
Software Fault Tolerance

Hi All, Does anyone know how software fault tolerance is implemented in Air Traffic Control Systems? Some URLs would be very helpful. ...

Large number of soft page faults when assigning a TJpegImage to a TBitmap

I have a Delphi 6 Pro application that processes incoming jpeg frames from a streaming video server. The code works but I recently noticed that it generates a huge number of soft page faults over time. After doing some investigation, the page faults appear to be coming from one particular graphics operation. Note, the uncompressed bit...

WCF Fault not being propagated to the client properly

We've got the following WCF Service Contracts: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://example.com", Name = "Service1")] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(Fault1))] ValidateUserResult ValidateUser( string username, string password); } [ServiceC...

WCF Webservices and FaultContract - Client's receiving SoapExc insted of FaultException<TDetails>

Hi All, i'm developing a WCF Webservice and consuming it within a mvc2 application. My problem is that i'm using FaultContracts on my methods with a custom FaultDetail and i'm throwing manyally the faultexception but when the client receive the exception , it receives a normal SoapException instead of my FaultException that i throwed fr...

From my code, I can't trace the out of bounds exception.

public override Models.CalculationNode Parse(string expression) { var calNode = new Models.CalculationNode(); int i = expression.Length; char[] x = expression.ToCharArray(); string temp = ""; //Backwards assembly of the tree //Right Node while (!IsOperator(x[i]) && i > 0) { if (!x[i].Equals(' ')...

Enteprise Library Exception Handling for WCF Fault Contracts - CLIENT SIDE

I have a Windows Service which communicates with WCF services. The WCF services are all fault shielded and generate custom UserFaultContracts and ServiceFaultContracts. No problems there. In the Windows Service I am using EntLib for exception handling and logging. I do not want to try catch for faults try { } catch (FaultException<Us...

Android XMLRPC Fault Code

Hey, We have been using XMLRPC for android and it was working well until we got our hands dirty with Base64 encoding for byte[] (images) -- (we did base64_string.replace("/","$$") for transmission). We have tried undoing the changes and its looking like an XMLRPC error. We are getting the following error in the DDMS: 06-10 23:27:02.97...

Setting the detail field of a `FaultException` without object serialization

I'm trying to adapt a framework originally written for WSE to WCF. The framework sometimes throws SoapExceptions from deep in its bowels, which I would like to catch and transform into FaultException objects that the WCF framework will handle. In order for the existing clients of this framework to continue working, I need the <detail> f...

iPhone Core Data relationship fault

Hi, I am building a core data iphone app, and having trouble with retrieving one-many relationship data. Please bear with me while I explain. I have used the data model designer to setup an entity called "Item" that contains many entities called "Comment". I then retrieve multiple entities and display them in a UITableView. I fetch the...

c++ STL queues, references and segmentation fault

Newbie to C++ learning by converting a java program to c++. The following code results in a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) when executed. //add web page reference to pages queue (STL) void CrawlerQueue::addWebPage(WebPage & webpage) { pagesBuffer.push(webpage); } //remove and return web page reference from pages queue WebPage & Crawl...

how to create and manage wcf service clients?

At first I treated them as any dependency passing them in the ctor to the class consuming the service: var serviceConsumer = new ServiceConsumer(new MailingServiceClient()) The problem was that once an exception was thrown from the service it entered a faulted state and would not reply to any requests, so re-initialization was due. F...

C++ Class Pointer Deletion (Segmentation Fault Issue)

SOLVED Well, it seems that I'm receiving a segmentation fault when I try deleting my class pointer. I've tried many things, but yet haven't got it to work. Anyways, here is my main.cpp: (this segmentation fault is occurring when I delete 'm') /* * Copyright(c)Fellixombc 2010 * * TextToSqlRs is free software: you can redistribut...

Custom SOAP Fault has wrong namespace http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/...

Hi there I've defined a custom schema for a soap fault which looks like this: ... ... I've genereated code in VS 2008: [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.3053")] [System.SerializableAttribute()] [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("...

Error After Migrating from .NET3.5 to .NET4.0

I have a test declared as: [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FaultException<ArgumentException>))] public void ShouldNotBeAbleToDeleteASystemList() When I run this in VS2008 targeting .net 3.5 it all works fine and the test passes as the exception is thrown. I have migrated the solution to VS2010 and changed the target fram...

WCF general fault is encrypted where protection level is sign only

If a general fault is raised on my service endpoint the fault response is undesirably and unexpectedly encrypted. I have created an endpoint with a custom binding for interoperability reasons with a java spring framework set up with transport security with signature only over soap 1.1. <service behaviorConfiguration="MyProject.We...

How to use glDrawVertex() function in ANSI C

Hello :) I'm learning OpenGL, and now usage of function glDrawArrays() but I always get Segmntation fault on glDrawArrays call, i'm doing something wrong? /*MESH*/ struct Mesh { GLsizei numVertices; GLfloat vertices[48]; } m; static void meshCreate(struct Mesh *mesh) { mesh->vertices[0] = 0.000000f; mesh->vertices[1] = -0.000000f;...

WCF Message.CreateMessage, SOAP Faults and the "action" parameter...

Greetings! Here's the deal: public static Message CreateMessage( MessageVersion version, MessageFault fault, string action) action: A description of how the message should be processed. What do you guys put in there? "Handle with care!!!" or "FRAGILE"? Does it make any difference in the end? Thanks ...

How to exclude stacktrace from axis2 fault response

Hello experts! I have an Axis2 web service which throws different detail messages in the fault response to signal problems in the call. At some point, due to server errors (others than the ones treated by the web service), in the fault detail string I get the full stacktrace of what happened. I do not want the client to see the stack ...

FaultException.Detail coming back empty

I am trying to catch a given FaultException on a WCF client. I basically need to extract a inner description from the fault class so that I can then package it in another exception for the upper layers to do whatever. I've done this successfully a number of time, what makes it different this time is that fault is declared as an array, ...

Understanding scanf() in C (Seg Fault)

I don't understand getting input in C. I have the following code which is producing a segmentation fault: int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ while (fgets(buffer, MAX_LEN + 1, input) != NULL) { get_command(t, buffer); } return 0; } and static void get_command(Table *t, char *command) { COMMAND command_name = 0; char *valid_...