
What's the best way to create a single field in the table is designed to keep the computation of a different table fields

i want to save a balance of user, in the user table . the balance calculate from other table rows, is trigger on the other table is the best way ? or do it in script languages like php ? It is important that to be accurate, and performance. thanks ...

Make one field of Gridview the select link?

In ASP.NET 3.5, you can assign a Select link and change what the link actually displays. But can you you assign one of the fields in the gridview to act as a select button? For instance, all my records have a "SAMPLE ID" Field. It would be great to have each unique SAMPLE ID be a link that goes to the details view. I cannot find any set...

How can hibernate access a private field ?

How can hibernate can access a private field/method of a java class , for example to set the @Id ? Thanks ...

.NET FieldInfo -- get the object of which it *is* a field

How does one obtain programmatically a reference to the object of which a FieldInfo object is a field? For example, I'd like something like this: myFieldInfo.GetOwner(); // returns the object of which myFieldObject is a field ...

Display custom document property value in Excel 2007 worksheet cell

I've created a program that creates and populates a custom document property in an Excel 2007 workbook file. However I haven't been able to show the value of this property in a worksheet cell. In Word 2007 you can just select "Insert -> Quick Parts -> Field..." and use the DocProperty field to show the value of the custom field in a docu...

Programming for and by yourself

If you're writing something by yourself, whether to practice, solve a personal problem, or just for entertainment, is it ok, once in a while, to have a public field? Maybe? ...

How to add a field programatically to a TAdoTable in Delphi

In my Delphi 2009 application I need to check if a field exists and if it doesn't add it during application execution. I have figured out the test for the field, but cannot get a field to add. I tried this var fld : TStringField; begin if not ADOConnection1.Connected then ADOConnection1.Open; fld := TStringField.Create(tbl...

Ajax loading node fields in drupal with jQuery

Right now I'm loading nodes with jquery's $.ajax. By that I mean I simply enter in the node url and then load the whole page. That's probably ridiculous and totally incorrect way to do it. How do I fetch a specific field in a node without loading the kitchen sink? Thanks I also see this module: Am I to u...

Where is grails function called "field(n)" documented?

In some grails code I've been reading, I see a function called "field()" that seems to do the following; given an object of the form def a = [a:b, c:d, e:123] field(a) will produce the string a="b" c="d" e="123" i.e., it translates these name value pairs into a form sutiable for an html/xhtml/xml element. I've searched the grails...

How to render form field with information that it is required

Is there any clever way to make django forms render field with asterisks after fields that are required? Or to provide some other clever for to mark required fields? I wouldn't like to have to do it again in a template if I already set a field as required in the form. ...

Synchronizing N Values Accross Tables in SQL.

Disclaimer: I just started with databases, so I'm probably missing something extremely trivial. I have two (somewhat related, but not enough to be a single table) tables: table_one and table_two. table_one has two columns of significance: name of type varchar(n) intersects of type bit table_two has one column of significance: n...

Lookup field in Edit in Datasheet mode in sharepoint doesn't work

I've added a lookup field to a document library, and it is possible to choose values as expected in "Edit properties" for a single document. However, when in Edit in Datasheet mode all of the dropdowns for the lookup field are EMPTY!!!! Is this just the way it is, or have I done something wrong? Has anyone managed to get lookup fields t...

Regex for fixed width field

I need to match a fixed width field on a file layout with a regular expression. The field is numeric/integer, always have four characters and is included in the range of 0..1331. When the number is smaller than 1000, the string is filled with left zeros. So all these examples are valid: 0000 0001 0010 1000 1331 But the following must...

get expression of method in Expression tree

i want to create the following query in expression trees: var test = from datarow in tempResults where datarow.Field<String>("ColumnName") == "Column" select datarow; How do i create the expression : datarow.Field("ColumnName")? i tried everything, i even got stuck on getting the MethodInfo of Fi...

LINQ Product of two fields in aggregated query

Hi, I need to calculate a sum of product of two fields. This will be used for average weighted price. avgPrice = sum( price*volume) / sum(volume). Both price1 and price2 return error "Specified cast is not valid." var result3 = from sym in dataTableAsEnumerable() group sym by new { symbol = sym["symbol"] } into ...

How to avoid sending input fields which are hidden by display:none to a server?

Hi! Imagine you have a form where you switch visibility of several fields. And if the field is not displayed you don't want its value to be in request. How do you handle this situation? ...

Informix SQL - List all fields & tables

Informix iSQL has a command "info tables;" that shows all tables. The syntax for viewing the fields and their respective data types is "info columns for table;" Is there a similar command that shows table.field for all tables and all fields? LEFFLER!!!! HELP!!!! ...

DRUPAL probl [tid] field : in View how to link Taxonomy term to MY view (and not to taxonomy/term)

SUMMARY : I have a view where I need to replace the term link "taxonomy/term" by my view link, because the view uses arguments to find content with terms how can I put in link argument the term which is display : [term_name1] > link "display_view/term_name1", [term_name2] > link "display_view/term_name2" I used [tid] field to put arg...

SQL query to get duplicate record counts based on other factors

I have a table (participants) which has multiple columns that could all be distinct. Two columns that are of special interest in this query are the userID and the programID I have a two part inquery here. I want to be able to acquire the list of all userIDs that appear more than once in this table. How do I go about doing it? I want t...

How do I reference fields within tables using VBA in Access such that they can be edited?

Specifically, I'm a n00b making a db. So far I have a form set up like I like it, but no values are bound b/c I need to switch between tables (I could probably just add all of the fields from the first table to the second table, but half of the point of me doing this myself was learning). I've encountered two problems. First, I'm havi...