
Converting videos for iPhone - ffmpeg

Hi folks, I'm using the following command in order to convert .avi video files ffmpeg -i -f mpegts -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ab 64k -s 320×240 -vcodec libx264 -b 96k -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4×4+partp8×8+partb8×8 -subq 5 -trellis 1 -refs 1 -coder 0 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 ...

Maintain aspect ratio when converting video? - ffmpeg

Hi folks, I'm trying to convert movies from .avi to an iphone readable format wherever I look, people suggest the following options for ffmpeg ffmpeg -s 320x240 -aspect 320:240 [...] This does not bode well for videos with a different aspect ratio! How can I keep the aspect ratio from changing? Is there a way to set the size dy...

Is any book out there on programming FFMPEG encoding libs in c\c++?

Is there any book on programming FFMPEG encoding libs in c\c++? I found one http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/ ...

Batch of .png to video, end up half size

I have a list of pictures which i am turning into an .mpg video. I go into the directory where all the .png pics are and type: ffmpeg -f image2 -i %02d.png output_video.mp and the output video gets created and it all works great except for one thing, the image in the video is only half the width of the screen. Like the images have been ...

Convert audio-only flv to aac: ffmpeg

Hello, I can't convert a simple audio-only .flv to AAC format. The audio stream is obviously there, and I can hear it on manual playback. Are there different parameters I need to accomplish this? ffmpeg -i test.flv test.aac [flv @ 0x23b3260]Could not find codec parameters (Video: 0x0000) Input #0, flv, from 'test.flv': Duration: 00:0...

Convert audio files to mp3 using ffmpeg

Hi there, I need to convert audio files to mp3 using ffmpeg. When i write the command as ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -acodec mp3 newfile.mp3, I get the error: FFmpeg version 0.5.2, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: libavutil 49.15. 0 / 49.15. 0 libavcodec 52.20. 1 / 52.20. 1 libavformat 52.31. 0 ...

Launching External Executable in Windows Azure

Hi, My current ASP.NET site requires to launch FFMPEG.EXE to convert uploaded videos. With shared web hosting server, can't be done but via a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server. I've been reading some info about Windows Azure but haven't found any info regarding: 1. Be able to launch external executable 2. Be able to...

How many video formats would I need? - Web

Hi folks, I'm wondering how many different formats for each video would I need in order to support all major devices? Among the major devices I'm thinking: Android phones + iPhone + iPad. Is it also good practice to encode videos with different bitrates? There is too much conflicting info out there, and I am really confused. Any i...

ffmpeg encoding sample wanted?!?

I found this tutorial about ffmpeg the thing i do not get is how to encode video. can any one, please provide a tutorial.. with explanations for that? (not that i dont get this official one but i'd love to see more comments) ...

Is out there any code example\tutorial on encoding video\audio using .net Tao.FFmpeg?

Is out there any code example\tutorial on encoding video\audio using .net Tao.FFmpeg? ...

php exec ffmpeg how to get errors

Hi all, when i run exec("ffmpeg -i $flv -y -f mjpeg -ss 00:00:05 -s 120x90 -vframes 1 -an thumb.jpg",$error); $error return's empty value but when i run this command using cron job this one send a notification email to me which contain informations like FFmpeg version 0.5.2, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. con...

Using FFmpeg to encode audio once uploaded, using Django, VPS (Linux) and Amazon S3

My project will require users to upload uncompressed WAV audio files and once they do, the server will need to encode it in MP3 to serve it on the site. I'm using Django for this project and it'll be hosted on a Linux VPS (from Linode). Due to space and bandwidth, I want to use Amazon S3. I'm not an expert at this stuff, this project wi...

H264: decode series of nal units with ffmpeg

I tried to decode a series of nal units with ffmpeg (libavcodec) but I get a "no frame" error. I produced the nal units with the guideline at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2940671/how-to-encode-series-of-images-into-h264-using-x264-api-c-c. I tried the following strategy for decoding: avcodec_init(); avcodec_register_all(); AVC...

YouTube's HD Video Streaming Server Technology?

Hi everyone, Lately I've been researching different methods for streaming MP4s to the browser. Flash Media Server is an obvious choice here (using Cloudfront), and most solutions I've seen use the RTMP protocol. However, I spent some time on YouTube with Firebug and Chrome debugger figuring out how their streaming worked and I discover...

ffmpeg slide show with yellow block in picture

Hi, I've been creating a slideshow using ffmpeg with images from face facebook, flickr, etc. basic script is here: ffmpeg -loop_input -sameq -vframes 60 -intra -y -i pond.jpg the script works, however certain images have a centered yellow block covering a majority of the image. I've found this occurs more frequently with images I have...

FFMPEG Generate N Evenly Spaced PNG Screenshots

I am trying to generate 8 screenshots for an uploaded video using FFMPEG. I currently have: ffmpeg -i Trailer-720p.mov -r .2 -vcodec png Preview-%d.png Which generates a screenshot every 5 seconds. How can I add the ability to generate a screenshot for frames distributed over a percentage of total time. Thanks. Furthermore, is it...

Add Subtitles to a video using ffmpeg

how to add subtitles into a video using ffmpeg. Please give me a working cmmand line. I have .mov or .avi video file. And i have an .srt subtitles file. ...

How to make audio sound batter? (C + FFMpeg audio generation example)

So I found this grate C FFMpeg official example which I simplefied: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #undef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #endif #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavutil/mathematics.h" #define INBUF_SIZE 4096 #define AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE 20480 #define AUDIO_REFILL_THRESH 409...

Can Tao.FFmpeg use H264 for video encoding?

Can Tao.FFmpeg use H264 for video encoding? (what shall be done to enable it?) So I can encode video into MPeEG2 but how to encode into h264? ...

Can FFmpeg encode video in VP8 codec?

Can FFmpeg encode video in VP8 codec? (I mean its trunk vercion) ...