
ffmpeg: convert audio-only flv to swf

My Flex application records audio-only FLV files using red5--I'd like to convert these to SWF files so I can embed them in other SWF files. (I could also convert to MP3 and then embed them into SWFs myself, but I'd prefer a one step solution.) Anyone have experience doing this? What I've tried: The following naive ffmpeg command fail...

Would like help thinking algorithmically about server-side video encoding.

I've been learning PHP and MySQL and have been thinking about exercises to help me learn the language better. I've used ffmpeg for a few years now to process video files and thought I could probably work out a way to manage this from the web. I've read up on using ffmpeg from php but I'm wondering how to manage the files on the backend. ...

cannot make ffmpeg gem work on windows (ruby)

I installed ffmpeg on my windows machine with no error message using gem install ffmpeg. hm so did I actully install ffmpeg-ruby from here? require 'rubygems' require 'ffmpeg' video = FFMPEG::InputFormat.new('alligator.mp4') gives me 'NameError: uninitialized constant FFMPEG" Does anybody have working ffmpeg ruby gem under windows t...

Executing ffmpeg from php running in apache

I was executing ffmpeg from php running inside apache. I used to get the error " error while loading shared libraries: libavdevice.so.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". It used to work perfectly if the php script was executed from the command prompt or ffpmeg was directly invoked from the command prompt. I ...

ffmpeg several files processing

Hi! I need to process by ffmpeg many video files, located in upload directory on php. Processing is time cost, so i need to use some processing technique. What could you advise me? ...

How to write a video encoder with ffmpeg ?

I want to write an encoder with ffmpeg which can put iFrames (keyframes) at positions I want. Where can I found tutorials or reference material for it? P.S Is it possible to do this with mencoder or any opensource encoder. I want to encode H263 file. I am writing under & for linux. ...

Missing audio and problems playing FLV video converted from 720p .mov file with FFMPEG

I have some .mov video files recorded from a JVC GC-FM1 HD video camera in 720p mode. I have FFMPEG running on a Linux box that I upload files to and have them encoded into FLV format. The video appears to be encoding ok but there is no audio in the resulting FLV file and when I play it back in Flash Player in a browser or on Adobe Media...

Getting problem while converting AAC to Mp3 using FFMPEG-Libavcodec

Hi Friend, I have to convert AAC file to Mp3 in my project for detecting BPM. I installed FFMPEG and i added all the library and i am not getting any compiler error but it crashes when i run the project. I am getting following error, [Session started at 2010-02-23 19:22:13 +0530.] 2010-02-23 19:22:14.641 New Decode[7170:10b] *** _NSA...

Any examples of how to use FFmpeg to play wma stream in objective c ?

Hi I have been searching, but just can't find of how to use FFmpeg to play a WMA stream in Objective C. Does anyone know of any ? Thanks for your assistance. ...

ffmpeg textdraw.so needed

It seems textdraw.so for ffmpeg is missing. Where could I get one? ...

Python's subprocessing with pipes and large files.

I'm trying to use python + ffmpeg + oggenc to convert any audiofile to ogg. The program works, almost. But for big files (i think > ~6mb) the ffmpeg process starts to sleep at pipe_wait. I don't know which pipe it waits for. If I kill the ffmpeg process, the oggenc process continues and I get a resulting ogg-file with about ~2:40 of all...

FFMPEG-PHP Windows "Can't open movie file"

Hi, ffmpeg extension is loaded as it is shown at phpinfo(), my file and script are at the same location, but I'm still getting this error. Warning: Can't open movie file Untitled.avi in C:\xampp\htdocs\skelbiu\fetch.php on line 4 Fatal error: Call to a member function getDuration() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\skelbiu\fetch.php ...

Audio/video Programming

I want to access Audio and video into my program. Is it possible to do in MAC. Our Program is working on Windows here i did audio/video programming using directshow. but i want to develop same in MAC. Is there any package same like directshow. Please give some valuable tips. ...

Adding audio channel using ffmpeg

Hi all, I am working on ffmpeg and trying to add a audio stream on the fly. I am using AudioQueues and I get raw audio buffer. I am encoding audio with linear PCM and hence the audio I get will be of raw format, which I know ffmpeg does accept it. But I cannot figure out how. I have looked into AVStream, where in we have to create a new...

Error while compiling the Xcode project (IPhone)

Hello, I added ffmpeg iphone port into my library and I can able to use a few of its functions like avcodec_init(),.. without any errors. But when I include this function call "avcodec_register_all" Xcode is giving error after compilation The error message is : *--------------- ld: ldr 12-bit displacement out of range (4276 max +/-409...

Compiling the ffmpeg on iPhone?

I downloaded the iFrameExtractor sample code and try to compile it with the iPhone simulator version 3.1.3 The project shows the following errors ( http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3245/66948298.png ) even thought I added *.a libraries to my project. All libraries was under the library searching path. I guess it is a linking problem...

How can i create a stable checksum of a media file?

how can i create a checksum of only the media data without the metadata to get a stable identification for a media file. preferably an cross platform approach with a library that has support for many formats. e.g. vlc, ffmpeg or mplayer. (media files should be audio and video in common formats, images would be nice to have too) ...

Conversion from Iphone Core Surface RGB Frame into ffmepg AVFarme

Hello, I am trying to convert Core Surface RGB frame buffer(Iphone) to ffmpeg Avfarme to encode into a movie file. But I am not getting the correct video output (video showing colors dazzling not the correct picture) I guess there is something wrong with converting from core surface frame buffer into AVFrame. Here is my code : Surfac...

Can FFmpeg be used as a library, instead of a standalone program?

I'd like to add video conversion capabilities to a program I'm writing. FFmpeg's command line interface for doing this is simply ffmpeg -i InputFile OutputFile, but is there a way to make use of it as a library, so I can do something like ffmpeg_convert(InputFile, OutputFile)? I'm hoping I won't have to use libavcodec directly, as I ima...

Encode audio to aac with libavcodec

I'm using libavcodec (latest git as of 3/3/10) to encode raw pcm to aac (libfaac support enabled). I do this by calling avcodec_encode_audio repeatedly with codec_context->frame_size samples each time. The first four calls return successfully, but the fifth call never returns. When I use gdb to break, the stack is corrupt. If I use a...