
Open RSS feed link from uitableviewcell in safari instead of a new viewcontroller

I am using this http://imthi.com/blog/programming/iphone-rss-reader-application-with-source-code.php as a start for my rss reader in my app for loading news. I am trying to get it when you select a cell row it opens the link in safari instead of another viewcontroller. I am still learning how to develop for iPhone. This is what opens the...

Twitter feed on site - Reporting tweets by others to account

I'm having some difficulty in finding a script (hopefully AJAX) that'll create a feed (or rather, report a feed) on a webpage about what others are saying for a given @account. For example, I have the account "oranges". I'm looking for a script that'll report comments people send to @oranges (through twitter) onto a given page. Right no...

How do I change the amount of items retrieved from a flickr feed?

Does anyone know the parameter to change (decrease) the amount of items retrieved in the flickr feed? It always returns 20 items by default. Example: http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json The documentation is rather scarce: http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/ ...

Mime, Atom feed or IMapx for reading from gmail

Hi, I am little confused as to what is the best approach for reading mails from gmail Here are the links that I reffered: http://hellowebapps.com/products/imapx/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1530724/imap-on-c-download-mails-and-attachments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/989986/reading-atom-feed-of-gmail-account-from-c I ha...

How can I display a 'random' feed item using this jQuery zRSS plugin code?

Hi, I am running and using the zRSSFeed jQuery plugin (http://www.zazar.net/developers/zrssfeed/) to pull feed items from my WordPress blog and display a single feed item within a seperate XHTML file (outside of the WordPres blog). It works perfectly displaying the latest item in the feed specified. I would like it to display a RANDOM i...

Simple Yahoo Pipe not working

All I want to do is mix three rss feeds into one, remove duplicates (based on the title) and sort the items by date of publish. So I built this pipe (http://pipes.yahoo.com/nerdvanagr/olympiacosbc) which is just refusing to work: As you can see, for example, the 4th and the 7th iteam have almost exactly the same title so one of them shou...

Get Facebook Page Wall Stream

Hello, im looking for something quite simple, i thought, but didn't find any solution on the web. I want to get the posts (only from the band, not others) from a FB Page Wall (its a Band, so no private profile) and publish it on MY own site. I hoped to get the Posts as XML or JSON and then parse them. So i wanted to use FB as a news Sy...

Does google reader api have method return each oldest entry's timestamp of feed?

Does google reader api have method return each oldest entry's timestamp of feed? method "unread-count" just return newest timestamp. mehtod "subscriptions" just return oldest timestamp for entry what is not unread. ...

How to use a php script to grab rss feed content

I want to grab the RSS feed content from a site and display it in my website with different filtering options. Can anyone put a php script which can grab the content from there and show ...

MongoDB PHP: How do I get ObjectId with a JSON feed? (it's blank)

I'm storing a file through GridFS and saving the id like so: $file_id = $gridfs->storeUpload('texture'); $item = array( 'name'=>$_POST['name'], 'description'=>$_POST['description'], 'price'=>$_POST['price'], 'categories'=>$category_array, 'tags'=>$tag_array, 'file'=>$file_id ); $collection->insert($item); and...

how to creat a rss feed from an internet website with android ?

Hello everyone, i wanted to do an application which use a rss feed from the web, and i wanna know if someone have a tutorial somewhere or could just explain to me how to do it. (I started coding in android like two months ago) ...

Online service for buffering rss feed items

Hi, I am desperately looking for an online service for buffering rss feed items. Basically, I have one rss feed that publishes approximately 40 items per hours; however the rss feed only exposes the latest 20. I would like to have access to a buffered rss feed that would for example expose the latest 250 items. If such a service exists,...

Best way to keep an activity log in memcached

I'd like to build a "feed" for recent activity related to a specific section of my site. I haven't used memcache before, but I'm thinking of something like this: When a new piece of information is submitted to the site, assign a unique key to it and also add it to memcache. Add this key to the end of an existing list in memcache, so i...