
Python for web scripting

I'm just starting out with Python and have practiced so far in the IDLE interface. Now I'd like to configure Python with MAMP so I can start creating really basic webapps — using Python inside HTML, or well, vice-versa. (I'm assuming HTML is allowed in Python, just like PHP? If not, are there any modules/template engines for that?) What...

How to temporarily move a django site into a subdirectory (for testing) ?

I am in the process of deploying a new Django site to replace a current Wordpress blog. As I get it setup, I want to test everything in the domain's subdirectory before I switch things to the root and "go live". For example: Editing my .htaccess file allows me to redirect things without a hitch (I can see th...

PHP fast-cgi module crashes after SVN export

Let me start by saying that the problem I have looks totally weird to me! On a remote server, I have nginx as the web server and PHP running as a Fast-CGI module. I also host my SVN repository on the same server. Now I have a working copy of the repo on my local computer. I make changes to them, and commit to the repo on my remote serve...

Xdebug configuration with PHP fastcgi and eclipse?

I have been using eclipse-pdt in conjunction with xdebug and apache without problems, for over one year. Things worked flawlessly and I could do all the interactive debugging I wanted from within eclipse (using my own machine as a server). Now I switched from apache to nginx (and therefore PHP runs now not as an Apache service but as fa...

PHP FastCGI SAPI: Reloading PHP Configuration

I am using PHP FastCGI SAPI on my web hosting environment to run PHP applications. To spawn FCGI processes I use spawn-fcgi helper program. My problem is whenever I make a change to php.ini file, I have to kill and respawn each FastCGI server for the new configuration to take effect. Is there a way to reload PHP configuration(ie. php.i...

Audio files reading, mixing and encoding.

I have an FCGI application that have to stream audio via HTTP. The audio is composed of 1 to 3 files mixed together. Everything is in plain C. I'd like to know what will be a good way or library to read the audio files by 1 second chunks, mix them and encode them as an HTTP friendly format. I need to read the files by chunks because I ...

How many php-cgi processes should I run?

I am asking about a web server running a light front (nginx in my case), with PHP processes accessed through fastcgi. I am trying to figure out a way to methodically calculate how many PHP cgi processes should be running in the machine. One way to think of it is figure out the average memory footprint of a process, and run as many as ...

How can fastCGI applications be started manually on Windows?

I am have configured a Web Server to use a 'remote' fastCGI application over a named pipe (it's actually on the same windows host). I am now trying to find out how to start the fastCGI application to use this pipe but am unsure how this should be done. Other OS's seem to have spawn-fcgi utilities for doing this but there doesn't seem to ...

fastcgi, cherrypy, and python

So I'm trying to do more web development in python, and I've picked cherrypy, hosted by lighttpd w/ fastcgi. But my question is a very basic one: why do I need to restart lighttpd (or apache) every time I change my application code, or the code for an underlying library? I realize this question extends from a basic mis(i.e. poor)underst...

Deploying Django at

i new on django i tried this but i cant deploy. how can i do #!/usr/bin/python import sys import os base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/..' sys.path.append(base) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'myfirstapp.settings' import django.core.handlers.wsgi application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler() A...

compiled or interpreted / apache mod or FastCGI for this use case?

We have a server-side component that is currently written in PHP on Apache2 that is essentially a cross domain proxy that uses cURL to make external HTTP requests, does header processing and performs some regular expression replacement on the payloads. It is going to be the most heavily used piece of server-side code for our site. PHP i...

Why aren't my ruby processes exiting on my FastCGI shared server when using send_file?

After developing an awesome app on my local machine without any consideration of how it would perform on my host, I have run into a terrible issue. I am serving files (.pdf & .zip) through rails send_file so that I can log statistics. The only problem is that when two (or more) files are downloaded simultaneously, a new ruby dispatch.fcg...

Strange behavior change in mod_rewrite

Hello, In a .htaccess context, I have a simple rewriting rule : RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^dir/([^/]+)/(.*) action/do.php?a=$1&b=$2 [L,QSA] dir and action are in the same directory, which is also my DocumentRoot. When accessing the request should (and was) rewritten to

Auto kill fastcgi process when deploying django

Hi: Everything goes well days ago. But since today, when I run fastcgi, the process will be killed by system automatically. The worst thing is I don't know why and which process kill the fastcgi process. Let me give some detail. we use nginx to serve static files for another django app which listen to 80 port.(this is for production ...

Lighttpd/FastCGI treating routes as static content

I've come across a frustrating issue with FastCGI and Rails whereby lighttpd is treating routed url's as static files (i.e. not sending them to rails since it believes they're static) If I hit the root path I get the rails application, but as soon as I hit something with a URL structure, even a path that matches the default :controller/...

Lighttpd + fastCGI, decide to show or not to show image (without XSendfile)

Hello, I've faced a difficultiest problem. Let's imagine that all images are stored on image storage running lighttpd web server. All images URLs like Before displaying this image I want to check if this image was protected or not. So, we should do something like this... a) Request to webserver b) Getti...

PHP as FastCGI and exit() function

How exactly is exit() function working when in fastcgi mode? does it finish whole instance of php process in fastcgi pool or just ends current request and return process to te pool? if the second answer - what causes logs of this kind: [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/php.fcgi" (pid 25113) terminated by calling exit with status '0' ...

How to make CLI timers in Windows Server 2003+IIS6+FastCGI+PHP5.3.1 environment?

For the PHP-CLI timer mentioned in the title, I mean the Travian/Ikariam-like background timers that schedule players' actions. I would like to know how to make such timers in mentioned platform (PHP5.3.1, FastCGI, Windows Server 2003, IIS6). Also, on the other hand, if I deploy the program to a Linux server, will it be easier? ...

C language FastCGI with Nginx

I am attempting to run a fastcgi app written in C language behind the Nginx web server. The web browser never finishes loading and the response never completes. I am not sure how to approach it and debug. Any insight would be appreciated. The hello world application was taken from and simplified to look like this: #include...

PHP timeout during simple connection to MySQL - on win2k8 64bit IIS 7 / FastCGI php - new install

I installed PHP/FastCGI and Mysql on w2k8 64bit IIS7. PHPinfo() loads fine, and MySQL extension is properly installed. PHP displays echo commands. MySQL also works fine through the MySQL Command Line Client. I can create DBs, tables and users. However MySQL does not respond and the PHP script times out when simply connecting with mysq...