
Speeding up full screen image drawing on iPhone 3G

Hello all. I am developing an app which plays interactive real time streaming video. I use FFMPEG (don't worry, I'll be releasing my source code) to decode a MPEG2/H264 RTP stream. I simply cannot get the iPhone 3G to draw a screen full of pixels faster than 5 times per second. I've tried a OpenGL texture which was just a slow. I've...

PHP exec() Not Working With ffmpeg

Hello all, I'm attempting to run the following command in PHP (on Ubuntu): <?php if (exec("/home/johnboy/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i test1.mp4 -acodec aac -ab 128kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1220kb -mbd 1 -s 320x180 final_video.mov")) { echo "Success"; } else { echo "No good"; } And I always get "No good" echoed back, and no file created. ...

passing ffmpeg commands to main function, how to?

I heard from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208522/ffmpeg-on-iphone-modifying-video-orientation post that we can create command line arguments with the options and pass it to ffmpeg main() method. anybody who knows how to do this, pl provide some code. I need this to capture images, encode them and stream from iphone device. Mohan ...

how to make a queue in php with mysql

hy, in my script i run a exec() function to make a movie file with ffmpeg. the problem is ffmpeg can run only 1 time on the server, if 2 people are online on server and first one already run ffmpeg i want the second to wait until the first end the process how to code this? thank you ...

Any way to assign terminal output to variable with python?

I need to grab the duration of a video file via python as part of a larger script. I know I can use ffmpeg to grab the duration, but I need to be able to save that output as a variable back in python. I thought this would work, but it's giving me a value of 0: cmd = 'ffmpeg -i %s 2>&1 | grep "Duration" | cut -d \' \' -f 4 | sed s/,//' %...

PIX_FMT_YUYV422 8 bits conversion ffmpeg

Hi, I have a raw YUYV422 buffer with 8-bit 4:2:2 Component Y’CbCr format (Y0, Cb, Y1, Cr order). I know that ffmpeg's PIX_FMT_YUYV422 only handle 16-bit buffers.So I am getting Bad memory error when scaling that buffer into YUV420P. Can any one give me a clue, how can I use this buffer with ffmpeg to covert into YUV420. Thanks, Ragh...

How do I set libavcodec to use 4:2:2 chroma when encoding MPEG-2 4:2:2 profile?

I have a project using libavcodec (ffmpeg). I'm using it to encode MPEG-2 video at 4:2:2 Profile, Main Level. I have the pixel format PIX_FMT_YUV422P selected in the AVCodecContext, however the video output I'm getting has all the colours wrong, and looks to me like the encoder is incorrectly reading the buffers as though it thinks it is...

How to install ffmpeg, ffmpeg-PHP, Mplayer, Mencoder, LAME MP3 encoder for Winxp. php version 5.3.0

Hello All Members I am newbie in php.Can any body tell me how i install ffmpeg, ffmpeg-PHP, Mplayer, Mencoder in Windows XP and php version should be 5.3.0 or Wamp server release July 11 2009/Xamp Server release 2009/12/23. I make search on google and i find tutorial but that tutorial work with previous version of php 5.2.8 . So if so...

How to store thumbnail image into the database?

I created an .png image from a video using ffmpeg tool and i want to how to insert that image into the db which has a blob field and also i want to know how can i recollect that image from the db to display as a image again? ...

Why does ffmpeg stop randomly in the middle of a process?

ffmpeg feels like its taking a long time. I then look at my output file and i see it stops between 6 and 8mbs. A fully encoded file is about 14mb. Why does ffmpeg stop? My code locks up on StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();. I had to kill the process (after seeing it not move for more then 10 seconds when i see it update every second previously...

Pipe ffmpeg to oggenc(2) with .NET

I am trying to encode ogg files at -q 6/192k. ffmpeg doesnt seem to be listenting to my command ffmpeg -i blah -acodec vorbis -ab 192k -y out.ogg So i would like to use the recommended ogg encoder. It says the input must be wav or similar. I would like to pipe a wav from ffmpeg to ogg. However not only am i unsure if oggenc2 will acc...

Problem with files consists of spaces and single quotes?

I'using the following code to create thumbnails using ffmpeg but it was working fine for the files which have no spaces or any quotes.. But when the file has a space (like 'sachin knock.flv') or files which have quotes (like sachin's_double_cent.mp4) it doesn't work.. What can i do to get those files work accurately? One restriction is...

Video encoding Help

Hi guys, I'm doing one research on video encoding tools for flv. I tested flvtool2 and Yamddi, but I'm losing lots of quality of video. Does anyone recommend any other tool or algorithm to keep the maximum quality of the movie in flv? Regards, Pedro ...

FFMPEG running in Command Line but not PHP

I am using ffmpeg build for windows to make video thumbnails . The command works well in command line but not from PHP exec method. am using PHP 5.2.11 Here is the command. "E:/Documents and Settings/x/WINDOWS/ffmpeg" -itsoffset -4 -v "E:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/bs/files/videogal/c08c3d20eeb9083ed0335...

How to create thumbnail from swf games?

Hi I know there is way of creating thumbnail from swf video files using ffmpeg to take snapshot, but is there any way out there to create thumbnail from swf games files? ...

How to mention real image instead of dummy image in ffmpeg api-example.c

Hi, I am using video_encode_example function from api-example.c of ffmpeg, which basically creates 25 dummy images and encodes into a one second video. How ever i am unable to mention real images instead of dummy ones. If any one know how to do this for xcode objective C, pl submit a reply. Below is the function /* * Video encoding ex...

How to encode video from multiple cameras into one mkv stream?

How to encode multiple video + audio streams (we want streams not to be any how encoded) from cameras into one mkv so, that sound from camera A is encoded with respect to wideo from camera A, using JAVA or C or C++? (algorithm should be working on different platforms eg win lin mac) ...

Using FFmpeg in .net?

So i know its a fairly big challenge but i want to write a basic movie player/converter in c# using the FFmpeg library. However the first obstacle i need to overcome is wrapping the FFmpeg library in c#. I downloaded ffmpeg but couldn't compile it on windows, so i downloaded a precompiled version for me. Ok awesome. Then i started lookin...

How to Join N live MP3 streams into one using FFMPEG?

How to Join N live MP3 streams (radio streams like such live KCDX mp3 stream http://mp3.kcdx.com:8000/stream ) into 1 using FFMPEG? (I have N incoming live mp3 streams I want to join them and stream out 1 live mp3 stream) I mean I want to mix sounds like thay N speakers speak at the same time (btw N stereo to 1 mono), please help. BTW: ...

How to use infinit live streams with JAVE library? (Java, ffmpeg)

So I want to use JAVE to save mp3 radio stream to my File system. I have this code for file saving but what shall I do to save a stream (stop on timer for ex) File source = new File("source.wav"); File target = new File("target.mp3"); AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes(); audio.setCodec("libmp3lame"); audio.setBitRate(new Inte...