
ffmpeg split into frames

Hey, I want to split a video which is one second long (25fps)into 25 seperate video files. I know I can split it up into jpegs but I need to retain the audio. So when I recompile audio is still there. This is what I tried to grab the first frame only (with audio): ffmpeg -i 1.mov -vcodec mjpeg -qscale 1 -an -ss 00:00:00:00 -t 00:00:00:...

how to get the duration of an audio file after uploading using FFMPEG

Hi Team, I am uploading audio files in asp.net using FFMPEG.My question is how can i get the duration of the file(in seconds). Please suggest me. Thanks and Regards Srinivas M ...

Convert SWF file to FLV with FFMPEG & getting error "could not find codec parameters"

Hi I am trying to convert SWF file to FLV, but i am getting same eror C:\Users\Administrator>C:/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe -i C:/xampplite/htdocs/ffmpeg/1.swf \ C:/xampplite/htdocs/ffmpeg/file1.flv FFmpeg version SVN-r16573, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --extra-cflags=-fno-common --enable-memalign-hack --ena...

merge CAF (core audio format,Linear PCM) file into a video(mjpeg) file using ffmpeg (programatically)

Hello, As the title said, I have a CAF file and I want to insert that file into a video file using ffmpeg(Programmatically ) using C. CAF file has Linear PCM audio format I am successfully able to build the video file and now want to add the audio to the video file from CAF (Core Audio Format) file. Can anyone provide a sample please...

Best cheap GUI for converting to f4v

Hi, I need to give one client the ability to convert some videos to f4v h264 before loading it up to an AIR app. I normally doing with the Adobe Media Encoder CS4 but that only ships with adobe products (you can't download it as a free standalone app - which, start rant is odd, you'd think they would push the format - Microsoft's compe...

FFmpeg and qt, Unable to find a suitable output format for '>'

Hi all, I'm trying to execute a ffmpeg operation through Qt I would like to execute this line : ./ffmpeg -t 10 -i temp1 -f mpeg - > temp2 When I execute through the terminal, it works perfectly fine. How ever when I launch it through Qt like this : QProcess *process = new QProcess(); QString parameters("./ffmpeg -t 10 -i ...

How do I use ffmpeg with live streaming from an IP camera

My question is very basic because I am a newbie to all these technologies. I have an IP camera connected to my internal network. ...gives a live streaming view in Firefox or Internet Explorer. Now I want to record the live stream into a video. The parameters to be supplie...

FFmpeg bitrate issue.

I'm dealing with a very big issue about bit rate , ffmpeg provide the -b option for the bit rate and for adjustment it provide -minrate and -maxrate, -bufsize but it don't work proper. If i'm giving 256kbps at -b option , when the trans-coding finishes , it provide the 380kbps. How can we achieve the constant bit rate using ffmpeg. If ...

ASP.net FFMPEG video conversion receiving error: "Error number -2 occurred"

Hello, I am attempting to integrate FFMPEG into my asp.net website. The process I am trying to complete is to upload a video, check if it is .avi, .mov, or .wmv and then convert this video into an mp4 using x264 so my flash player can play it. I am using an http handler (ashx) file to handle my upload. This is where I am also putting...

Mobile Video Detection

Hi, I'm using DeviceAtlas to detect mobile phones, I was wondering if anyone had some good resources in terms of standard codecs, video dimensions that are used and how you go about serving video to mobile devices. Thanks! -Aaron ...

can we convert flv to mp4 directly from internet using ffmpeg

VB.Net This works fine for me "-i ""C:\myfile.flv"" -ar 22050 FileName.mp4" but can i use this one i.e. "-i ""http://www.example.com/myfile.flv"" -ar 22050 FileName.mp4" ...

ffmpeg mp3 conversion

was to convert several thousand MP3 files, and get this for some files: ffmpeg -t 45 -i "my_mp3.mp3" -y "new_mp3.mp3" FFmpeg version 0.5-svn17737+3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --extra-version=svn17737+3:0.svn200...

What is PTS in reference to video encoding?

Could someone briefly explain what the acronym PTS means in reference to video encoding? ...

Making a DVD video with a still image and PCM 16bit audio with ffmpeg

I'm trying to make a small video with a still image and a sound file playing in the background to pass it to dvdauthor and create a DVD. The command I'm using is this: ffmpeg -loop_input -i image.jpg -qscale 2 -i song.flac -aspect 4:3 -target pal-dvd -acodec pcm_s16le -shortest output.mpg However, the resulting video file doesn't have...

FFMPEG iPhone using gas-preprocessor

Hi, I got the latest version of FFMPEG and gas-preprocessor, and i am trying to build them libraries for iPhone. I put the gas-preprocessor.pl file in my usr/bin folder, and try to configure my ffmpeg with this command. ./configure --cc=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1 --as='gas-prepro...

Using ffmpeg to cut up video

I am using FFmpeg like this e.g.: ffmpeg -i input.wmv -ss 60 -t 60 -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.wmv to cut out a section of a large file. The -ss part works fine but the -t is ignored. That is, it correctly removes the first -ss seconds but then just keeps going to the end of the input with the copy. Is there a way to use FFmpeg ...

FFMpeg Error av_interleaved_write_frame():

this my code . after running php code FFmpeg version 0.5, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --shlibdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --incdir=/usr/include --enable-libamr-nb --enable-libamr-wb --enable-libdirac --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --en...

Batch extract a folder of .mp4 files to just audio in the original audio format using ffmpeg

I have a folder of .mp4 files. How can I batch extract the audio from every file, in the original audio format, preferably using ffmpeg? (On 64bit WinVista) ...

Converting a video to flv format by using ffmpeg is working in local but not working in server

Hi all, I want to convert a video to flv format. I am using ffmpeg to convert the video. I am using following code. exec("C:/wamp/www/newtip/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i C:/wamp/www/newtip/ffmpeg/videos/".$name." -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 C:/wamp/www/newtip/ffmpeg/players/".$name_s.".flv"); It is working correctly in the local system. B...

Segmentation fault while feeding in an mpeg file through ffmpeg

Hi, I've set up FFserver as the streaming server. I'm trying to feed in an mpeg file. But it comes up with a segmentation fault. Does anyone know how to fix this? The following is the command-line output I get $ ./ffmpeg -i test1.mpg http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm FFmpeg version SVN-r22945, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg d...