
Cross platform multimedia kiosk

My team is tasked with building a full screen, kiosk-style application for playing back media files. Initially we need to support WMV / MP4 as well as some images in full 1080p, although down the line we will need to extend this to cover other formats (different videos formats as well as display of HTML, SWF, etc). The application also ...

python automate ffmpeg conversion from upload directory

I have a upload script done. But i need to figure out how to make a script that I can run as a daemon in python to handle the conversion part and moving the file thats converted to its final resting place. heres what I have so far for the directory watcher script: #!/usr/bin/python import os import pyinotify import WatchManager, Notif...

How do I set the first and last frame of a video to be an image?

HTML 5 implementations are different across various browsers. In firefox, the image specified by the placeholder attribute will be shown until the user clicks play on the video. In chrome, the placeholder image is shown until the video is loaded (not played), at which point the first frame of the video is shown. To reconcile this issu...

ProcessStartInfo on Mapped Drive

Hi All I have a mapped drive shared with same user and password on both systems. \system1\c$\my folder\content\ to system 2. They are on the Internet and dont have private/local network. In my ASP.NET web application on System 2 i convert .flv files to mp3. Locally thing works fine but when the file is on shared directory nothing happe...

ffmpeg-php silent setting

does ffmpeg-php have a silent setting or any way to keep it from displaying errors? the closest I've seen were for running ffmpeg via command line in Linux. ...

using FFMPEG commands , can i get the default values of any media file, like resolution, audio codec, video codec..etc.

like for eg. if i enter the output extension '.avi' , i should get the default audio codec used , default video codec used , etc... Is there a command for this ? ...

Solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET

I have been searching the web for some time for a solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET. But I have yet to come up with something useful. I have found the following three projects, but all of them apears to be dead in early alpha stage. FFmpeg.NET ffmpeg-sharp FFLIB.NET So my question is if anyone knows of a wrapper project that is more...

ffmpeg audio and the iphone

has anyone been able to make ffmpeg work with audio queues, I get an error when I try to create the queue. ret = avcodec_open(enc, codec); if (ret < 0) { NSLog(@"Error: Could not open video decoder: %d", ret); av_close_input_file(avfContext); return; } if (audio_index >= 0) { AudioStreamBasicDescr...

How well does FFmpeg scale? Any examples?

Hello everyone, I'm currently working on the server side of an augmented reality project. It's a lot like http://www.livingsasquatch.com/. I'm using PHP/MySQL and FFmpeg to capture the webcam video and encoding it to .flv. Basically Flash uploads the video as a long series of .jpg images. PHP then takes those images, generates a few th...

Getting iPhone video thumbnails

How do I get a thumbnail of a video imported from the camera roll, or the camera itself? This has been asked before, and has been answered. However, the answers kind of suck for me. This thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1259316/iphone-sdk-3-0-video-thumbnail has some options that boil down to: Crawl some filesystem director...

Missing of image when conversion from flv to 3gp

I use in command line for ffmpeg -i Input.flv -vcodec h263 -b 256k -r 15 -s 320x240 -acodec libopencore_amrnb \ -ab 7.4k -ar 8000 -ac 1 -f 3gp Output.3gp The result is audio-only, without video. But when the 176x144, it works great. What's wrong in using of frame size (320x240)? And what is the solution? ...

How do I extract a screenshot from a video in the iPhone SDK?

I'd like to be able to take a screenshot of an MPEG recorded using the iPhone camera at set intervals. I've seen a few ways to do this; namely compiling and using FFmpeg (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679649/using-ffmpeg-library-with-iphone-sdk-for-video-encoding), however it seems it's quite difficult to comply with the LGPL (htt...

Does ffmpeg support encoding of raw video sequence to raw Theora Packets/Elementary bits tream.

Hello, I have a query regarding using ffmpeg to encode a raw video(yuv sequence) to Raw Theora packets, i.e. some kind of 'elementary bit-stream' without the Ogg container. I am able to use ffmpeg to encode a raw video to Ogg theora bit stream, but i need to obtain a Theora bit stream with Raw Theora packets with no Ogg container heade...

run command and make sure it ends before continuing

hi i am running a command line program from inside my c# code behind page. the command looks like so. String runMe = baseDir + @"Bin\ffmpeg.exe"; String convertVideo = " -i \"" + fullFileName + "\" -ab 64 -ar 44100 -b 200 -y -f flv \"" + fullFileNameWOextension + ".flv\" "; String makeImages = " -i \"" + fullFileName + "\" -r 1 -ss...

create thumbnails from big movies with FFmpeg takes too long

I'm using this shell command to make thumbnail from VIDEO_FILE from 123 second and save it to THUMBNAIL_FILE. ffmpeg -i VIDEO_FILE -r 1 -ss 123 -f image2 THUMBNAIL_FILE It works, but it is really slow for big movies. Is there any way to make it a little faster? ...

FFmpeg on iPhone - Modifying Video Orientation

I'm messing with h264 videos loaded with FFmpeg on the iPhone 3GS. The problem is any videos recorded in "Portrait" orientation have a transformation matrix applied to them causing them to display rotated 90 degrees counter-clock. From what I understand thus far, I just need to modify the transform matrix in the 'tkhd' atom. The problem...

Does ffmpeg version 0.5 configured on linux support encoding using Theora codec?

I have configured, compiled a FFmpeg source code version 0.5 with versions as below: FFmpeg version 0.5, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --enable-memalign-hack libavutil 49.15. 0 / 49.15. 0 libavcodec 52.20. 0 / 52.20. 0 libavformat 52.31. 0 / 52.31. 0 libavdevice 52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0 ...

Reason for output 1 bit differences between Linux-gcc compiled C code output and MS-VS2008 compiled output?

Hello, I have a Theora video deocder library and application compiled using VS-2008 on windows(Intel x86 architecture). I use this setup to decode theora bit streams(*.ogg files). The source code for this decoder library is used from FFMPEG v0.5 source package with some modifications to make it compile on windows-VS-2008 combination. ...

Lib to play audio media in .NET?

I tried fmod.net but got a 'System.BadImageFormatException' error. I then tried WindowsMediaPlayer and have sounds playing. However i am having issues playing a sound when the current one ends (callback code below. It doesnt seem to like me playing a new song during a state change however i cant find another way to inform me when the son...

Installation of FFMPEG on xamp server

i want to make video gallery so i want to install FFMPEG. can any one help me to install FFMPEG. i have tried from net but every where mentioned that copy dll file to ext folder. but the ffmpeg i have downloaded have no any .dll file ...