
How to open file\live stream with FFMPEG edit each frame with openCV and save that as encoded with FFMPEGfile\live stream?

How to open file\live stream with FFMPEG edit each frame with openCV and save that as encoded with FFMPEGfile\live stream? ...

opencvdotnet and FFMPEG - are there any integration options?

opencvdotnet or its analogs and FFMPEG - are there any integration options? like open FLV flie or save to some exotic format... Please, provide a simple code example. ...

Create a video from images unix command line with transitions

I found several questions with answers on how to create a video from images. I setup two of them and was able to produce the videos correctly. I tried the following: ImageMagick convert -delay 100 -quality 75 photo1.jpg photo2.jpg movie.mpg FFMPEG ffmpeg -r 10 -b 1800 -i photo1.jpg photo2.jpg movie.mpg The end result is the video disp...

Is it possible to stream during a conversion? - FFMPEG

Hi folks, I'm wondering if it is possible to stream video while the video is being generated through conversion. Any ideas? ...

FFserver: Securing with HTTP Authentication? (Apache?)

Is there some way to secure an ffserver webcam stream using Apache / HTTP Authentication? Some type of Apache proxy perhaps? Right now I have it so only machines on the LAN can view the http://webcam/stream.mjpg, but I want people from the outside to be able to access it if they provide a username / pw (HTTP Auth, which isn't built int...

how to install ffmpeg to thumbnails from video stream in php

i have to generate thumbnail from video but i have no idea how to start i have downloaded the different ffjmeg but i have not been able to install it in order to use for thumbnailing can some one help ? plz ...

ffmpeg conversion of caf file with iLBC codec

Hi, I am trying to convert a caf file recorded on the iPhone with iLBC codec. Is this possible at all? This is what I am trying: ffmpeg -y -i 300087544.caf -ab 8k out2.mp3 FFmpeg version SVN-r24068, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers built on Jul 6 2010 11:43:15 with gcc 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664) configuration: --...

Generate screenshot without downloading entire video

I'm parsing some podcasts in a back-end application and I need to generate some screenshots for them. However, downloading the entire videos is not an option. Is there a way to download just a small part of the file to extract the screenshot from? Ideally, it would be the middle part. Thanks! ...

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames?

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames? From C#, using some thing like FFMPEG or its wrapper or sending data from my app using pipe to FFMPEG...? So I create RGB (or I can provide BGR etc) frames - 100 for example. from them I want to create some H264 or onVP8 peace of video data. Is it possible, how to do it? ...

sequence of images to video

ffmpeg -f image2 -i img%d.jpg /tmp/a.mpg But i need to tell ffmpeg to keep doing it, I mean, if it doesn't find another image ffmpeg should wait for another one to be generated... is this possible ? ...

Is it possible to use FFMPEG as live encoder in pipe? (for live stream encoding)

So in my code I am building video frames, 720×480x24bit. I have in mind generating a large number of these, at 30fps, can I use ffmpeg to encode them in to MPEG2 or FLV or VP8 in kind of live mode and get them out in live mode by other programm I created by creating unnamed pipe like FramesGenerator.exe -| FFmpeg.exe args -| LiveE...

Best Overall FFMPEG FLV Quality

First of all, FFMPEG has the worst documentation of all time... secondly, the syntax is so trivial that it's hard to understand what some lines are doing. What I'm looking to accomplish is the best quality FLV with the lowest file size. After all, isn't that everyone's goal? These video will be streamed if that makes a difference. Perh...

Meaning of ffmpeg output (tbc, tbn, tbr)

Hey - I am using ffmpeg to tell me video info. Specifically: 'ffmpeg -i video.ext' I get the output: 'Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 704x576 [PAR 12:11 DAR 4:3], 9578 kb/s, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc' Does anyone know what tbr, tbn and tbc are exactly? I have seen speculation on the net but nothing definitive? Thanks i...

How to create function for FFmpeg lib to encode frame into any (possible) format?

So how to create something which would have something like this in its api: Encoder = EncoderFormat(format name); // prepare encoder //...code for frames generation... now we want to encode frame!// EncodeFrame(const CImage* src, void* dest, int* is_keyframe, more args if needed); Is it possible? Please could any one provide simple ex...

Convert MPEG-TS to mp4

I have an MPEG-TS tha Id'like to convert into a mp4 file. The MPEG-TS contains AAC audio and h.264 video. So with ffmpeg i can simply do ffmpeg -i input.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4. But I want to do this on the iPhone programmatically. So on the iPhone I don't wan't to use ffmpeg because it's LGPL and I would like to use some...

Linux images to video, double digit problem

i have a list of images which im trying to convert to a video. the images are the following: t2.jpg t3.jpg t4.jpg I can convert those three images into a video with: ffmpeg -r 5 -i t%d.jpg -y -an video.avi but if i turn the names to t20.jpg,t30.jpg and t40.jpg, it doesn't work anymore. and changing %d to %02d doesn't make any differen...

Using ffmpeg with audio in a video

I am using ffmpeg to convert one video format to another: "ffmpeg -ac 1 -i vid1.mp4 -sameq vid1.avi" And I am getting the error: "encoding 6 channel(s) is not allowed in mp2" Now I understand what this means - and the transcoding works fine if I switch sound transcoding off (using "-an" option). How do I get around this and still ret...

Yum install ffmpeg can't find repomd.xml

Hi - I am trying to install ffmpeg on an EC2 instance, by doing the following: (1) Editing: '/etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo' and inserting: '[dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1' (2) Running 'yum update' I get the error 'http://ap...

iPhone HTTP Streaming .m3u8 and .ts files - how to create using ffmpeg

I'm trying to get apple-validated http media streams using ffmpeg and am getting errors. Here are some error examples: WARNING: Playlist Content-Type is 'application/x-mpegurl', but should be one of 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl', 'audio/x-mpegurl' or 'audio/mpegurl'. WARNING: 258 samples (88.966 %) do not have timestamps in track 256...

Animated gif to avi on linux

Is there any way to convert an animated gif to a video format (e.g. .avi), on linux? p.s. i have already tried ffmpeg's ffmpeg -i thegif.gif thevideo.avi but all i get is the first image of the video. ...