
How to start and use Apache Felix from code?

Hello, everyone! I can't find information about starting and using Apache Felix from code. I want do things which I am able (or unable ;) ) to do with Apache Felix's Shell. For example, how do I start a module? Please help. ...

How do I register a service in OSGi (Apache Felix)?

Hello, everyone! I have successfully managed to start Apache Felix from code and register an own Bundle. Following relation between OSGI-projects is needed: [OsgiInterface] -- provides interfaces. [OsgiModuleA] -- (bundle) provides an implementation of those interfaces. knows [OsgiInterface] [OsgiUsage] -- makes use of one or more b...

Transitive dependencies on bundles?

Hi, when using bundle as the packaging of a maven artifact, I seem to lose all information about transitive dependencies. So if artifact A depends on artifact B and B is packaged as a bundle, A does not see the maven dependencies that B has. This leads to lots of issues with maven plugins used in A's POM that need this information (such...

Netbeans and osgi bundle development

Hi, I'm about to star an OSGI project using netbeans 6.8 and felix 2.0.4; can anybody provide me with tips and/or links to get started quickly ? Thanks in advance. ...

How to profile the execution of an OSGi deployment?

I'm starting the development of an OSGi bundle for an application that will be deployed in a device with some hardware limitations. I'd like to know how could I profile the execution of that bundle to be always sure that it's going to fit with its dependencies in the final device. It would be nice to have a profiler to know how much memo...

Starting Wicket web application with OSGi HTTP Service

I'm trying to start a Wicket Application using Felix implementation of OSGi HTTP service, for that I just register the service using WicketServlet with applicationClassName parameter: props.put("applicationClassName", MainApplication.class.getName()); service = (HttpService)context.getService(httpReference); service.registerServlet("/",...

Trouble understanding the whole OSGi web eco system

Hello, I am pretty new to the whole Java and OSGi world and I have trouble understanding the eco system of a OSGi web application. To be more precise I am at the moment trying to understand how all the parts of the eco system are related to each other: OSGi Framework (e.g. Apache Felix, Equinox, Knoplerfish) OSGi Runtime (e.g. Spring...

Knopflerfish packaging

Hello, I am at the moment creating a matrix which is showing how far Knopflerfish, Equinox and Felix are OSGi 4.2 compliant. So far I looked at the Knopflerfish documentation (Link 1, Link 2) to get an idea of how much of the Core and Compendium specs are actually implemented. The core specification seems to be fully implemented, alth...

com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean use in an OSGi bundle

I have some legacy code that was used to monitor my applications cpu,memory etc that I want to convert to a bundle. Now when i start this bundle its complaining Missing Constraint: Import-Package: com.sun.management; version="0.0.0" I had used the OperatingSystemMXBean to get access to stats on the JVM. My question is can I use this...

OSGI classcast exception on felix

Hi, i'm fairly new to osgi and am trying to get a functional proof of concept together. The setup is that my common api is created in a bundle creatively named common-api.jar with no bundle activator, but it exports all it's interfaces. the one of interest in this situation is DatabaseService.java. I then have a Second bundle called s...

Deploy a bundle to Apache Felix via Ant?

Let's suppose I have a valid Ant build script which packs up and prepares my OSGi bundle. Now, I would like to make the build process install/update the bundle to my local Felix installation as the last step, and - if possible, automatically start if not started by default. Anyone has an idea how to do this? I was thinking about makin...

Error while deploying a web application in OSGI container using pax web

Hello I am trying to deploy a web application in a Felix container. I have all the required configuration done with my web app like the setting up of the manifest headers: Webapp-Context: Bundle-ClassPath: Bundle-Activator: Import-Package: Bundle-SymbolicName: etc The Pax bundles that I have dropped in the same container are: pax-web-se...

Disabling Cache in Apache Felix

Hi, i'm trying to follow the instructions in this thread (http://osdir.com/ml/dev-felix-apache/2009-05/msg00051.html) to disable file system bundle cache in felix. I couldn not find a concrete example online. Can somebody help me with this? Is this really working? Thanks in advance. Klaus. ...

Passing data to OSGI Bundles

Hi, I don't know how far the discussion in this thread is still relevant, but I'm not able to read system properties from a Felix BundleActivator. Is this working for anybody out there? Or can somebody help me figure out what is going on? Thanks, Klaus. ...

Package-Resolution (Import-Export) problem in maven2 generated osgi-bundles running in ServiceMix

Hi there. I have one bundle using the following configuration in pom.xml: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.1.0</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <osgiManifest> <bundleName>SAMBA Common</bundleName> <bundleDescription>The Com...

How to use Apache Felix from my Java code? how to add maven POM code?

Hi, I want to start Felix in embedded mode. I want to do this with a maven build. What maven do I need to add to my pom.xml to allow Felix to run in embedded mode? What code do I need to add to my application? Thanks, Philip ...

How to get Spring Dynamic Modules 2.x to work on Apache Felix Karaf?

We started using Apache Felix Karaf for a project, and make use of Blueprint Services. Now, I would like to use Spring Dynamic Modules in order to have access to advanced DI functionality and testing features. The problem is that I haven't been able to figure out how to get Spring DM 2.x running on Felix. The spring and spring-dm featu...