
drupal rss feed not displaying in IE7

Hi there, I'm generating some RSS feeds from my Drupal site. They work fine in Firefox and IE8, but in IE6 and 7 it is displaying the XML. The feed location is at http://www.leanarts.org.uk/general/feed. Can anyone help? ...

Yahoo Pipes clone script?

Yahoo Pipes lack of processing power and cannot works well with website from far east. I need to process complex regex from far multiple locations, hundreds of posts every minutes, which Yahoo Pipes fail to generate the result. Is there any codes or script act like Yahoo Pipes which I can use it in my own server? ...

Facebook app friends users posts don't appear on my news feed

Hello, I built a Facebook app which allows users to post some news to their news feed from my website. I use Facebook Connect and the Facebook JS library. When a friend of mine (Facebook friend) posts something to his news feed from my website using my Facebook app, I don't see it in my news feed. His other friends see it. Is it becaus...

Import rss feeds and usability

Hi all, I run a small blog network and on this I have a page where I show the latest blog posts from different blogs on my server. I would like to extend this page, to also include new posts from external blogs using rss feeds. Currently it’s easy to get the content, since it’s just a simple query selecting posts by date, but it troubl...

Cache feed and only refresh when feed is changed

Over at rsscache they have a way of refreshing the cache only when the feed has changed. Unfortunately its .Net. I would like to know what approach I should take to achieve this in php. How are changes in the feed detected? Simply by a timestamp (time node in the beginning of the feed)? My feed would be a yahoo pipe that has mixed m...

selective node update to cached xml feed and/or feedreader

Over at rsscache they offer a mechanism that caches your website's feed. They claim that if a new node gets added to your feed, instead of flushing and refilling the entire cache(for the current user, they proably do for new users), they only send the new node to the current users newsreader, and the reader adds it within the other nodes...

Which is most used? RSS or Atom? and which one is better to build from?

Hey all. I am thinking of using either RSS or Atom in my project, but also "enhancing" the feed with some of my own special attributes specifically used by my project. So I have two questions: 1) Which is most used of RSS and Atom on the web and by the big sites? 2) Which is most suitable to be build from by adding my own tags? Upda...

iphone - retrieving information from the internet (rss alternative?)

(Very) basically my app is just a load of information collected from the internet - eg: someone can log into an admin panel on a website and update their app from there. The information gets put into a mysql database. The way I thought about going about this was to use an RSS feed - it works for blog/twitter feeds, so I thought why not ...

how to show images in my feed?

i have tried many rss parsers but i have not succeed to get images of rss feeds? you know a feed parser which also shows images? ...

Youtube feed published date problem

Hi, I'm pulling in a feed for my youtube playlist into yahoo pipes (to create a mashup along with other feeds). Here's my youtube feed: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/8D04CB7477AF17CD . The problem is that the only date info this feed has is the 'updated' date, which is always the current date and time - if you access that...

Facebook Fan Page feed

Hey guys... Im trying to fetch a feed from a Page in Facebook which works fine if i use a browser to get the feed - But when im trying to build a script that has to fetch the XML, it returns HTML, any ideas why ? And is there any other way to get the XML for a Fan feed?? Im using this URL: http://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format...

Facebook Open Graph Feed Not Returning All My Wall Posts From Me

When I use the open graph API to get my own facebook news feed (my wall), everything looks right for the most recent 3 months, but prior to that, I no longer see my own posts (but still see posts of other users on my wall). I'm using a version of this link (with a working access token): https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed??access_toke...

How do I automatically post my Tumblr posts..

How do I automatically post or publish my Tumblr posts to my Facebook page? I don't mean the News Feed one, but a Facebook page. ...

PHP - Twitter API, Creating and Using Cache File

Why would the following code request an RSS feed from the corresponding Twitter account more than 4 times per hour (because that's what Twitter says it's doing)? In handling this data, I'm using php's simpleXML and referencing $local_file_twitter. The handling script makes no direct requests to the Twitter feed itself. the Cache folder h...

feed problem in firefox and google

i have problem when creating feed. it's can be read by feedreader, and also shown in firefox but failed in google. this is my feed header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Myfeed</title> <link>http://www.myfeed.com/&lt;/link&gt; <description>This is myfeedFeed</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon,...

News feed help for activity stream

building a facebook-like newsfeed and need help. We would like to start off with just comments in the news feed. We would like to display all of the comments of everybody the current user is following on the site. There is a followers table with the follower id and the followee id. Here is a basic query of the followers table to select ...

Aggregating from various sources

It could be a project well beyond my skills right now but I've got around one full month to spend on it so I think I can do it. What I want to build is this: Gather news about a specific subject from various sources. Easy, right? Just get the rss feeds and display them on a page. Well, I want something more advanced: Duplicates removed a...

would like iphone view with feed of all twitter tweets with a given hashtag

Hello! What is the simplest way to display this kind of feed? I've heard you can do this with Yahoo pipes, but does Twitter directly support this? Thanks! ...

RSS feed in PHP

Hello I want to do my own RSS field in my php website. so what is a flow for that . How to develop that. after that i want that Bookmark in firfox functionality also. Kindly guide me . ...

Simplest way to create a newsletter having more than 500 subscribers?

Hi, I've got a question and I whish this community can help me. I have more than 500 subscribers that agree to receive the news of my association by newsletter. This newsletter doesnt exists yet because I don't know which way is the best to create it. I've got also a blog and a FeedBurner account which has 100 subscribers. It would be ...