
FFmpeg on iPhone

Hello, I have downloaded ffmpeg libraries for iPhone and compiled them. My objective is to create a movie file from a series of images using ffmpeg libraries.The amount of documentation for ffmpeg on iphone is very less. I checked an app called iFrameExtractor, which does the opposite of what i want, it extracts frames from a video...

Screenshot of the Nexus One from adb?

My goal is to be able to type a one word command and get a screenshot from a rooted Nexus One attached by USB. So far, I can get the framebuffer which I believe is a 32bit xRGB888 raw image by pulling it like this: adb pull /dev/graphics/fb0 fb0 From there though, I'm having a hard time getting it converted to a png. I'm trying with ...

Getting true video Height/Width from ASF videos

I am trying to convert an ASF video with FFmpeg using an interface called mediahandler. The issue is, the metadata on the ASF video appears to be corrupt. It states that the video is 640x240, and 4:3 aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is correct, but obviously the resolution is not. This causes the converter to incorrectly scale the video,...

How to read information from .3gp and .mp4 using ffmpeg-php?

I have a bit of a problem with ffmpeg-php. I'm trying to get some information from video files and it works pretty fine with file formats like .avi, .mpg or .flv but when I try to use .3gp or .mp4 in: $movie = new ffmpeg_movie('path/to/file/test.3gp'); I get error like this : ffmpeg_movie::__construct() []: ISO: File Type Major Bra...

Installing ffmpeg module for php on windows server

I got PHP Fatal error: Class 'ffmpeg_movie not found I found several archives with php_ffmpeg.dll also I have add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll in php.ini, restart the apache but nothing related with ffmpeg shows up when check phpinfo() My server is running on Windows and I need help with installing that library. I just look in error...

FFmpeg + iPhone - Interesting (incorrect?) video encoding results

I'm encoding some video on the iPhone by running the png image data through swscale to get YUV420P data then encoding that frame using the MSMPEG4V1 codec. In the api docs, avcodec_encode_video should return the number of bytes used from the output buffer by that encode operation. There are 234,000 bytes going into the encoder, but the ...

How to split large VOB file to 1GB VOB files for Video DVD creation

I've used FFmpeg to convert an ISO MP4 video file into an MPEG2 VOB file in readiness for creation of a video DVD. I now need to find a way to make multiple VOB files from the original output since the maximum size of a VOB for a video DVD is 1GB. The FFmpeg tool does not appear to have any option to create multiple output files of a m...

ffmpeg: create a video from images

Is it possible to use ffmpeg create a video from a set of sequences, where the number does not start from zero? For example, I have some images [test_100.jpg, test_101.jpg, test_102.jpg, ..., test_200.jpg], and I want to convert them to a video. I tried the following command, but it didn't work (it seems the number should start from zer...

Build a .so using ffmpeg

Hi! I'm currently coding a small API to project thing onto a dome. To play video i use ffmpeg inside my display class (the core of the API). When i compile a project ( I'm using kdevelop) with the .cpp and .h containing my class, the project work perfectly. But i would like to made my class a .so for easy sharing and use. I compile e...

Unrecognized input filetype FFMPEG gas-preprocessor.pl

Hi, I try to use FFMPEG in the iPhone, I follow by this link http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2009-October/076618.html When I running the ./configure --cc=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1 --as='gas-preprocessor.pl /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/...

Stepping Over in Emacs GDB

I'm having some trouble stepping over in GDB. I've built an example program from the ffmpeg library with debug symbols on and stripping off. Although I configured the ffmpeg library to static and explicitly disabled shared, it looks like the program I'm debugging is linking dynamically, since its file size is only 99kB. I don't know t...

C++: FFMPEG and SDL resources

I'm looking for resources (preferably books, but websites are fine too) for using FFmpeg and/or SDL with C++. Stuff I'd like to be able to do (eventually): Decode and play videos in realtime to a QT widget (the QT part isn't a problem) Overlay text and images on the video (in realtime) Loop video Cross-fade from one video to another (...

DSS won't stream 3GP's encoded with FFMPEG

I have setup Darwin Streaming Server which streams the included sample 3GP files pretty well. However when I try to encode my own 3GPs using FFMPEG and stream them, it doesn't work. (I test the streaming using VLC Player). Here is the command I use for encoding: ffmpeg -i test.flv -acodec aac -ar 22050 -ab 128kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 256k -...

how to recognize video codec of a file with ffmpeg

I have often problems reading AVI file with my TV dvd player if they are not divx or xvid (DX50,i.e., is not readable). I'd like to make a fast script to recognize the video codec of these files before burn it on cdrom/dvd. The command : ffmpeg -i file.avi give the "container" of the video stream (mpeg4,mpeg2,etc), not the codec. A...

problem FFmpeg avcodec_register_all iphone

Hi, I need to use ffmpeg for encodig. I have all *.a. My problem is tha when I use avcodec_register_all() xcode give me this error: "_deflate", referenced from: _encode_frame in libavcodec.a(pngenc.o) _encode_frame in libavcodec.a(pngenc.o) _encode_frame in libavcodec.a(pngenc.o) _encode_frame in libavcodec.a(lclenc.o) ...

Using FFMPEG to reliably convert videos to mp4 for iphone/ipod and flash players

I need to convert videos for use in both a flash player and the iphone/ipod touch. I'm using the following batch script with ffmpeg: @echo off ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -s qvga -acodec libfaac -ar 22050 -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 -threads 0 -f ipod %2 This always outputs an mp4 file, and I can always play it on my PC. The videos also seem to p...

Encoding Video on the iPhone

Im trying to record the contents of the iPhone screen to video , in the app I'm working I want the user to be able to create a little animation but I'm just not sure how to encode the screen contents/animation to video when their finished? The problem with using something like ffmpeg is that its LGPL which can lead to licensing issues, ...

iphone encode problem with ffmpeg

Hi, I need to encode a video from image. I use ffmpeg and compiling rigth. My problem is that when i try to opne video with quicktime on iphone, this give me a message "this movie format is not supported". I create a file mp4 with this parameter on context: context->time_base.num = 1; context->time_base.den = 15; context->codec_type = C...

a reliable way to get the progress of an ffmpeg conversion in BASH

Hi I've done a bit of searching on here and on other sites, it seems this question has been asked a few times, but rather than giving the actual code, people only give the theory. I wish to create a reliable way to get the progress of a transcode. It seems the best way is to use the total frames of the source file and then get the curr...

Is there any readable Tao.FFMPEG how to?

So FFmpeg is grate lib and there are some wrappers for it in C#. Tao is one of my choise. But how to use it 0) In general 1) with live http streams 2) with FLV format There is Tao.FFmpeg help which comes with TAO installl but it is just not for me - I do not get a lot out from there. So I need some richt and clear Blog posts or boo...