
Problem when uploading an image to tumblr using php/curl

I've been trying to create a simple php file that will upload a single image to tumblr. An example is listed here, but it just won't work with images. Here is the code: <?php // Authorization info $tumblr_email = '[email protected]'; $tumblr_password = 'secret'; // Data for new record $post_type = 'photo'; //////////////////////TH...

Uploading multiple files in Django without using django.forms

So I've created a form that includes the following item <input type="file" name="form_file" multiple/> This tells the browser to allow the user to select multiple files while browsing. The problem I am having is is that when reading / writing the files that are being uploaded, I can only see the last of the files, not all of them. I w...

Picup App VS. cliqcliq Quickpic

Weekend research has shown me that, in mobile Safari, my best chances for the upload of an image file from the iOS photo library are through cliqcliq's Quickpic app or PicUp for iPhone. Are there any other choices that are more seamless or better than both of these apps? *This project i'm developing will use iPads for this task. ...

jQuery iframe file upload - trigger success or fail

I have this javascript which uploads a selected file via the iframe. I need to be able to determine from the iframe whether the file was successfully uploaded or not. The problem is that it could be 3 seconds to upload the file or 30 seconds. The best method I can think of to trigger a function when the upload completes from within th...

How to encode upload file in Python3

Hello, i am trying to upload files to a web server using Python 3 but i can 't use a web framework because none uses python 3 so i' ve decide to make by my self just using the wsgiref lib all the process to handle with the upload information in the form, everything is ok when i upload the data coming from the fields but when i try to upl...

ringojs fileupload example

Does anyone have an example of uploading a file to the server using ringojs? ...

File upload in playframework with different browers

I'm using playframework to build a web site. And I also use a rich editor named xheditor. Xheditor support ajax-fileuploading, it needs the server side has a action which accepts "filedata" parameter which contains the upload file. So I wrote a upload action: public class Application extends Controller { public static void upload(...

Facebook API - Accessing a users album and using a photo

If extended permissions have been granted to the app to access a users albums, is it at all possible to display a selector where the user can choose one of their photos and then upload that photo to my website via a form submission? ...

How many concurrent upload can a Rails App handle

We are expect to serve few thousands uploads within 2 or 3 minutes. Most of the uploads will be about 20 -> 200 Mb. Technically, I think upload has not much to do with Rails, but rather the WebServer (Apache/Nginx), so as long as the server can handle concurrent requests, then there not much work for Rails app to do (except to move the f...

php, deleting files from a cell phone

I am working on a project were users will be uploading images from their cell phones to the website, and I am wanting to delete these files off their phones once the images have been uploaded. ...

Emulating FileUpload to work in all browsers

I am writing an application that is used internally inside our network to upload data from an Excel spreadsheet into a database. I don't want to upload the file, but I want to allow the user to select a file from any location on a network. I've built this to work fine using IE, but as many others have noted in their posts, other browse...

php multiple file upload

Hey all, I have a script I'm working out to upload up to 10 files at once. I have 10 seperate inputs in my html: <?php for($i=0;$i<10;++$i) { $num = $i+1; echo ' <span>'.$num.'</span><input type="file" name="photo'.$i.'" /> '; } ?> And then I have my uploader which I have used ...

ASP.NET MVC passing Model *together* with files back to controller

Ok, I've been going at this for several hours and I simply cannot find the solution. I want to get some data from my user. So first, I use a controller to create a view which receives a Model: public ViewResult CreateArticle() { Article newArticle = new Article(); ImagesUploadModel dataFromUser = new ImagesUploadModel(newArticl...

How to upload a word document to Zoho document Viewer

Hi I am trying to show a MS Word document in blackberry browser by using Zoho Viewer API. Zoho method of sending request is on the following link Now using HTML and JSP, its quite easy but I want to send this request using Blackberry java app. What i want is that i send a file ...

Why do I get a timeout when uploading files larger than 100KB?

I have a web site on IIS7. I can upload a maximum of 100KB, but if I try any files larger than 100K then I get a timeout error. I have added following setting to my web.config file but I am getting the same error: <security> <requestFiltering> <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2000000000"></requestLimits> </requestFilter...

Why isn't Firefox submitting my form twice?

HTML/JS Here: PHP Here: Based on Ajax F1's tutorial here: Anyway, my problem. In Chrome, this works fine. However, in Firefox, it will upload the first file no problem, and begin uploading the second one. I've traced it in Fi...

Copying file uploaded vai PHP's HTTP Get in PHP 4

Hello, I have been working on adding functionality to a site originally written in PHP 4.4.9. It's not in their budget to port the site to PHP5, so don't even suggest it. (Although it needs it badly). The problem I am facing is how to copy binary data from a GET request to a file location on the server. The code that is currently writte...

Custom MTOM binding and Max upload size

I'm using the binding configuration below for my upload service, <binding name="FileUploadSTSBinding"> <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" keyEntropyMode="ServerEntropy" requireSecurityContextCancellation="false" ...

Uploading files with jquery's .post

Hi, I have form that uploads file's perfectly, with a post-page-refresh-form. However I have ajaxiefied the form with jquery's $.post All of the data except for the file upload is saving nicely. Is there somthing special I need to do to the form or in jquery to get the upload to work? Thanks! ...

unable to upload file to java webservice

Hi all, i need to test a java webservice in webmethods server receiving files. to achieve that i just create a simple HTML form : <html> <body> <h2>ServiceRequest - File upload</h2> <form method="post" action="url/invoke/webservice" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" id="mime" name="mime"> </br></br> <input ...