
How do I invoke a Perl CGI script when the user requests an HTML page?

Is there anyway to invoke a Perl CGI script when an HTML page is requested to server? Just like a script can be tied to an action, is there anyway to tie a script to "Request for page" ...

How can I upload my files to my static server from a production server?

I have django and django's admin setup on my production box. This means that all file uploads are stored on the production box, all the media is stored there. I have a separate server for files now ( different box, ip ). I want to upload my files there. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods I've thought about, and a...

file won't upload unless i change the file permission to 0777 on my server

hi there, i am unaware on the cons and pros of giving the directory permission to 0777, and i have left with no choice but to use the 0777 file permission to upload files on my server through my application. the following file permission works for me to upload file 0757 and 0557. this means i can upload the file with the world or othe...

Zend_File_Transfer and Zend_ProgressBar

Hey folks, in order to monitor the upload of large video files I'm using the progress bar as shown in the demo that is shipped with the framework. The upload is working fine and the progress is shown correctly. However, since the form is targeting a hidden iframe, the server response to the initial post request is sent to that hidden i...

AJAX AsyncFileUpload Problem

Hi, I am having a problem using the AJAX AsyncFileUpload control. I currently have a page that simply contains a textbox inside an UpdatePanel and the upload control itself just outside of it. I have written a JavaScript function called from the upload controls OnClientUploadComplete property which does a postback on the contents of the...

CakePHP - Multiple image upload with sort & preview

Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to do this functionality but it's a lot harder than I thought. Can anyone give me a pointer / point me to an existing component on how I can achieve the functionality in the image attached? So what I have is, I have a Model called Instruction. And Instruction has Steps. Below is the form for St...

Posting a file from C# to ASP.Net

Hey, I have a C# client which once every hour needs to post some zip files to ASP.Net site. This needs to be completely automated with no user interaction. Wondering the best way to go about it. Ideally would like to post the file without setting up any non .aspx / .asp pages. Thanks for the help! ...

C# WebClient UploadFile giving me a PathTooLongException (its not too long!)

Hey. Doing a file upload to an aspx page from C#. Getting a: PathTooLongException The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. Here's the code: try { using (var clie...

Sending files from the form to another server

Hello fellow programmers, I have a page that allows users to submit photos to the server. On another server I need to have a page that will have access to those photos on the first server and give possibility to upload/delete photos. What choices do I have considering that I have full access to both servers and I don't want to use php f...

iPhone SDK : How to save a image as a file and POST it back to PHP server ???

Hi all, I'm look for a solution to upload an image file to PHP server I find some tutorial to get a photo from this video and you can get source code here How can I use an IBAction to send the photo to a URL server for example I give it a URL:http://someaddress/photo_upd.php or more specific, HOW TO CONVERT IMAGE I GET FROM CAMER...

How do i provide chunked transfer encoding

Sorry for asking this again but i did n't get any answer so i am asking ,i have rails application thats uploading some large file (2gb) but these upload are only possible with google chrome but using Internetexplorer only 1 gb of file being uploaded after that meas more than 1.5 gb IE throwing saying like Internet Explorer cannot displa...

Trying to upload large mp4 to amazon s3. All other files work, but the ones im uploading.

Hello all, I have built an s3 uploader to select a file and upload it via amazon's s3 class. I have it working and it uploads all other media except for these particular mp4 files that im am building this for. I have even tested it with larger sized files. It only seems to be these mp4 files. File: MP4 AVC/H.264 1280x764 (60M average ...

getting null path while uploading image upload in .net

I have used file upload control of but I am getting empty string while code- <asp:FileUpload ID="fuProductLogo" runat="server" CssClass="file paddBottom5px" /> .cs code is- if (fuProductLogo.PostedFile != null && fuProductLogo.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) { ... } but the .PstedFile and .CountLeng...

How do I implement a secure upoad/download area?

Hi Everyone, I've been asked to create a solution where people log in and are able to upload and download off of our work server. So John uploads a photo, and Jen can download it, for example. They also have to authenticate themselves. Can someone give me a rough overview of how to implement this? I'm familiar enough with MySQL, C#,...

Rails: InvalidAuthenticityToken while token is supplied

I'm trying to use an Java Applet for uploading files to my rails application. However I keep getting the following error and I can't figure out why: Processing CategoriesController#upload_image (for at 2010-10-18 20:32:54) [POST] Parameters: {"partitionIndex"=>"0", "fileId"=>"8278320", "lastModified"=>"2010-09-18T14:31:...

How do I upload an image file using MVC2

Im trying to us a controller in MVC2 to upload a file but i get an object reference not set to an instance of an object error [HttpPost] public ActionResult AddPhoto(int id, FormCollection formValues, HttpPostedFile image, AlbumPhotos photo ) { AlbumPhoto photos = new AlbumPhoto(); UserPhotoAlbum ...

PHP APC uploads are never marked as complete

I have a LAMP setup running PHP 5.2.6-1 with the Suhosin Patch ( and Zend (2.2.0) with APC enabled for use with a file upload script using an ajax cal to get the status and generate a progress bar. Everything appears to be working, the file uploads perfectly and is displayed correctly on the website or if you download it, but it...

Best approach for speedy debug and efficiently fixing large image files upload failure

Consider a normal PHP image upload functionality (not using AJAX) and there occurs this problem of large image upload failing occasionally - less frequently on one test server and more frequently on another test server. Assuming the debugger has not yet started debugging the problem and there are no file/folder permission issues, how to ...

Amazon S3 direct upload not recognizing file's content type

I have my Rails application set up where each user can upload an avatar. The image is uploaded directly to Amazon's S3 using HTTP Post. So far everything is working except that the user is able to upload any type of file. I'm using a fork of the d2s3 plugin by camelpunch. Here are the helpers: policy = Base64.encode64( "{'expirat...

How to reduce time it takes to upload files to cloud solutions like rackspace

My website users needs to upload big video files which would eventually go sit in the rackspace cloud file solution. How do i get big files uploaded faster ? Any techniques to enable user not to wait too long? ...