
How to create playable FLV video from part of FLV file using FFMPEG?

So we had real FLV video file. we had devided it into 3 parts (more or less equal, not looking into structure orcontext). We have taken second part and forgot about first 2. Video contained audio and video track. mp3 and on vp6. Is it any how possible to play thsat second part after sending to ffmpeg some command? So how to (using any...

FFMpeg encoding RGB images to H264

Hello I'm developing a DirectShow filter which has 2 input pins (1 for audio, 1 for video). I'm using libavcodec/libavformat/libavutil of FFMpeg for encoding the video to H264, audio to AAC and mux it/stream using RTP. So far I was able to encode video and audio correctly using libavcodec but now I see that FFMpeg seems to support RTP mu...

how to insert audio inside video with ffmpeg??

Hi, I create a video with image in real time. I need to add at this audio in real time. I record audio with AVAudioSession but this create a file, i need to get a byte, what library must i use?? thanks ...

ffmpeg set duration when converting

I'm converting video with ffmpeg and after conversation duration is shown as 00:00:00.00. here is my passing arguments "-i " + FileName + " -ar 22050 -b 500k -f flv -t " + Duration + " " + outputfile Which is rendered by my code to -i 1.mov -ar 22050 -b 500k -f flv -t 00:03:34.99 1.flv what am I missing? ...

Executing command line tool from java varies from command line?

My question is regarding the org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.execute(CommandLine command) method in apache commons. This is the codebit for executing ffmpeg: command = FFMPEG_DIR + "ffmpeg -i \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\""; DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputSt...

best parameter iphone/ffmpeg

Hi, What are better parameter to encode some image on iphone with ffmpeg?? I read that .mov and codec MJPEG are most speed really?? Now my program is very slow, with 1/5fps get a video with most low quality in 7 second. What is codec more speed? and your parameter? best regards ...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling avcodec_encode_video

I have an Objective-C class (although I don't believe this is anything Obj-C specific) that I am using to write a video out to disk from a series of CGImages. (The code I am using at the top to get the pixel data comes right from Apple: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/qa/qa2007/qa1509.html). I successfully create the codec and con...

ffmpeg : How to set AVFormatContext from NSData.

Hi, I'm using FFmpeg library in Objective-C. I want to set AVFormatContext from NSData which contain imagedata. I know I can set AVFormatContext with av_open_input_file(). so writing contents of NSData to a temporary file, I can do it like this. [data writeToFile:@"./temp.mov" atomically:YES]; av_open_input_file( . . . NSFileManager...

How to work with device:pnp data using FFMPEG?

So I have a device:pnp like @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_1871&pid_01f0&mi_00#6&d57670c&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global It's a web Camera Is it possible to connect FFMPEG to it and save data into some format or do anething like that? ...

Problem with cvCreateVideoWriter in OpenCv. Again )

I know, that the issue had been widely discussed before, but after 5 hours of inefficient googling I guess I deserve to ask :) By the way, all such problems concerned earlier versions of OpenCV, so.. I've compiled fresh OpenCV 2.1. from source under Ubuntu 9.10. It works fine except of cvCreateVideoWriter, which returns null to the fo...

Echo cancellation

Can any of you suggest a good and stable echo cancelation package (gnu or not) to be linked with my videoconference application (C/C++) (Windows / Linux / MacOSX) ? My application should be freeware, so i do not want to pay for each user who download the app. ...

Lower CPU % used by FFMPEG Process via PHP (FLV Video Conversion)

Hi, Okay, so I currently execute an ffmpeg command via PHP to run a video conversion. The Problem I'm Having is during the conversion, the ffmpeg process(es) use up so much CPU/Processing Power (near 100%), which slows down the response of my webserver. Is there a Way (crontab or script) I can limit the ffmpeg processes to a certain CPU...

How to compile x264 for iPhone

Hi, I'm trying to compile x264 for use in an iPhone application. I can compile with using http://github.com/gabriel/ffmpeg-iphone-build File: build-x264-armv6/7. but only decoding. I want to use encoding too. when I use build-x264-armv6/7,The console show me "mp4 output: no". Does anyone know how to compile x264 which is able to encodin...

How to convert a video via ffmpeg to an mp4 format that will stream and/or download to iPhone and Blackberry?

I have a site where people upload videos, which are converted to .flv format. Simple. I wanted to also convert to an mp4 format that will "stream" to an iphone and blackberry, or allowed to be downloaded to either, for later viewing. Can someone post a working ffmpeg line to accomplish this task? Closest I got was this (which doesn'...

Run FFmpeg from Shell Script

Hello all, I have found a useful shell script that shows all files in a directory recursively. Where it prints the file name echo "$i"; #Display File name. I would instead like to run an ffmpeg command on non MP3 files, how can I do this? I have very limited knowledge of shell scripts so I appreciate if I was spoon fed! :) //if file ...

Converting into FLV using Java

hello everybody... does anybody know how to convert any kind of video format into flv using java, i have been searching for a java api for converting video but it seems that there is no such thing but there might be a way to do it, i mean to make something like youtube service does converting the videos, but using java, i need a web appl...

FFMPEG FLV to 3GP more then 176x144 size

Hi all I am converting my.flv to my.gp3 with this command ffmpeg -i my.flv -acodec libamr_nb -s 176x144 -ar 8000 -b 120000 -vcodec h263 -ab 10.2k -ac 1 my.3gp but size of my flv is 320x240 and I am trying change 176x144 to 320x240 but getting 3gp file with 0kb , how can I do that and get my.3gp file with same size like my.flv And one...

Including FFMPEG with a Java application on Mac

I'm writing a Java program that will be used on both Windows and Mac. In the program, I'm using FFMPEG to convert a MOV file to an FLV. On Windows, it's no problem -- simply call the command. But on Mac, I'm not quite sure what to do. Does the user really have to install FFMPEG on their machine, or can it somehow be included in the Java ...

Write data in cmd to memory instead of file, catch it with C#

Hi, For a C# project I'm experimenting with ffmpeg to extract a .wav file from a video file (in Windows). You could do this by running it on the command line like this: "ffmpeg -i inputvid.avi + 'extra parameters' + extracted.wav". This obviously extracts the audio from the input .avi file to a specified .wav file. Now, I can easily ...

Synchronizing screencasting (ffmpeg) and capturing from the webcam (OpenCV)

As from my previous questions, I am trying to build a simple eye tracker. Decided to start from a Linux version (run Ubuntu). To complete this task one should organize screencasting and webcam capturing in such way that frames from both streams exactly match each other and there is the same number of frames in each of them totally. Scr...