
Zend_Feed_Reader behind a Proxy

am new to Zend and want to use the Zend_Feed_Reader class behind a Proxy. I've been told that I need "replace the default instance of Zend_Http_Client used by Zend_Feed_Reader using the setHttpClient() static method. The replacement should be a new Zend_Http_Client object which is passed a replacement adapter called Zend_Http_Client_Ada...

How to read RSS feed using jQuery

How do I parse an RSS feed using JavaScript or jQuery? ...

What is the difference between <pubDate> and <lastBuildDate> in RSS?

I have the feeling, in every RSS.xml file, both the pubDate and the lastBuildDate match. I am sure that this one, is not always true... So firstly, what is the difference between those two above? Secondly, the RSS readers, sort the content by Date, based on the pubDate or the lastBuildDate? ...

Something like pubsubhubbub that does not depend on google app engine

I am looking for something like pubsubhubbub that does not depend on google app engine to run. What I need is a tool that can track for me a big very large number of rss or atom feeds and issue events when they are updated. ...

Is there a way to display javascript content in blog feeds

Does RSS/Atom have a semi-official method of including active (read:javascript) content in it's items? I know about RSS enclosures, but I'm presuming that's for true multimedia - ie mp3 and the likes. Say I have a bit of remote javascript I want to include in my post to display a dynamic graph etc, can this be done? Or flash, etc for ...

Combining data from different tables to form a news feed.

Let's say I have 2 tables, Message and Product. Whenever a user post a new products or messages, users who subscribe to that particular user will have their feed updated.It is similar to Facebook feed. The problem is how to combine the records from 2 different tables, Message and Product, to make a news feed, the feed has to be sorted b...

Easy way parsing Shopzilla Publisher feed or API?

Do any have easy tools for parsing Shopzilla Publisher feed or API? ...

Feed Reader , Multiple Mail-box Manager and A Book-mark manager .. All-In-One

I'm looking for a software that runs under Linux which supports Feed Reading , multiple mail-box management and bookmark management all integrated in one Software .. I don't know how the integration should look like or what features are there .. All i care about is a single software that allows me to Read My feeds ( Like i already do wi...

parsing application/atom+xml in html page

we know that all blog show his blog 's rss feed by <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="MyBlog RSS Feed" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/MyBlog" /> but are you know any regex to get feedurl from this <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="MyBlog RSS Feed" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/MyBlog...

jQuery Accordion populated by XML file, how?

Hi, pulling hair out here, is there any tutorial or snippets to enable me to create an accordion that is powered/populated by an XML file? Currently my XML file is loaded ok, but every entry appears in a single accordion header.. obviously I need each XML chunk in a different accordion thingy.. head hurts. update: <forces> <force> ...

Using Google App Engine to display a Rss/Atom feed

Im thinking of setting up a Google App that simply displays an RSS or Atom feed. The idea is that every once in a while (a cron job or at the push of a magic button) the feed is read and copied into the apps internal data, ready to be viewed. This would be done in Python. I found this page that seems to explain what I want to do. But th...

How can I make a database driven list/feed that can be updated with jQuery ajax?

I'm wanting to know what the best way to go about creating a list of say, users's statuses (similar to what facebook/twitter has) that is loaded in with PHP when the page loads. But ajax checks for new status updates every 10 seconds or so. It looks like to me that there are about 2 options: Put the "new items" html in the PHP file th...

Embedding OBJECT (Video) in RSS Feed while maintaining page flow

Hello all, I'm trying to publish rss feed from a site. Some of the feed items contain embedded video. Now I know for sure that this won't show up in the feed when the feed item contains the object data enclosed within the item's <description> tag. In fact feed validator shows a warning for the same. Googling for a solution to th...

unexpected token in rss feed

I am trying to process an rss url, but is giving me an error as "'--' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 81, position 5." when i look at the source it has a value "Knowledge@Wharton -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship" in the middle of the xml node. How can i process this url and ignore that error. Public Shared Fu...

usage of rome media rss plugin

can anyone explain how to use the rome media-rss plugin found here? I tried the sample usage and everything else i could find in google (which isn't much) but could not get it to work. Specifically, getModule(MediaModule.URI) which is supposed to return a MediaModule returns null on a media-rss feed. getModules() (note the plural) on th...

Get Items Feeds4J Java Array

Im from php, so i want to lear java. In php in a for loop if i want to create an array i just do $items = $this->getItems(); for($i=0;$i<count($items);$i++) { $myarrayitems[$i] = $items[$i]; } return $myarrayitems; But in java i got arrayoutofexponsion or like that. here is the code im trying public String[] getItems(String url)...

Output RSS feed as html?

Are there any free php/javascript libraries out there which would help in displaying an RSS feed as html? ...

error when passing rss feed to php domDocument object

Hello, can anyone possibly point me in the right direction I am using curl to get back a google picasa api feed. This all works well, with the autorisation and the fetching of the data, but now I want to expand a little bit in try'n to add,update tags,pics, geo-info from my site. How can I pass the feed I got back with curl to the dom...

How to Display Videos inside RSS Feed

Hi, I have a blog and all posts (i.e. this post) have videos in hidden div. I want to display this videos in my [RSS feed.] But not regular blog view.4 By the way i'm using Wordpress. How i can do it? Thanks. ...

Updating a rss-feed continuously

I'm creating a bot in PHP that continuously updates an RSS-feed and gathers information. Every loop takes around 0.1 sec but sometimes it takes up to 9 sec to finish the cycle. Why does this happen and is there a way around the problem? I need the bot to be as fast as possible as I'm trying to beat another bot that has the same purpose ...