

How to post HTML content in facebook wall using facebook api in php I have used below codes but not working $result = $facebook->api('/me/feed/','post',array( 'message' => '<h1>This is my demo Face book application!</h1>')); And I used as below code using php concatenate the HTML string $result = $facebook->api('/me/feed/','post',a...

How to construct a Facebook post URL from the post id?

The Facebook open graph API allows a public search, e.g. https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=watermelon The results returned may be statuses, videos, links, photos (and others?). Each has a post id, e.g. 100000973592583_149321401769498 I wish to construct a URL to the post. For statuses, this seems to work: http://www.facebook.co...