
Facebook Query Language Troubles - Trying to get link_stats.

Hey guys, So I'm trying to learn how to get link stats for a URL using Facebook's API. This is what I have here: require "application/libraries/facebook.php"; // Create our Application instance (replace this with your appId and secret). $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'APP ID WAS HERE', 'secret' =>...

Facebook Like button: is it possible to change the URL of a page you share?

Hi, Can I change the URL of a page shared through the facebook like button? Is there any meta tags for this? ...

What statistic can be collected about the use of facebook apps?

Is it possible to track how often and/or when a Facebook user is using any facebook app? What if they have installed one of your apps, can this be used to collect statistics about app usage? For instance, you could say that a user spent 8 hours playing Farmville in the past 24 hours. Or even total usage of a specific app. What sta...

What programming language does facebook use?

I don't know much about programming languages, but am interested in a career with facebook, so I was wondering if someone could tell me what programming language facebook uses. Also, do any other social networking sites use the same language? ...

FB.api() error occurred - FB undefined

Hi, I got error occurred when trying to post to wall on facebook using the below code. It sometimes can post after the first login but always return error later on. <?php include_once "include/settings.php"; //include_once "include/messages.php"; if(isset($_GET["access_token"])) { $access_token = $_GET["access_token"]; }...

How to check if user likes a given page on facebook, from an external site?

Hi, I'm building an app using facebook likes, under GAE with python. I'd like do different actions if user likes the page or not: page_url=url if user likes page_url: #do something else: #do something else I'm interested in checking if the user already likes the page, not in the action of clicking the like button. Also I'd l...

Facebook api video.upload requires HTTPS connection

I noticed a very funny error message Facebook API returns when I tried to use CURL to upload video to Facebook as below: This method requires an HTTPS connection Based on facebook api doc: developers.facebook.com/docs/ref … deo.upload it wrote that: Video uploads to Facebook happen on a specific set of servers. When you call video.u...

Facebook Share Button's title, how to change?

I have a facebook share link, but I want to change its title, instead of using the original title in that page, e.g. http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.google.com&amp;t=Yahoo Is it possible? ...

Facebook api wall post in php

I tried below code not working $attachment = array('message' => 'some meesgae', 'name' => 'This is my demo Facebook application!', 'caption' => "Caption of the Post", 'link' => 'http://mylink.com', 'description' => 'this is a description', 'picture' => 'http://mysite.com/pic.gif', 'actions' => array(array('name' => 'Get Search', 'l...

How to programmatically "press" a 'Like' button through a Facebook Application?

I'm developing this Facebook Application and I was wondering if it's possible (and how) to programmatically, through the Facebook PHP Graph API, press some 'Like' button on some page? Of course, this is optional on my application... I'm still not ready to really explain what application I'm doing, but it would be interesting to code suc...

Beginner Facebook Application Questions

I'm just getting into Facebook application development. I've got some questions about how the applications are developed. First, there's the Facebook PHP SDK. You can install this to a web server capable of executing PHP, but does that mean if you went to www.example.com/facebook-php-sdk/examples/example.php that it would look like you'...

FBConnect won't display Publish to Wall after login.

I have an app that I want to be able to connect to Facebook and post to the user's wall. I have the following code: (void)viewDidLoad { static NSString* kApiKey = @"PRIVATE"; static NSString* kApiSecret = @"PRIVATE"; _session = [[FBSession sessionForApplication:kApiKey secret:kApiSecret delegate:self] retain]; // Load a previous sess...

Requesting extended permissions for Facebook pages

Does anyone here knows how to request extended permissions for a Facebook page using the new authorization mechanism for use with the old REST API? The documentation tells that you need to redirect the current user to this url: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize? client_id=...& redirect_uri=http://www.example.com/callb...

Rails: using jquery + facebooker to generate fb:dialogs

I have a list of Area objects that I'm displaying in a Facebook application. I would like to have a link for editing them, next to each row. I would like the form to appear in a <fb:dialog>, so I created the following partials: # _edit.fbml.erb <% fb_dialog("edit_area_#{@area.id}", false) do %> <%= fb_dialog_title "Edit area" %> <% fb...

facebook connect for registration.

Hi, I have just started to play around with facebook api etc and currently looking through examples. I have a button working where the user can login to facebook , and then there first/last name is put into the value of a input box. I want this to be used so either a user can login to facebook and have the registartion form filled in f...

Facebook hometown graph api

I am currently getting data from a users profile when they login through facebook, I want to store this data for signup process on my site. When accessing "hometown" it lists it as one such as: London, Westminster, United Kingdom The hometown is in an array as follows: > [hometown] => Array > ( > [id] => 00000000...

How could I search people via connect-js?

For example i would like to achieve https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=mark&amp;type=user , and I am trying: FB.api('/search?q=mark&type=user', function(response){ for(x in response) alert(x); }); } Please, help! ...

Facebook Connect Bug? (Post-Authorise URL Being Put in Window Instead of OnLogin Callback)

Hi Guys, I have a ASP.NET web site which uses Facebook Connect for authentication - using the JavaScript API and the Facebook Connect FBML Button. Here is the regular flow of events for a "Connect with Facebook" button click, when user isnt logged into Facebook. Dialog is shown requesting user to login Dialog requests permission from...

How do I use the FB Graph API to retrieve a user's mobile phone?

How do I use the FB Graph API to retrieve a user's mobile phone? Is this even possible? It's not listed as part of the extended permissions, but I was wondering if there was a way I could retrieve that piece of information ...

How can I retrieve the number of fans my Facebook page has?

hi, i need to retrieve the total number of fans my facebook page has. i can't see how to do this with their api. Does anyone know how i can? Thanks ...