
Is it possible to use GoogleFinanceAPI on Android?

I've been searching around for a definitive answer but have yet to find one. It seems as though the simple answer is "no" because the GoogleAPIs use too many Java classes that aren't included in Android. If that's the case then I need to ask another question: what is the best way to parse information from "http://www.google.com/finance/...

How do I get new video release into my website

I am wondering on how do I get to show movies, tv series, anime etc. that came out on DVD's to my site l;ike http://www.blockbuster.com/ does. Can i just feed it off IMDB or any other solutions? Thank you ...

PHP parse error in rss parse function

Hey, I have a client who needs a website urgently, but I have no access to information such as the control panel. PHP Version is 4.4 Which is a pain as I'm used to 5. The first problem is I keep getting: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, expecting ')' in D:\hshome\*******\********\includes\functions.php on line ...

how to show images in my feed?

i have tried many rss parsers but i have not succeed to get images of rss feeds? you know a feed parser which also shows images? ...

Check date format before parsing

Hello! I am parsing several documments with the field Duration. But in the differents files, it is in differnt formats, ex: "Duration": "00:43" "Duration": "113.046" "Duration": "21.55 s" I want to parse all of them to the format "Duration": "113.046", how could I check before any parsing in wich format it is?? Some conditions be...

Translate Spanish feed to English before storing it in MYSQL database

Hello, I am new to ruby on rails and I have just started watching rails casts tutorials. I have understood on how to parse feeds using feedzirra if the feed is in English but if I have a feed like this which is in spanish then how do i parse this feed? The link is http://estaticos.marca.com/rss/futbol_equipos_almeria.xml how do i co...

How to fetch multiple feeds concurrently

Hello, I am new to ruby on rails and I have just started watching rails casts tutorials. To parse feeds, I have started using feed zirra. To fetch multiple feeds at once, feedzirra has this feature feed_urls = ["http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing", "http://feeds.feedburner.com/trottercashion"] feeds = Feedzirra::Feed....

How to Grab Feed Entry Images at Rome Parser

Hello Do you know a way to get feed entry images in rome parser? I can get description , title etc etc of entries. But I am not able to get images of entry. I can get syndImage but I do not need main image as well I need images of entries. I would be glad if you can help me soon. Regards Altaico ...

how to get feedparser to send a cache-control header?

I'm using python feedparser in an aggregator client that runs behind a squid proxy. I want it to send a cache-control: max-age=600 header in the request, so that we get a reasonably up-to-date response. (At the moment the feeds are returned by the proxy from its cache, even days after they changed, which is reasonable based on heuristi...

feed problem in firefox and google

i have problem when creating feed. it's can be read by feedreader, and also shown in firefox but failed in google. this is my feed header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Myfeed</title> <link>http://www.myfeed.com/&lt;/link&gt; <description>This is myfeedFeed</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon,...

django feedparser limit the result

Hi guys, im doing something with feedparser: i have a templatetag for display "news" in my home page, but , how ill limit the feedparser result? inclusion tag from django.template import Template, Library import feedparser register = Library() @register.inclusion_tag('rss_render.html') def rss_render(object): #RSS URL "object" rss...

Problem installing LibCurl + LibXML + FeedZirra on Windows XP.

Hi, I am rails newbie. I am working on Windows XP. I have this version of ruby. ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32] I have Rails 2.3.8 installed. I am trying to install feedzirra trying every possible way after watching the Rails Cast 168. First I tried to install using gem install pauldix-feedzirra. I got this ...

Simple Yahoo Pipe not working

All I want to do is mix three rss feeds into one, remove duplicates (based on the title) and sort the items by date of publish. So I built this pipe (http://pipes.yahoo.com/nerdvanagr/olympiacosbc) which is just refusing to work: As you can see, for example, the 4th and the 7th iteam have almost exactly the same title so one of them shou...