
ffmpeg cannot install PHP extension module

Hi there, In the last step of installing FFmpeg-PHP, I had to type sudo make install. At this I get the following error, sudo make install Installing shared extensions: /usr/lib/php5/20060613/ cp: cannot stat `modules/*': No such file or directory make: *** [install-modules] Error 1 Now my extension directory is at /usr/local/...

Using FFMPEG Audio conversion in the iPhone.

Hi to everybody, I'm using ffmpeg in the iPhone, reading an wma stream from an mms server, but I want to save the stream to an m4a file using the ALAC encoder in ffmpeg, the problem is that trying to save the raw stream, the stream processed using avcodec_decode_audio2 , the file is not even recognized with the wma format, and obviously...

php - adding video to php

hi how can i add a ffplay.exe (ffmpeg) video to php script.can i use exec() to access the ffplay.please help me out.thanks in advance. ...

When I am converting .mov to .flv video always playing in horizontal.

Hello, When I record a video(.mov) through my iPhone it display vertically which is right but after converting .mov to .flv(using ffmpeg) it dispaly horizontally. can you please suggest a solution how can I convert a video Vertically and not horizontally. my code is: function convert_flv($vidtime,$infile, $outfile, $w = 0, $h =...

php- executing a exe from php

hi, how can we execute a ffplay.exe file from php in windows.there is any way place help me out with some codes.thanks in advance. ...

ffmpeg settings for converting to mp4 and ogg for HTML5 video

Despite all the hype, in reality the HTML5 video tag has a bit of a problem. In order to use it and for it to be cross browser compatible, you have to include more than one format of the video. To target all supported browsers these formats are mp4 and ogg. I was searching around for optimum settings for each format but unfortunately I...

How to get AVFrame(ffmpeg) from NSImage/UIImage

I'd like to convert NSImage/UIImage to AVFrame(ffmpeg). I found a example code. http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/libav-user/2010-April/004550.html but this code doesn't work. I tried another approach. AVFrame *frame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); int numBytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_YUV420P, outputWidth, outputHeight); uint8_...

How to rotate video usinf ffmpeg?

Hello, My existing video is .mov and playing in vertically.but when I convert it to .flv using ffmpeg it will playing in horizontally which is wrong.how can I found converted video in vertical only. function convert_flv($vidtime,$infile, $outfile, $w = 0, $h = 0, $extra_infile = '', $extra_outfile = '') { $parms = ''; if($w == 0 &...

Turn a video into a sequence of images using GStreamer (not ffmpeg)

I have an ogg vorbis video. It plays fine in totem and mplayer. I want to covert it to a sequnces of images, one image per frame. I can do this on ffmpeg with the following command: ffmpeg -i video.ogv -f image 2 video-frames-%08png However that doesn't work for this video. Each frame is all grey as if there has been loads of decoding...

Audio conversion of CAF file

Hi, I am recording audio on the iPhone to a CAF file with kAudioFormatiLBC, the recording works fine. I want to be able to take a sample and also get it to convert to other formats after I have uploaded it to by ruby on rails webservice. I am trying to use sox but get: sox in.caf out.mp3 sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `in....

Add an image to mp3, and convert it to a video file using ffmpeg

I have the following files: 1. a jpeg image 2. an mp3 file of some length say (3 minutes) I want to convert this to a .3gp video. How do I do it? I've tried the following: Created a video of zero length(time) using the jpeg image: ffmpeg -f image2 -i temp_img.jpg temp_video.mpg Then, I tried to mix the video and audio strea...

[ffmpeg][iPhone] Can I record a video without useing UIImagePickerControlle?

Can I record a video without useing UIImagePickerControlle? Of course with not jailbreaking,not App Store rejection. iVideoCamera ,iVidCam These camera applications can recode video and work on iPhone 2G/3G which utilizes ffmpeg. so I think there is a way to access video device not using UIImagePickerController. I pick this code up b...

To cut flv video using php

I am trying to provide a preview of 30 seconds of premium videos (users have to pay to watch it completely). So I want to create a video file of 30 seconds at the time of uploading these videos. I used ffmpeg as below, but it is not working. ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00.0 -t 00:00:30.0 -i input.flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy -async 1 output.flv ...

Streaming live H.264 video via RTSP to iphone does work! w/example

Using FFMPEG, Live555, JSON Not sure how it works but if you look at the source files at http://github.com/dropcam/dropcam_for_iphone you can see that they are using a combination of open source projects like FFMPEG, Live555, JSON etc. Using Wireshark to sniff the packets sent from one of the public cameras that's available to view wi...

Best way to implement audio playback

I'm working on an application that will read in file paths and play audio files. I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible--by using existing codecs and free/open utilities. I'd like some suggestions on the best way to do this. I've had two ideas, both involving FFmpeg: Create a simple GUI that allows the user to read pass in fi...

How can I know the error in command in an exec function

I am using a ffmpeg command to cut a video with exec function in php. But it is not creating a video file and doesn't show any errors. I used exec as below exec("ffmpeg -i input.flv -ss 00:00:30.0 -t 00:00:10.0 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -async 1 output.flv"); Can I get any help to know what is the error happening here. exec("ffmpeg -i...

Image sequence to video quality

I have been experimenting with creating a video from a sequence of images. When I use the suggested ffmpeg method: ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.mpg The video is not really as good as I hoped it would be :/ For example with VDUB, If I export avi from the same image sequence its perfect qulality, however the file size can be ...

Check if file has a video stream

Hi, I'm on Mac OS X (Objective-C) and I'm looking for a way to determine if a file has a video stream. More specifically, a video stream that can be decoded by FFmpeg. I probably can put something together with Objective-C to see if a file has a QuickTime-compatible video stream but that's not enough. I could try MediaInfo but I don't k...

Can ffmpeg extract closed caption data

I am currently using ffmpeg to convert videos in various formats to flv files. One request has also come up and that is to get closed caption info out o the file as well. Does anyone have any experience with this or know it can even be done. I don't see any options for it but thought I would ask and see. ...

Can ffmpeg burn in time code?

I have a need to burn in a time code to a video and am wondering if this is something that ffmpeg is capable of? ...