
Can someone explain to me what this GetCardinality method is doing?

I've been looking into faceted search with Lucene.NET, I've found a brilliant example here which explains a fair amount, apart from the fact that it completely overlooks the function which checks the cardinality of items in a bit array. Can anyone give me a run down of what it is doing? The main things I don't understand is why the bits...

MySQL and faceted navigation (filter by attributes)

Hi, I feel like this question has probably been asked a thousand times already, so I apologize if it's been answered. And if so, can someone point me to the right posts/links? What I'm trying to do is build a faceted navigation for my site. It uses MySQL and here's a rough sketch of the tables I'm using: products: - id - title - descr...

Efficient implementation of faceted search in relational databases

I am trying to implement a Faceted search or tagging with multiple-tag filtering. In the faceted navigation, only not-empty categories are displayed and the number of items in the category that are also matching already applied criteria is presented in parenthesis. I can get all items having assigned categories using INNER JOINs and ge...

Dedicated faceted search engine for dealing with dynamic taxonomies - helps just with performance or also flexibilty?

I've been thinking for a while about modeling typical ecommerce site with ebay-like taxonomy and attributes dependent on a particular product category. First attempt was choosing between EAV and Table Per Class db inheritance modeling. I've chosen the latter because of the performance, but what it meant was creating dedicated table for ...

In Solr, How to search for blank facets in a multi valued facet field and at the same time, simply returning proper matches

I have an application where users can pick car parts. They pick their vehicle and then pick vehicle attributes as facets. After they select their vehicle, they can pick facets like engine size, for example, to narrow down the list of results. The problem was, not all documents have an engine size (it's an empty value in Solr), as it does...

Solr/Lucene: Indexing facet values

For example, say I have the following facet: Colors Red (7825) Orange (2343) Green (843) Blue (5412) In my database, colors would be a table and each color would have a primary key and a name/value. When indexing with Solr/Lucene, in all of the examples I've seen, the value is indexed and not the primary key. So if I filter by the ...

How do I set up a facet search with a many to many relationship using Sunspot?

I haven't implemented a search feature before and feel a bit stuck. I have a Sunspot search feature which finds results based on keywords - this works great - but I now want to implement the multi select facet feature, but I can't even seem to figure out how to set-up a basic facet search. I have a many to many relationship (in rails no...

How to hide certain elements on a page using jQuery

I am trying to implement something that is similar to a faceted search. My data is a series of objects and relationships. The idea is that you click an object (in this case "95 Theses" and then the possibly relationships are displayed, in this case "author" and clicking the relationship shows the object that matches the relationship, in ...

Solr OR query for different combination of facets

I have a sample Solr schema as follows isPublic = boolean source = facebook| twitter | wordpress I want to write a query which returns all documents from the index which matches either the isPublic = true or isPublic is false and source= facebook. Something like this solrUrl/?q=blah&fq=(isPublic:true OR (isPublic:false AND sourc...

Getting exception while performing field faceting

Hi, While doing filed faceting I am getting the below error. Exception during facet counts:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: undefined field manfar_name at org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema.getField(IndexSchema.java:1077) at org.apache.solr.request.SimpleFacets.getTermCounts(SimpleFacets.java:226) at org.apache.solr.request.Si...

I need to sort the facets that come back from SOLR by relevancy

I have within my SOLR index song objects which belong to a higher level album object. An example is shown below: <song> <album title>Blood Sugar Sex Magic</album title> <song title>Under the Bridge</song title> <description>A sad song about junkies</description> </song> What I can do at the moment is create a facet on the album title ...

MOSS Faceted Search 3.0

Hi, Has anyone installed Faceted Search v3.0 for MOSS working with date columns? When I map a column of DateTime type and click the Search BreadCrumb webpart "remove filter" link (next to the edit filter link) an exception is thrown. The search Breadcrumb webpart throws an error when I click the "Remove filter" link (this is the one r...

Lucene.NET faceted search.

I found a great tutorial on performing a faceted search. http://www.devatwork.nl/articles/lucenenet/faceted-search-and-drill-down-lucenenet/ This article does not explain how to retrieve the narrowed available attributes to filter from (for further drill down). Lets say I am looking for planners that are red. When I perform the facete...

Lucene.NET 2.9 and BitArray/DocIdSet

I found a great example on grabbing facet counts on a base query. It stores the bitarray of the base query to improve the performance each time the a facet gets counted. var genreQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("genre", genre)); var genreQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(genreQuery); BitArray genreBitArray = genreQuer...

Solr - retrieving facet counts for unfiltered version of query

I'm using Solr for searching, and recently started using faceting to allow users to narrow their search. However, once the user filters by one of the facets, the other filter options are no longer returned in the facet results. This is expected, but not what I'd like. Is there some way to return the facet fields and counts for the unf...

SOLR date faceting and BC / BCE dates / negative date ranges

Date ranges including BC dates is this possible? I would like to return facets for all years between 11000 BCE (BC) and 9000 BCE (BC) using SOLR. A sample query might be with date ranges converted to ISO 8601: q=*:*&facet.date=myfield_earliestDate&facet.date.end=-92009-01-01T00:00:00&facet.date.gap=%2B1000YEAR&facet.date.other=all&fa...

Solr multiple facet dates.

According to the Apache Solr documentation on facets, I can use keys because: 'This can be helpful when faceting on the same field multiple times with different exclusions.' I need them because I want to have a facet that gives me 'Last day', 'Last week', 'Last month' options. However, when I specify a query with the following options ...

Search result to show hits counts on artist and title

While playing with Solr and facets, I wanted to get the count of search hits on title and artist of my music albums. I find that faceting in solr doesn't have a straight forward method to do this since every document in Solr here will have both title and artist and the result expected here is count of search hits on each. Following is a...

php faceted search

hi, i have table question(mysql with php) which contains question,category(multiple) and subcat(multiple) its belong. for simplification while saving each question i saved the category in comma separated as below qid question catid subcat 2 question1 2,3,4 5,7 like this i have 1000 of question right now in DB...

Accurate algorithm for normalizing taxonomy terms?

Hello, I'm developing a shopping comparison website, and the project is in a very advanced stage. We index 50 million products daily using merchant feeds from various affiliate networks. Most of the problems I had is already solved, including the majority of the performance bottlenecks. What is my problem: Please, first of all, we are ...